In 1990, role-playing inventor, Steve Jackson, was planning his newest game, which he would ultimately call the "Illuminati -- New World Order" Game, or "INWO" for short. Jackson was creating a game that would hit very, very close to home, very close to the actual plan of the Illuminati to propel the world into the New World Order -- also known as the Kingdom of Antichrist. As we shall show you, Jackson issued playing cards, three of which foretold the events of 9/11, three of which correctly predict future events just ahead of us, and two that correctly foretell the last two events that the Bible foretells will occur during the final birth pangs that will produce Antichrist!
How did Steve Jackson know the Illuminati Plan so precisely? In fact, he knew the Plan so exactly he got a surprise visit from the Secret Service, who tried their best to shut him down and prevent him from publishing his game. As you will see from viewing excerpts of Jackson's account of the raid, they were very interested in his files entitled, "Illuminist BBS". Let us listen to Jackson's account of the raid [ ]
"On the morning of March 1, [1990] without warning, a force of armed Secret Service agents - accompanied by Austin police and at least one civilian 'expert' from the phone company - occupied the offices of Steve Jackson Games and began to search for computer equipment. The home ... the writer of GURPS Cyberpunk, was also raided. A large amount of equipment was seized, including four computers, two laser printers, some loose hard disks and a great deal of assorted hardware. One of the computers was the one running the Illuminati BBS."
The company, "S.J. Games" fought back in court and finally won, but nearly went under financially. The investigation zeroed in on "fraud" supposedly committed by the company regarding the hacker activity and the fact that the company promoted the hacker's newsletter, "Phrack". However, this is so flimsy that it makes no common sense; in fact, the affidavit made so little sense that a Judge threw the case out, awarding S.J. Games $50,000 plus $250,000 attorney's fees. That is a lot of taxpayer's money to pay for a stupid, nonsensical case!
But, it does highlight the fact that our Illuminist government, the Secret Service then run by President George Bush (Sr.) was worried about something that S.J. Games was up to, and cooked up a reason to invade their offices and confiscate their materials. We think, after you review these materials, you will believe, as do I, that the real reason the Secret Service invaded S.J. Games was to shut them down so they could not produce the game "Illuminati -- New World Order (INWO), for it revealed too much of the plan that was still 11 years in the future. You be the judge.
This game was in the beginning stages in 1990 and was finally published in 1995, becoming a best seller. As Steve Jackson says on his website: "In 1994, he reworked the old faithful Illuminati to jump on the trading-card bandwagon. INWO (Illuminati: New World Order) became the company's biggest hit yet, and its first million-dollar ship." In fact, the "INWO" won the 1995 Origins Award for Best Card Game.
As early as 1911, the elite began buying textbook writing companies, until they owned them all after World War I. Once they got control of textbooks, they gradually began to "dumb down" the curricula and rewrite history. Today, students of public schools since World War II have received increasingly inferior educations, until now the population is largely academically inferior, is political herds of "sheeple."
"Terrorist Nuke" -- This card is one of the most shocking of all, especially in light of the fact that this game first hit the specialty stores in 1995! How in the world did Steve Jackson know that the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center were going to be attacked? In fact, this card accurately depicted the World Trade Center attack in great detail. This card accurately depicts several facts of 9/11 -- on cards created all the way back in 1995! The picture accurately depicts:
* That one tower was going to be struck first; this picture accurately depicts the moments between the first tower strike and the second.
* The card accurately depicts that the place of impact is some distance from the top of the twin towers. The plane hit in this approximate area of the first tower. How in the world could Steve Jackson know this fact?
* The card accurately depicts the Illuminati leadership by showing on the building to the extreme left of the card the Illuminist pyramid with an all-seeing eye in the middle.
* The caption at the top properly identifies the perpetrators of the attack as "terrorists"
However, what does the caption to this card mean? It says, "Terrorist Nuke". Now, what could this possibly mean? The Twin Towers were not destroyed by a terrorist nuclear device, or were they? In our article on the Bali Blast, we noted the scientific data that suggested the hotel was taken down by a micro-nuclear device of about 0.10 kilotons [Read NEWS1715]. One can only ask: was a micro-nuclear device used at the base of the Twin Towers as well? That kind of small, but nuclear, explosion would account for the sudden manner the reinforced concrete and steel shell simply crumbled into dust as it fell. That kind of nuclear explosion would also explain the tremendous heat that stayed at "Ground Zero" for several months after 9/11. As we head into the planned "terrorist attacks" and attendant panics, we have to remain cognizant that a micro-nuke device might be the real culprit in some of these attacks.
"Pentagon" -- When I saw this card, immediately after seeing the Twin Tower picture, my blood froze! Unless one had advanced knowledge of the Illuminati Plan, there is no way on earth that they would have been able to create pictures in 1995 that accurately depict the unfolding events of 9/11! The Pentagon is shown on fire; we know that a plane allegedly flew into a section of the Pentagon and nearly burned that section completely. However, the rest of the Pentagon was undamaged to the point where its functions continued unimpeded.
Isn't this the situation depicted here? This card shows a fire burning mightily in the center courtyard of the Pentagon, but the rest of the building looks undamaged enough so that normal activities could continue unimpeded!
Thus, these two cards literally depict both of the strikes of 9/11: against the Twin Towers first and then against the Pentagon.
This kind of accuracy 6 years before the attacks is possible only if one knows.
"Center For Disease Control" -- "As its action, the CDC can supply Relief to one Devastated location ... If the CDC makes a direct attack to destroy a Place, it can use biological warfare and get a plus 15 to its attack." Don't you find it highly interesting that this game foresees the CDC creating and launching a biological attack on a "Place"! In the earlier part of this article, we posted the very important question as to who would launch a smallpox attack upon us, if Iraq, North Korea, al Qaeda, Syria, and other rogue states are unable to launch a weaponized smallpox attack; this card seems to answer this question: the CDC will launch the attack! Of course, our authorities will undoubtedly accuse either Iraq or terrorists for this smallpox attack!
Truly, if a sophisticated attack were made on our cities with a bio-terror weapons, the thinking American citizen would have to realize that only the Russians or the Americans possessed the capability of inflicting this attack. Remember when 11 of the world's top scientists in the field of DNA and in fighting infectious diseases started dropping dead almost exactly a year ago. At the moment the CDC is supposedly struggling with a bio-terror attack, these top scientists will no longer be able to do either of the following actions:
1. Use their expertise to fight this disease
2. Use their expertise to alert the world that only the U.S. and the Russians had the capability of inflicting this type of bio-terror attack. None of these scientists will be able to blow the whistle!
"Epidemic" -- "Disaster! This is an attack to destroy any Place. It does not require an action. Its power is 14. This is not an instant attack. If the attack succeeds, the target is Devastated." The wording of this card -- "not an instant attack" -- seems to imply that the attack will occur silently, with people getting sick at different times well after the attack. This wording seems perilously close to the New World Order Plan. Listen:
"Len: And this report went on to say that the experiment was considered a partial failure because they got a slow-acting virus rather than a fast one. They were allegedly looking for fact acting killers. Robert: Except that quick viruses are, of course, worthless, because they're too easy to defend against. I mean a very fast-acting virus is not any good ... Cold Springs Harbor put out a big thing on MMMV, that is, the 'maximally monstrous malignant virus' ..." [Dr. Leonard Horowitz, "Emerging Viruses: AIDS and Ebola", p. 106]
Dr. Horowitz clearly believes that the Plan calls for a slow-acting virus, one that will begin to kill people at different times after the initial infection.
We encourage you to read up on the complete explanation of the planned use of infectious disease to dramatically reduce global population and the historical fact that vaccinations have already been used to kill tens of millions of people.
"Combined Disasters" -- Once again, how did this inventor of role-playing games know that, in addition to planned attacks on 9/11, and infectious diseases, the elite has a myriad of other planned disasters that, when combined, they will so panic the peoples of the world that they will allow their liberties to be taken away and their freely elected governments to be abolished?
What are the types of planned disasters the Illuminati has planned in combination?
Wars -- World War III will be comprised of three wars:
Middle East with Iraq attack the likely trigger. Will China come to the aid of Saddam by triggering wars elsewhere?
Korean Peninsula, as North Korea attacks the South with unconventional weapons and China takes her side, causing a Cuban Missile type crisis
China invades Taiwan
Terrorist Attacks in Cities
Unprecedented earthquakes
Economic Collapse
Supernatural scenes from the heavens
"Can you imagine what will happen if Los Angeles is hit with a 9.0 quake, New York City is destroyed by a terrorist-planted atomic bomb, World War III breaks out in the Middle East, the banks and stock markets collapse, Extraterrestrials land on the White House lawn, food disappears from the markets, some people disappear, the Messiah presents himself to the world, and all in a very short period of time? Can you imagine? The world power structure can, and will if necessary, make some or all of these things happen to bring about the New World Order."
"Goal: Kill For Peace" -- How did this inventor know to connect the appearance of Antichrist with the phrase, "Kill For Peace"? The Broken Cross is a symbol of Antichrist, and of the Witchcraft he will practice. Therefore, this symbol means that the appearance of Antichrist is tied in with the seemingly paradoxical goal of achieving peace.
Thus, this card accurately depicts this prophecy! This picture ties in the symbolism of the Witchcraft inherent in the Broken Cross with the establishment of a "peace". Further, note that the hippie is finally getting his dream of overthrowing the establishment! The police officer in his uniform is on his hands and knees in front of the hippies, in a pose signifying he has been beaten. The ultimate goal of the Illuminati in the 1960's was to pay and encourage the counter-culture hippie movement in order to change attitudes and values of the youth so dramatically that, one day, the entire establishment structure would be overthrown. Hippie Abby Hoffman exclaimed about the Rockefellers who were funding him, "The establishment is buying a revolution!"
Now, the fulfillment of this old dream seems to be almost at hand. A violent overthrow of the Old World Order -- symbolized by the fallen policeman -- is absolutely required before the New World Order can be established.
This card is a powerful statement of the coming new system, frightening as it is.
This role-playing game called the "Illuminati -- New World Order", or "INWO" is smoking gun proof that the Illuminati plan to produce Antichrist was well known in certain circles in 1995, when the game was distributed. Too many details are presented by these cards too close to the actual event to be accidental. The game depicts the events of 9/11 quite accurately and it depicts the planned events of bio-terror that are filling our daily news.
The world is quietly being led to the slaughterhouse. Very few give a damn. Especially the corporate media. Time to exterminate the ELITE!
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
The plan is to get everyone microchipped
By Vincent L. Guarisco
Online Journal Guest Writer
Jul 22, 2008, 00:13
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“Think for yourself and question authority.” --Timothy Leary (1920 – 1996),
American writer, psychologist, futurist and icon of psychedelic drug research and use.
I hate to be the bogeyman or bearer of bad news in many of my essays, but listen-up: In this authoritarian driven 21st century so full of numerous Orwellian creations, a long developed scientific control tactic may soon be realized in our lifetime in order to steal everyone’s personal freedom. Yes, the powers that be want to implant tiny little microchips into our bodies for surveillance purposes, behavior manipulation, and more . . .
For me, just the thought of this intrusive Machiavellian scheme is comparable to having a bad hallucinogenic acid trip. In fact, I consider this whole chip-trip more dangerous than taking a massive overdose of LSD, then wildly running down the middle of a busy expressway at rush hour in a major metropolitan city. Indeed, I’m sure Timothy Leary would greatly appreciate me quoting him on this one! And I’m equally sure if he were alive today, he would offer ‘something snappy’ to counter this hideous idea of chipping everyone up. He once said, ‘Science is all Metaphor.’ How ironic and often true. But Leary is best known for coining the phrase, ‘turn-on, tune-in, drop-out.’ However, after learning about this electronic assault on technology, I’m sure he would probably offer the following sober advise -- turn-me-over, tune your lips on-my-ass and drop-dead. Indeed, I’d bet my sanity on that one.
The idea of controlling the world populace through new and improved scientific electronic control technology has been up-graded for decades. It’s an on-going sadistic dream birthed in the belly of old CIA programs such as Dr. Jose Delgado’s MKULTRA project group. The goal is simple, the powerful elites want to find a better, easier, more efficient way to control everyone at will with fewer jackboots in the streets.
Quickly now, pinch me hard and fast. And, if I should die before I wake, please send my ashes into space on a jet plane just like Timothy Leary did so many years ago. Because I, too, may soon want to escape my earthly bounds as well. I may soon think this ominous planet earth is not worthy of the experience. I am not a ‘chip’ off the old puppet-block for fuck-heads to pull my strings at will.
Believe it or not, this reality is now reaching a critical juncture for totally wiping out the freedom we have known and enjoyed for 232 years. Bottom line, this new technology promises to usher in a new era of modern day slavery -- in the extreme. A lowly, monstrous prodigy that could stream for generations.
Ostensibly, manipulative electronic implants are for real. And these new chips are ready to be unknowingly injected into the public bloodstream through the end of any hypodermic needle. Let’s entertain the possibility that a massive vaccination program may soon be announced at a clinic near you, where everyone will be required to receive a mandatory immunization shot in the name of ‘public safety.’ Although this scheme was cloaked in secrecy behind closed doors, Homeland Security (and FEMA) already have executive orders in place to quickly implement this microchip program into reality upon a minute’s notification. Conspiracy theory? Think again . . .
What are these microchips all about you say? Well, these crazy scientists have developed this insane technology far beyond the confines of simple GPS-tracking ability via satellite. In fact, they have made great leaps and bounds in the area of ‘neuroscience.’ Get ready to pop your cork -- the experimental monkey is on our back now.
In addition to having the ability to easily track anyone’s whereabouts on the globe (just like our current passports and money), they can now monitor and/or regulate our physical and emotional state in real human form. Thus, once the chip is in, they will be able to manipulate us at will using either remote electronic signaling, or by relying on the chip’s pre-integrated software program. Sort of like loading a disk directly into a computer hard drive, only this is us, not computers.
Scary stuff! Yes, they can now sufficiently alter our natural emotional functions, nervous system and genetic, or ligand-receptor, networks, in order to manage desirable or undesirable behavior, thought processes and even motor skills. In essence, they can change the way our body metabolizes serotonin. Unreal? Think again, It’s limitless, including ‘death,’ with a mere push of a button if they so desire. How convenient, they can now inject miniature hit men into our bodies.
Let me explain this further. In terms of body function, serotonin can affect the heart, muscles and various elements of the endocrine system, or hormones and glands. I’m trying to keep this as simple as I can, but our body chemistry is very complex; it contains many different hormones, neurotransmitters, and other substances influencing how we think, feel and act. I want you to consider the ramifications of anyone having the ability to affect any of these changes inside our body . . . yeah, I know, this sounds like some crazy X-File stuff, straight out of Chris Carter’s imagination. But this is for real . . . it is not fiction.
After considering where we are in today’s grand global scheme of things, is it really that hard to believe? The elites have been moving mountains for decades in order to globalize the planet under one monetary banner. A one-world government using all populations as a cheap docile workforce to further their wants and needs. Ideas such as this only realize that goal even quicker and more efficiently. Yes, a lot of time, money and resources went into this project.
What better way to destroy independent thought and free will (and lives) than to kill it inside our bodies before it can begin? How hard can it be for them to control us once the chips are implanted? My God, this is the ultimate form of absolute control without tarnishing a bit of landscape. Atomic weapons and most conventional warfare could be a thing of the past in the near future. Why pollute and destroy industrial factories, critical infrastructure, agriculture fields, small towns or major cities when they can steal lives, control our thoughts, manipulate our bodily functions and harness the slave matrix without firing a single shot? Now this is control!
In ending, I have given you just enough information about this subject to inspire you to do more research on your own. Naturally, I could be lying. I don’t expect you to take my word for it. I want you to find your own answers. Only then, will you realize the full gravity of our situation. The truth has always been out there, you just need to find it -- and then act accordingly. The horrible technology is here, the only question is how much persuading will be necessary to make us obediently -- even gleefully -- accept it?
One thing is certain, this will move forward in the name of national security and public safety. I used to believe it would happen slowly, step by step. But now, I think it’s going to be escalated soon. Perhaps, as quickly as mid 2009. Remember this well, if this is allowed to happen, we will be led into a place where no one, if they thought about it, would ever willingly go. Once we have crossed that line, there will be no means to escape this madness . . .
Vincent L Guarisco is a freelance writer from Bullhead City, Arizona, a contributing writer for many web sites, and a lifetime founding member of the Alliance of Atomic Veterans. Reprint permission is given as long as article content is not altered or changed and credit is given to the author. The 21st century, once so full of shining promise, now threatens to force countless millions of us at home and abroad into a dark abyss of languishing poverty and silent servitude; a lowly prodigy of painful struggle and suffering that could stream for generations to come. I’m wishing for a miracle, before it is too late, that the masses will figure it out and will stand as one and roar. So, pass the word. It’s past time to take back what is ours — the American Dream where the pursuit of happiness, the ability to live in a free and peaceful nation is a reality. We bought it, and we paid for it. It’s time to take it back. For replies, contact
Online Journal Guest Writer
Jul 22, 2008, 00:13
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“Think for yourself and question authority.” --Timothy Leary (1920 – 1996),
American writer, psychologist, futurist and icon of psychedelic drug research and use.
I hate to be the bogeyman or bearer of bad news in many of my essays, but listen-up: In this authoritarian driven 21st century so full of numerous Orwellian creations, a long developed scientific control tactic may soon be realized in our lifetime in order to steal everyone’s personal freedom. Yes, the powers that be want to implant tiny little microchips into our bodies for surveillance purposes, behavior manipulation, and more . . .
For me, just the thought of this intrusive Machiavellian scheme is comparable to having a bad hallucinogenic acid trip. In fact, I consider this whole chip-trip more dangerous than taking a massive overdose of LSD, then wildly running down the middle of a busy expressway at rush hour in a major metropolitan city. Indeed, I’m sure Timothy Leary would greatly appreciate me quoting him on this one! And I’m equally sure if he were alive today, he would offer ‘something snappy’ to counter this hideous idea of chipping everyone up. He once said, ‘Science is all Metaphor.’ How ironic and often true. But Leary is best known for coining the phrase, ‘turn-on, tune-in, drop-out.’ However, after learning about this electronic assault on technology, I’m sure he would probably offer the following sober advise -- turn-me-over, tune your lips on-my-ass and drop-dead. Indeed, I’d bet my sanity on that one.
The idea of controlling the world populace through new and improved scientific electronic control technology has been up-graded for decades. It’s an on-going sadistic dream birthed in the belly of old CIA programs such as Dr. Jose Delgado’s MKULTRA project group. The goal is simple, the powerful elites want to find a better, easier, more efficient way to control everyone at will with fewer jackboots in the streets.
Quickly now, pinch me hard and fast. And, if I should die before I wake, please send my ashes into space on a jet plane just like Timothy Leary did so many years ago. Because I, too, may soon want to escape my earthly bounds as well. I may soon think this ominous planet earth is not worthy of the experience. I am not a ‘chip’ off the old puppet-block for fuck-heads to pull my strings at will.
Believe it or not, this reality is now reaching a critical juncture for totally wiping out the freedom we have known and enjoyed for 232 years. Bottom line, this new technology promises to usher in a new era of modern day slavery -- in the extreme. A lowly, monstrous prodigy that could stream for generations.
Ostensibly, manipulative electronic implants are for real. And these new chips are ready to be unknowingly injected into the public bloodstream through the end of any hypodermic needle. Let’s entertain the possibility that a massive vaccination program may soon be announced at a clinic near you, where everyone will be required to receive a mandatory immunization shot in the name of ‘public safety.’ Although this scheme was cloaked in secrecy behind closed doors, Homeland Security (and FEMA) already have executive orders in place to quickly implement this microchip program into reality upon a minute’s notification. Conspiracy theory? Think again . . .
What are these microchips all about you say? Well, these crazy scientists have developed this insane technology far beyond the confines of simple GPS-tracking ability via satellite. In fact, they have made great leaps and bounds in the area of ‘neuroscience.’ Get ready to pop your cork -- the experimental monkey is on our back now.
In addition to having the ability to easily track anyone’s whereabouts on the globe (just like our current passports and money), they can now monitor and/or regulate our physical and emotional state in real human form. Thus, once the chip is in, they will be able to manipulate us at will using either remote electronic signaling, or by relying on the chip’s pre-integrated software program. Sort of like loading a disk directly into a computer hard drive, only this is us, not computers.
Scary stuff! Yes, they can now sufficiently alter our natural emotional functions, nervous system and genetic, or ligand-receptor, networks, in order to manage desirable or undesirable behavior, thought processes and even motor skills. In essence, they can change the way our body metabolizes serotonin. Unreal? Think again, It’s limitless, including ‘death,’ with a mere push of a button if they so desire. How convenient, they can now inject miniature hit men into our bodies.
Let me explain this further. In terms of body function, serotonin can affect the heart, muscles and various elements of the endocrine system, or hormones and glands. I’m trying to keep this as simple as I can, but our body chemistry is very complex; it contains many different hormones, neurotransmitters, and other substances influencing how we think, feel and act. I want you to consider the ramifications of anyone having the ability to affect any of these changes inside our body . . . yeah, I know, this sounds like some crazy X-File stuff, straight out of Chris Carter’s imagination. But this is for real . . . it is not fiction.
After considering where we are in today’s grand global scheme of things, is it really that hard to believe? The elites have been moving mountains for decades in order to globalize the planet under one monetary banner. A one-world government using all populations as a cheap docile workforce to further their wants and needs. Ideas such as this only realize that goal even quicker and more efficiently. Yes, a lot of time, money and resources went into this project.
What better way to destroy independent thought and free will (and lives) than to kill it inside our bodies before it can begin? How hard can it be for them to control us once the chips are implanted? My God, this is the ultimate form of absolute control without tarnishing a bit of landscape. Atomic weapons and most conventional warfare could be a thing of the past in the near future. Why pollute and destroy industrial factories, critical infrastructure, agriculture fields, small towns or major cities when they can steal lives, control our thoughts, manipulate our bodily functions and harness the slave matrix without firing a single shot? Now this is control!
In ending, I have given you just enough information about this subject to inspire you to do more research on your own. Naturally, I could be lying. I don’t expect you to take my word for it. I want you to find your own answers. Only then, will you realize the full gravity of our situation. The truth has always been out there, you just need to find it -- and then act accordingly. The horrible technology is here, the only question is how much persuading will be necessary to make us obediently -- even gleefully -- accept it?
One thing is certain, this will move forward in the name of national security and public safety. I used to believe it would happen slowly, step by step. But now, I think it’s going to be escalated soon. Perhaps, as quickly as mid 2009. Remember this well, if this is allowed to happen, we will be led into a place where no one, if they thought about it, would ever willingly go. Once we have crossed that line, there will be no means to escape this madness . . .
Vincent L Guarisco is a freelance writer from Bullhead City, Arizona, a contributing writer for many web sites, and a lifetime founding member of the Alliance of Atomic Veterans. Reprint permission is given as long as article content is not altered or changed and credit is given to the author. The 21st century, once so full of shining promise, now threatens to force countless millions of us at home and abroad into a dark abyss of languishing poverty and silent servitude; a lowly prodigy of painful struggle and suffering that could stream for generations to come. I’m wishing for a miracle, before it is too late, that the masses will figure it out and will stand as one and roar. So, pass the word. It’s past time to take back what is ours — the American Dream where the pursuit of happiness, the ability to live in a free and peaceful nation is a reality. We bought it, and we paid for it. It’s time to take it back. For replies, contact
Avian Flu Has Already Been Weaponized
I'll give you the bottom line first: based on Gen. Stubblebine's careful analysis of the existing evidence, Avian Flu has already been turned into a pandemic virus with a lot of sophisticated help from people who are not your friends, but who are very good at weaponizing organisms, like the previously innocuous bird flu virus, H5N1.
There is a basic virological fact you need to know to make sense of what comes next: it is impossible to make a vaccine against a virus that does not yet exist. Public relations efforts to the contrary, IF a vaccine is being made against the Avian Flu virus in its pandemic form, that means that the pandemic virus already exists. Period. End of discussion. So that fact that the Avian Flu vaccine is already being manufactured in China by Sanofi-Pasteur, a wholly-owned subsidiary of the French arm of the Rockefeller oil cartel (Total Petroleum) is confirmation of what you are about to read. If you allow it to be introduced into your body, there is no reason to imagine it will be anything but an unmitigated disaster for your immune system and for you. We believe it's planned to be that way.
I do not know A. True Ott, PhD, but he was kind enough to send me a PDF file recently in which he puts a lot of the pieces together that I have been finding in my own research. Some of his conclusions I have serious difficulty with, but parts of his chronology are used here with appreciation.
Let's start with the basics: H5N1 is a benign, commonplace virus which most birds carry with no harm to themselves or humans. Humans also have viruses we have no problem with: these viral companions keep our immune systems healthy and humming. Only under the stimulus of novel and dangerous toxins which your body has no way to get rid of (detoxify), and stress which overwhelms your coping capacity, does an innocuous virus mutate and become something that can make you sick or kill you.
All human cases of H5N1 have occurred in areas of sick birds in large concentrations such as factory farms where handlers come into contact with stressed and sick birds in toxic surroundings where toxic residues are concentrated at high levels.
For example, in Vietnam, where thousands of gallons of Monsanto chemicals such as Agent Orange were dumped in huge amounts following the Vietnam war outbreaks of Avian Flu are not uncommon. These outbreaks occurred in highly toxic environments, where crowded, sick factory farm chickens have been inoculated [supposedly] against Avian Flu.
It will also become deadly, of course, when labs are employed to alter it so that it becomes an efficient weapon of mass destruction. The US has had a program to accomplish exactly that for over a century now, astounding as that may seem!
Our best intelligence estimate is that pandemic Avian Flu already exists. It appears to have been turned into a massive viral threat through bioengineering by the United States, fusing the deadly genome of the 1918 Pandemic, mis-named the "Spanish Flu", with the DNA of the H5N1 virus in a growth medium of human kidney cells to make sure that the virus recognizes human cells and knows how to invade them.
Please re-read that paragraph again and consider the threat that poses to you and your family.
The Spanish Pandemic Rides Again
The genome of the 1918 pandemic so-called "Spanish Flu" was recently intentionally resurrected. Because of that ressurection, the Avian Flu, and its vaccine, are now a US government-instigated threat to life - your life.
The Spanish Flu, which was not Spanish at all, was created in the US through an early bioweapons program and injected into healthy young men (i.e., 'soliders') as the first mandatory vaccination in the military during WWI (also known as the "War to End Wars" and the "Great War"). The "Spanish Flu", which originated in Kansas on US Military bases, killed a minimum of 50 million Americans. It was one of the deadliest pandemics in modern history. It was also one of the most successful biological weapons ever created.
Time Line To Disaster
This may be one of the most important chronologies you will ever read:
April 6, 1917:
• US declares war on Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria, Germany, and the Ottoman Empire.
• America swings into full production of War material.
• American men are drafted into military service and deployed for training in Spain
• ALL NEW RECRUITS ARE GIVEN MANDATORY VACCINATIONS --- One of which is a "broad-spectrum" live virus influenza vaccination
• Rockefeller makes millions in vaccine sales while consolidating Standard Oil contracts worldwide
• The first British soldiers committed to World War I are deployed to Iraq to protect American oil interests there
• Following mass vaccine injections, U.S. soldiers are crowded into troop ships and sent to "train" in Spain. Seasick, stressed soldiers aged 18-34 exhibit influenza symptoms on the voyage
• Immediately after arriving in Spain, U.S. soldiers are "trained", that is, exposed to, the various forms of gas they will experience in the trenches in France
• Exposure to these highly toxic gasses causes the live-virus influenza organisms to mutate into an extremely lethal, and highly communicable, form of virus
• Millions of young, healthy men and women aged 18-34 die worldwide as a result of vaccinations combined with novel and highly toxic chemicals
November 11, 1918
• Armastice with Germany and its Allies
• Following the end of "The Great War" - The heads of the various multi-national banks met in conference at San Remo in 1924 to assess war reparations for Germany.
• John D. Rockefeller and the Rothschilds have consolidated and vastly increased their wealth through actively funding both sides of the war
March 28, 1924
• Rockefeller formes a French oil conglomerate calling it "Total", the "French Company of Petroleums" aka CFP
• TOTAL is awarded a controlling interest via Deutsche Bank's stock in the Turkish Petroleum Company in Baghdad which was eventually renamed the Iraq Petroleum Company
• The Iraq Petroleum Company was confiscated and nationalized by Saddam Hussein in 1990.
• TOTAL Inc. is a true multi-national mega-corporation which operates in more than 130 countries and has over 110,000 employees.
Now the Avian Flu - Oil - China - US - WMD connection starts to get interesting.
Here's the Play: Oil to Drugs to Death
Two of TOTAL's prime, wholly-owned subsidiaries are the pharmaceutical giants Sanofi-Aventis, and Sanofi-Pasteur. Both are world-leaders in the development and testing of experimental vaccines, which are manufactured primarily in China. On March 23, 2005, NIH, through the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease, announces the initiation of a program to develop a vaccine for Avian Flu, asserting that although there have only been less than a handfull of cases, Avian Flu poses a vast public health menace.
[link to]
And it is clearly true that a weaponized virus does present a massive threat to public health. That's the whole point of weaponizing it, isn't it? For a look at Sanofi-Pasteur's plans for its profit (and perhaps your death). You can confirm their plans here:
But please come back when you finish reading. The information below is critically important to you.
As a side note, the Chinese factories of these two pharmacetuical mammoths are (unlike Sanofi-Pasteur's Swiftwater, PA, factory, according to dissidents such as Harry Wu, et. al.) staffed in part or entirely by poltical and other prisoners working under brutal slave labor conditions. China has a long history of Western Pharmaceutical manufacture, according to Wikipedia.
Bear in mind that most influenza strains and their hosts adapt to each other after roughtly two years, so that the same strain of flu no longer causes symptoms. Of course, once a strain has been weaponized, there is little reason to think that it will revert as natural strains do. It, or the vaccine it seems to legitimize, will go on killing and killing and killing. Or is the word "culling"?
To date, there have only been around 385 human cases identified worldwide (if those identifications are trustworthy, of course), with only 243 deaths. To put the absurdity of this effort into perspective, Sudden Cardiac Death (SCD), which researchers believe is heavily associated with aspartame consumption, is a leading cause of death which, according to the CDC, for example, killed 460,000 Americans in 1999 and the numbers keep rising ( [link to]
To quote Dr. Ott, "There are 6.7 Billion humans on planet earth. This equates to a statistical infection rate of .000000004215 percent. In other words, statistically speaking, you are over 100,000 times more likely to be hit by lightning in your home than to contract the "Bird Flu."
Given the shockingly obvious lack of a real threat from an unweaponized H5N1 virus, how can we explain the Bush Administration spending billions of dollars preparing each of the 50 States for what it drums into us is the "inevitable Bird Flu pandemic" anticipated to kill half or more of all Americans and similar numbers of people around the globe?
Back to the Time Line
March 1997:
• Zero confirmed "H5N1" human cases exist anywhere in the word
• The U.S. Armed Forces Institute of Pathology, Ft. Detrick, Rockville, Maryland, the US research center for biological weaponry, commissions Dr. Jeffery Taubenberger to lead a research team to ISOLATE the 1918 Flu Virus' genetic code, the most lethal pathogen in history
Aug. 24, 1997:
• Brevig, Alaska. Research Team member Johan Hultin sends well-preserved 1918 flu virus specimens (from a frozen body killed by the 1918 flu) to Dr. Taubenberger's lab in Maryland.
• Days later, Taubenberger detects the genetic fragments for which he has been searching.
• The 1918 virus' RNA-based gene fragments are analyzed by computer sequencing in order to reveal its complete genetic code. Even with a super-computer, this code sequencing will take years to complete.
October, 2003:
• Taubenberger's team finally deciphers the deadly 1918 flu virus' entire genetic code - completing a 6 year project.
• Taubenberger's colleague, R.G. Webster, publishes article in American Scientist Magazine declaring: "The world is teetering on the edge of a flu pandemic that could kill a large fraction of the human population".
October, 2004
• Dmtry Lvov, head of the Russian Virology Institute declares that up to one billion people around the world could die during the next pandemic.
June, 2005:
• At Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York (alleged to be Rockefeller controlled), Taubenberger,Peter Palese and Adolfo Garcia-Sastro create plasmids, or DNA rings, from the 1918 killer virus, permanently "stabilizing" its genetic material for use as a biological weapon
• This is the final step in revitalizing the deadly pathogen but the press is told tit will only to be used as a "vaccination tool" - even though the disease is currently non-existent.
August, 2005:
• Taugenberger's team inserts plasmids into human kidney cells which then transfers human DNA into the virus making it "human specific"
• The 1918 virus, responsible for the death of millions around the world is now ready for use by humans
Sept. 9, 2005:
• The UN in New York City issues a world-wide press release introducing David Nabarro as the "UN System Senior Coordinator for Avian, Human Influenza".
Sept. 29, 2005:
• Nabarro issues an "Official U.N. Warning" that "an outbreak of 'avian influenza' would kill between 5 million and 150 million people on each continent."
Oct. 2005:
• Pres. Bush's newly appointed secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS, the parent organization of both the CDC and the FDA), former Utah Governor Mike O. Leavitt, intensifies multibillion Pandemic Bird Flu preparations
Dec. 2005:
• Bush solicits Congress for $7.1 Billion to fund "preparations" --- $3.3 billion is immediately allocated to Leavitt's HHS
January 24, 2006
• Department of Homeland Security awards KBR, a Halliburton subsidiary, a $385 million contract for US detention centers
Jan. 2006:
• Leavitt launches website - - on which he says: "Let me be clear. It is only a matter of time before we discover H5N1 in America. The migration patterns of the wild fowl that carry the virus makes it appearance here almost inevitable!"
• China hosts the "International Pledging Conference on Avian and Human Influenza" in Beijing and is promised massive sums of money from the west --- Leavitt alone commits $334 million in funds to aid China's research into "vaccine development".
• Leavitt has a long history of fostering Chinese trade activities as Utah's Governor
March 2006:
• Breaking new ground, Leavitt's HHS allocates funds to a private television network to produce a "made-for-TV" movie about the "bird flu"
• Leavitt jokes that he wants "the handsomest actor" to play his character
• Leavitt declares on HHS website (exactly as John D. Rockefeller declared in 1916): "The best defense against influenza is VACCINATION."
• Leavitt further declares: "The current U.S. capacity for manufacturing egg-based vaccines is not sufficient to supply our entire population. HHS is supporting research into [human kidney] cell-based vaccine manufacture of producing vaccine domestically
April, 2006:
• HHS announces a $97 million contract for the development of cell-based flu vaccine.
• Leavitt declares: "The FDA can use its Emergency Use Authorization authority to permit the use of unapproved products if there's a reasonable belief the products may be effective."
• 32 states pass laws which make resisting inocculation once ordered by the governor a felony.
• These laws join Patriot Act I, II, BARDA, BIOSHIELD I, II in making drug treatment and innoculation mandatory once a Pandemic is called.
• Unlimited quarantine without review is mandated under these laws for those who resist innoculation under Pandemic conditions.
• Fully staffed, empty detention centers exist all over North America. The largest, in Alasks, is roumored to have a 2.5 million person capacity.
December, 2006
• New York Times reports Gulf War Syndrome positively linked to vaccination of Veterans.
• More than 100,000 vets contracted the syndrome during the 1991 Desert Storm Operation.
• More than 20,000 vets have died to date from this syndrom believed to be triggered by squalene, a vaccine "adjuvant."
• All modern vaccines contain squalene
April 17, 2007:
• The Food and Drug Adminstration (FDA) branch of HHS utilizes its Emergency Use Authorization authority and awards a license to produce H5N1 "Bird Flu" vaccines to Sanofi-Pasteur.
• FDA Bird Flu approval letter states:
"We have approved your Biologics License Application (BLA) for Influenza Virus Vaccine, H5N1, effective this date. You are hereby authorized to introduce or deliver for introduction into interstate commerce, Influenza Virus Vaccine, H5N1, under your existing Department of Health and Human Services U.S. License No. 1725; however, we acknowledge your statement provided in your submission of April 5, 2007, that Sanofi Pasteur Inc. does not intend to license this product for commercial distribution, since it was produced under contract to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services as part of national pandemic preparedness initiatives. Influenza Virus Vaccine, H5N1, is indicated for active immunization of persons 18 through 64 years of age at increased risk of exposure to the H5N1 influenza virus subtype contained in the vaccine."
• Among the required post-market studies on this untested vaccine are;
1. Protocol submission: Study DMID 04-077: "A randomized, double-blinded, phase I/II, study of the safety, reactogenicity, and immunogenicity of intramuscular inactivated influenza A/H5N1 vaccine in healthy children aged 2 years through 9 years."
2. Final study report submission: September 30, 2008.Study DMID 04-076: "A randomized double-blinded, placebo-controlled, phase I/II, dose-ranging study of the safety, reactogenicity, and immunogenicity of intramuscular inactivated influenza A/H5N1 vaccine in healthy elderly adults."
3. Study DMID 05-0043: "Revaccination of healthy subjects with intramuscular inactivated subunit influenza A/Vietnam/1203/2004 (H5N1) vaccine representing a drifted variant.
4. "Study DMID 05-0090: "Evaluation of a booster dose of A/Vietnam/1203/04 (H5N1) vaccine administered at 6 months to healthy adult subjects after a two dose schedule at 0 and 1 month."
5. Study DMID 05-0129: "Open label evaluation of H5N1 vaccine at vaccine manufacturing facilities."
6. Study DMID 05-0130: "A single center, open label, phase I/II study of the safety and immunogenicity of two 90 µg doses of intramuscular inactivated influenza A/H5N1 vaccine in healthy adult subjects."
Nov. 26, 2007:
• Leavitt's HHS orders 100 million H5N1 "vaccines [doses]" from Sanofi-Pasteur. Expected delivery date, August, 2008.
• Sanofi-Pasteur issues a press release announcing their lucrative HHS contract (100 million vaccines @ $15 USD each) and declares that the cell-based vaccine will be mass produced in the company's CHINA facility - then shipped to Stillwater, PA for hypodermic syringe-friendly packaging.
• Approval and contract have all been consumated in the absence of offical human testing.
Jan. 2008:
• Covert 'human trials' of Sanofi-Pasteur H5N1 vaccine is conducted on 350 homeless vagrants in Poland.
• According to London Telegraph ( [link to]
February 14, 2008
• U.S. Air Force Gen. Gene Renuart, commander of North American Aerospace Defense Command and U.S. Northern Command, and Canadian Air Force Lt.-Gen. Marc Dumais, commander of Canada Command, sign a Civil Assistance Plan that allows the military from one nation to support the armed forces of the other nation during a civil emergency.
• "Our commands were created by our respective governments to respond to the defense and security challenges of the twenty-first century, and we both realize that these and other challenges are best met through cooperation between friends....
The plan facilitates the military-to-military support of civil authorities once government authorities have agreed on an appropriate response."
• Avian Flu response is a part of NorthCom's mission, and according to Gen. Stubblebine's analysis, appears to be the primary element in its mission: [link to]
June 17, 2008
• Dr. David Nabarro, UN Influenza Coordinator, welcomes a donation of 60 million doses of H5N1 Avian Flu vaccine by Sanofi-Pasteur.
• This adds to the stockpile of a previous donation of 30 million doses by GlaxoSmithKline Dr. Nabarro said that good progress had been made but Avian Flu could still kill as many of 150 million people.
• Avian Flu still entrenched in Viet Nam, Bangladesh, India, Egypt and India [sic] says Dr. Nabarro.
• Outbreaks recorded in 60 more countries according to US Influenza Coordinator.
But the people who make vaccines are ethical and look out for our best interests don't they? The cold, hard fact is that vaccine makers are neither ethical nor concerned with health and longevity of their recipients.
Remember: vaccination remains an uninurable risk: no parent, physician or pharmaceutical company can buy insurance against vaccine induced harm. The insurance industry refuses to accept the risk. That's why Congress created the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program that is funded by a special tax added to the cost of each vaccine shot: we pay to protect pharmaceutical company profits.
Vaccines can be used for a great deal more than just for what it says on the label. After all, faced with a syringe of fluid, who is to say exactly what is in there and what the intended, or unintended outcomes of being injected will be?
It takes a huge amount of faith to allow a hypodermic under your skin. That faith is, the Natural Solutions Foundation believes, without significant basis.
Shielded by the FDA, vaccine (and drug) manufacturers are immune from prosecution for wrong doing and continue to do wrong with horrifying impunity. That's even BEFORE the Avian Flu weaponization and subsequent vaccine development. A few examples out of many, many will sufficice:
April, 1930
• Eli Lilly, makers of Thimerisol, inject the product into 22 people with meningitis who all die. Lilly publishes the "study", claiming that thimerisol, 50% mercury by weight, is safe.
• World Health Organization (WHO) Bulletin No.47 refers to creation of an immune virus and suggests that a useful way to study the effects would be "to put it into a vaccination program and observe the results."
• It is theorized that WHO used the smallpox vaccination program in Central Africa for this study, since the spread of HIV infection coincides precisely with the most intense and recent smallpox vaccination campaigns.
• Information on the Central African countries most infected with HIV precisely matches WHO figures indicating the number of people vaccinated in these areas.
• The virus requested would selectively destroy the T-cell system. (1972 Federation Proceedings of WHO).
• Henry Kissenger writes a classified "National Security Study Memorandium 2000: Implications of worldwide population growth for U.S. security and overseas interest (NSSM 200)" which identifies India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Nigeria, Mexico, Indonesia, Brazil, the Philippines, thailand, Egypt, Turkey, Ethiopia and Columbia as targets for initial population reduction.
• The Philippine Supreme Court found that 3 million Philippinas between 12 and 45 years of age were given this vaccine.
• Native American Woman and Black women in the US received this vaccine.
• Sterility rates in Native American Women in the US is over 35%.
• Sterility rates in Black Women in the US is over 25%.
December 1976
• No epidemic of Swine flu surfaces despite rapid approval and respone to perceived threat following 1 death of a solder at Ft. Dix, NJ.
• Swine Flu innoculation program shut down after risk of death and polio like syndrome from the vaccination is found to be almost 12 times greater in vaccinated than unvaccinated people. 5% of people afflicted die, 10% are crippled or maimed for life.
[link to]
May 1987:
• The Times of London reported on its front page that smallpox vaccine administered by the World Health organization had triggered HIV/AIDS.
• 100 Million vaccinated Africans are at risk.
• Areas with highest vaccination rate show highest HIV/AIDS rates.
• Robert Gallo, discoverer of the HIV/AIDS virus, defends those figures and says, "AIDS researchers will keep their mouths shut because they are paid to do so."
November 28, 2002
• A rider tacked onto the end of the Homeland Security Bill confers immunity from liability prosecution on Eli Lilly and other manufacturers of vaccines.
June 1990:
• Court case reveals that babies in Los Angeles were used as human gunea pigs with a experimental measles vaccine called Edmonston Zagreb high titer measles vaccine (E-Z ). From 1989-1991, Kaiser Permanente and LA County Dep't of Health and CDC injected 700+ "mostly minority" babies with unlicnesed experimental vaccines with fraudulently-obtained parental consent.
• E-Z is closely associated with increased death rate in infant girls in Sendgal, Guneau Bisseau, and Haiti before their second birthday.
• Most of the families are not aware to date that their child was used as a human guinea pig.
March 19, 1992
• Dr. David Heymann, head of the office of research for the World Health Organization's Global Programme on AIDS, and Harvard pathology professor William Haseltine refuse to discuss the possibility of AIDS transmission via vaccines.
• Dr. Heymann states in a phone interview from Geneva, "The origin of the AIDS virus is of no importance to science today. Any speculation on how it arose is of no importance." Haseltine is even more adamant. "It's distracting, it's nonproductive, it's confusing to the public, and I think it's grossly misleading in terms of getting to the solution of the problem. It's over, it's done with, it's very, very, very unlikely it happened that way, and it's another nonsense article. It's the worst kind of reporting as far as I'm concerned."
World Health Organization (WHO)
Uses Vaccines to Make Women Sterile
• WHO begins its "Special Programme" in human reproduction with programs for both male fertility control through vaccines and female fertility control
• WHO Vaccines for smallpox and tetanus are laced with female reproductive hormones to induce permanent sterility to "eliminate 150 million excess Sub-Saharan Africans" according to WHO documents.
July, 1989
• After years of denial, a scientific paper demonstrates conclusively that WHO tetanus vaccines used in the Philipines contained female reproductive hormones, inducing permanent sterility without consent or knowledge of the women treated.
• Tetanus toxoid is linked to the human reproducitve hormone to overcome immunological tolerance to the hormone and prod the body of the woman into producing antibodies to her own reproductive hormones.
• Women between the ages of 12 and 45 are targeted for a 5 injection series of "tetanus" shots.
• Boys, men, children and older women are not given the shots.
• Tetanus ordinarily requires a single booster every 10 years.
• The 5 shot tetanus protocol is used with vaccines which contained female reproductive hormones to render the women of Tanzania, Nigeria, Nicaragua, Mexico and other countries infertile
• Oxford University Press publishes article titled "Bypass by an alternate carrier of acquired unresponsiveness to hCG upon repeated immuniztions with tetanus-conjugate vaccine' confirming method of inducing sterility requires multiple vaccinations.
• WHO committes more than $356 million on "reproductive health" research.
• Funding for abortificant (abortion producing) vaccine comes from many sources.
1. $90+ million contributed by Sweden
2. $52+ million contributed by Great Britain
3. $41 million contributed by Norway
4. $27 million contributed by Denmark
5. $12 million contributed by Germany
6. $5.7 million contributed by US
7. $61 million contributed by UNFPA
8. $15.5 million contributed by World Bank
9. $2.5 million contributed by Rockefeller Foundation
10. $1+ million contributed by Ford Foundation
11. $716.5 thousand contributed by IDRC (International Research and Development Centre of Canada)
April 2000
• Observer Newspaper rerports Glaxo, Pfizer, Squibb and Genentec experimented on children at Incarnation Children's Center, NY.
• Incarnation Children's Center is run by Columbia University which was paid to experiment on children, mostly wards of the state minority children.
• Babies as young as 6 months were injected with double doses of experimental measles vaccine.
• Children as young as 4 were given multi-drug cocktails.
• More than 100 orphans and babies were used in 36 experiments.
March 2008
• Haruna Kaita, a pharamceutical scientists and head of a Nigerian Universtiy analysed the latest WHO vaccine in Indian labs.
• Sterility agents were among the contaminants found in the samples.
• According to the local population of the Akha, a Thai hill tribe, pregnant women are forced to receive the vaccine in order to get ID cards for their children.
• Violent still births and miscarriages result.
I Told You It Was A Long Story, But One You Needed to Hear. Now What Can You Do To Protect Yourself and Your Loved Ones?
First of all, remember that you have an immune system.
Back at the beginning of this article I told you that viruses (and bacteria, for that matter), do not make you sick if you are equipped with a healthy immune system and you are non toxic.
That means change your eating habits TODAY. The intake of refined sugar, pesticides, flouridated water and toothpastes, etc., artificial colors, flavors and preservatives and genetically modified foods (found in everything that does not explictly say "Certified Organic") all depress your immune system.
Buy "Organic", wild crafted, food that is locally grown by people you know (and don't assume that just because a field is nearby, the food is not sprayed or genetically modified or both). ASK!
So Step One is to alter your diet and make eating for life, not for the moment, your number one food priority. Please, take this seriously.
Step Two is to harvest and cultivate information. When the Pandemic is about to be released (and, God willing, it will never be), there will be increased propaganda rumblings to "prepare" you to submit to the schemes for control and innoculation. Stay in touch with your local community advanced health care advocates (including NSF local organizers, alternative practitioners, health store and food co-ops, etc)... keep your eyes and ears opened and let us know if you come across any information that may help us all.
The Natural Solutions Foundation gets information from all over the world. Our friends are inside of corporations and outside of them, inside of governments and outside of them, inside of news media and outside of them. We hear things early and we WILL let you know what we are hearing as soon as we hear it.
That means that you need to open our emails when you get them and at least skim them. It also means that you should share the fact that there are free Health Freedom eAlerts for which other people need to be watching, as well. They need to be on the list so they can have early warning as well. Send everyone you know this link,
[link to]
and ask them to join the free distribution list. It's very good insurance: it costs nothing but can save lives.
There are two other lists you need to join to stay informed and empowered. The first is our powerful and vibrant No-Forced-Vaccines Yahoo Forum at [link to]
The second list is about GM "foods". Check out Natural Solutions Foundation's Trustee Ralph Fucetola's most recent blog on the topic, [link to]
Organic foods may be expensive: cancer is a lot more expensive. So is forced sterility. So are lethal allergies.
Since Genetically Modified "food" is so omnipresent in the food supply and so very dangerous, find out what you can do about it, and how to avoid it, by joining the Natural Solutions Foundation No GMO Yahoo!Group: [link to]
Step Three is to develop your "exit strategy." Once the Pandemic drums start beating, it is time to get out of the US until the insanity is past. Where to go? That is a matter of personal decision. If you do not have a passport, you cannot go anywhere. Get one.
If you do not have a plan, you will not go anywhere. Make one.
Come visit us in Panama, for example, in the lovely Valley of the Moon. Go to some place sane and stay there with your kids while this insanity swirls around. No one knows what the vaccines will contain or what they will do. If you want to play roulette with the intent of the vaccine makers, that is your choice. I have my passport to hand and I will use it. I hope you will, too.
The Valley of the Moon: [link to]
Step Four: keep up to date with the Advanced Health Care options that could save your life. Research the potential value of natural remedies such as grapefruit seed extract, colloidal or ionic silver, or immune system boosters like Echinacea. Check our and for some good choices. More will be posted as we continue to enhance these member services.
What's Step Five? To keep us empowered to bring you the information and the iveoptions that empower you. That means donating to the Natural Solutions Foundation. Even if you have given before, please give again. Your donations are fully tax deductible. Click here, now, to make your generous recurring donation ( [link to]
If you have not given, now would be a good time to do that. Recurring donations of any amount entitle you to membership in the new Health Freedom Heroes Forum along with our local organizers and key advocates. Wouldn't you like to be part of that group?
Every penny donated to the Foundation goes toward our work. General Bert and I receive not a single cent in payment for the work we do. We do it because we know that it is vitally important and that no one else besides the Natural Solutions Foundation is doing it! We, all of us together, are the single most effective, and largest Health Freedom organization in the world. Thank you for making that possible!
We brought this important Health Freedom Intelligence Report to you so you can be aware of the threats to your health and freedom... and being forewarned is, we trust, being forearmed!
There is a basic virological fact you need to know to make sense of what comes next: it is impossible to make a vaccine against a virus that does not yet exist. Public relations efforts to the contrary, IF a vaccine is being made against the Avian Flu virus in its pandemic form, that means that the pandemic virus already exists. Period. End of discussion. So that fact that the Avian Flu vaccine is already being manufactured in China by Sanofi-Pasteur, a wholly-owned subsidiary of the French arm of the Rockefeller oil cartel (Total Petroleum) is confirmation of what you are about to read. If you allow it to be introduced into your body, there is no reason to imagine it will be anything but an unmitigated disaster for your immune system and for you. We believe it's planned to be that way.
I do not know A. True Ott, PhD, but he was kind enough to send me a PDF file recently in which he puts a lot of the pieces together that I have been finding in my own research. Some of his conclusions I have serious difficulty with, but parts of his chronology are used here with appreciation.
Let's start with the basics: H5N1 is a benign, commonplace virus which most birds carry with no harm to themselves or humans. Humans also have viruses we have no problem with: these viral companions keep our immune systems healthy and humming. Only under the stimulus of novel and dangerous toxins which your body has no way to get rid of (detoxify), and stress which overwhelms your coping capacity, does an innocuous virus mutate and become something that can make you sick or kill you.
All human cases of H5N1 have occurred in areas of sick birds in large concentrations such as factory farms where handlers come into contact with stressed and sick birds in toxic surroundings where toxic residues are concentrated at high levels.
For example, in Vietnam, where thousands of gallons of Monsanto chemicals such as Agent Orange were dumped in huge amounts following the Vietnam war outbreaks of Avian Flu are not uncommon. These outbreaks occurred in highly toxic environments, where crowded, sick factory farm chickens have been inoculated [supposedly] against Avian Flu.
It will also become deadly, of course, when labs are employed to alter it so that it becomes an efficient weapon of mass destruction. The US has had a program to accomplish exactly that for over a century now, astounding as that may seem!
Our best intelligence estimate is that pandemic Avian Flu already exists. It appears to have been turned into a massive viral threat through bioengineering by the United States, fusing the deadly genome of the 1918 Pandemic, mis-named the "Spanish Flu", with the DNA of the H5N1 virus in a growth medium of human kidney cells to make sure that the virus recognizes human cells and knows how to invade them.
Please re-read that paragraph again and consider the threat that poses to you and your family.
The Spanish Pandemic Rides Again
The genome of the 1918 pandemic so-called "Spanish Flu" was recently intentionally resurrected. Because of that ressurection, the Avian Flu, and its vaccine, are now a US government-instigated threat to life - your life.
The Spanish Flu, which was not Spanish at all, was created in the US through an early bioweapons program and injected into healthy young men (i.e., 'soliders') as the first mandatory vaccination in the military during WWI (also known as the "War to End Wars" and the "Great War"). The "Spanish Flu", which originated in Kansas on US Military bases, killed a minimum of 50 million Americans. It was one of the deadliest pandemics in modern history. It was also one of the most successful biological weapons ever created.
Time Line To Disaster
This may be one of the most important chronologies you will ever read:
April 6, 1917:
• US declares war on Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria, Germany, and the Ottoman Empire.
• America swings into full production of War material.
• American men are drafted into military service and deployed for training in Spain
• ALL NEW RECRUITS ARE GIVEN MANDATORY VACCINATIONS --- One of which is a "broad-spectrum" live virus influenza vaccination
• Rockefeller makes millions in vaccine sales while consolidating Standard Oil contracts worldwide
• The first British soldiers committed to World War I are deployed to Iraq to protect American oil interests there
• Following mass vaccine injections, U.S. soldiers are crowded into troop ships and sent to "train" in Spain. Seasick, stressed soldiers aged 18-34 exhibit influenza symptoms on the voyage
• Immediately after arriving in Spain, U.S. soldiers are "trained", that is, exposed to, the various forms of gas they will experience in the trenches in France
• Exposure to these highly toxic gasses causes the live-virus influenza organisms to mutate into an extremely lethal, and highly communicable, form of virus
• Millions of young, healthy men and women aged 18-34 die worldwide as a result of vaccinations combined with novel and highly toxic chemicals
November 11, 1918
• Armastice with Germany and its Allies
• Following the end of "The Great War" - The heads of the various multi-national banks met in conference at San Remo in 1924 to assess war reparations for Germany.
• John D. Rockefeller and the Rothschilds have consolidated and vastly increased their wealth through actively funding both sides of the war
March 28, 1924
• Rockefeller formes a French oil conglomerate calling it "Total", the "French Company of Petroleums" aka CFP
• TOTAL is awarded a controlling interest via Deutsche Bank's stock in the Turkish Petroleum Company in Baghdad which was eventually renamed the Iraq Petroleum Company
• The Iraq Petroleum Company was confiscated and nationalized by Saddam Hussein in 1990.
• TOTAL Inc. is a true multi-national mega-corporation which operates in more than 130 countries and has over 110,000 employees.
Now the Avian Flu - Oil - China - US - WMD connection starts to get interesting.
Here's the Play: Oil to Drugs to Death
Two of TOTAL's prime, wholly-owned subsidiaries are the pharmaceutical giants Sanofi-Aventis, and Sanofi-Pasteur. Both are world-leaders in the development and testing of experimental vaccines, which are manufactured primarily in China. On March 23, 2005, NIH, through the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease, announces the initiation of a program to develop a vaccine for Avian Flu, asserting that although there have only been less than a handfull of cases, Avian Flu poses a vast public health menace.
[link to]
And it is clearly true that a weaponized virus does present a massive threat to public health. That's the whole point of weaponizing it, isn't it? For a look at Sanofi-Pasteur's plans for its profit (and perhaps your death). You can confirm their plans here:
But please come back when you finish reading. The information below is critically important to you.
As a side note, the Chinese factories of these two pharmacetuical mammoths are (unlike Sanofi-Pasteur's Swiftwater, PA, factory, according to dissidents such as Harry Wu, et. al.) staffed in part or entirely by poltical and other prisoners working under brutal slave labor conditions. China has a long history of Western Pharmaceutical manufacture, according to Wikipedia.
Bear in mind that most influenza strains and their hosts adapt to each other after roughtly two years, so that the same strain of flu no longer causes symptoms. Of course, once a strain has been weaponized, there is little reason to think that it will revert as natural strains do. It, or the vaccine it seems to legitimize, will go on killing and killing and killing. Or is the word "culling"?
To date, there have only been around 385 human cases identified worldwide (if those identifications are trustworthy, of course), with only 243 deaths. To put the absurdity of this effort into perspective, Sudden Cardiac Death (SCD), which researchers believe is heavily associated with aspartame consumption, is a leading cause of death which, according to the CDC, for example, killed 460,000 Americans in 1999 and the numbers keep rising ( [link to]
To quote Dr. Ott, "There are 6.7 Billion humans on planet earth. This equates to a statistical infection rate of .000000004215 percent. In other words, statistically speaking, you are over 100,000 times more likely to be hit by lightning in your home than to contract the "Bird Flu."
Given the shockingly obvious lack of a real threat from an unweaponized H5N1 virus, how can we explain the Bush Administration spending billions of dollars preparing each of the 50 States for what it drums into us is the "inevitable Bird Flu pandemic" anticipated to kill half or more of all Americans and similar numbers of people around the globe?
Back to the Time Line
March 1997:
• Zero confirmed "H5N1" human cases exist anywhere in the word
• The U.S. Armed Forces Institute of Pathology, Ft. Detrick, Rockville, Maryland, the US research center for biological weaponry, commissions Dr. Jeffery Taubenberger to lead a research team to ISOLATE the 1918 Flu Virus' genetic code, the most lethal pathogen in history
Aug. 24, 1997:
• Brevig, Alaska. Research Team member Johan Hultin sends well-preserved 1918 flu virus specimens (from a frozen body killed by the 1918 flu) to Dr. Taubenberger's lab in Maryland.
• Days later, Taubenberger detects the genetic fragments for which he has been searching.
• The 1918 virus' RNA-based gene fragments are analyzed by computer sequencing in order to reveal its complete genetic code. Even with a super-computer, this code sequencing will take years to complete.
October, 2003:
• Taubenberger's team finally deciphers the deadly 1918 flu virus' entire genetic code - completing a 6 year project.
• Taubenberger's colleague, R.G. Webster, publishes article in American Scientist Magazine declaring: "The world is teetering on the edge of a flu pandemic that could kill a large fraction of the human population".
October, 2004
• Dmtry Lvov, head of the Russian Virology Institute declares that up to one billion people around the world could die during the next pandemic.
June, 2005:
• At Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York (alleged to be Rockefeller controlled), Taubenberger,Peter Palese and Adolfo Garcia-Sastro create plasmids, or DNA rings, from the 1918 killer virus, permanently "stabilizing" its genetic material for use as a biological weapon
• This is the final step in revitalizing the deadly pathogen but the press is told tit will only to be used as a "vaccination tool" - even though the disease is currently non-existent.
August, 2005:
• Taugenberger's team inserts plasmids into human kidney cells which then transfers human DNA into the virus making it "human specific"
• The 1918 virus, responsible for the death of millions around the world is now ready for use by humans
Sept. 9, 2005:
• The UN in New York City issues a world-wide press release introducing David Nabarro as the "UN System Senior Coordinator for Avian, Human Influenza".
Sept. 29, 2005:
• Nabarro issues an "Official U.N. Warning" that "an outbreak of 'avian influenza' would kill between 5 million and 150 million people on each continent."
Oct. 2005:
• Pres. Bush's newly appointed secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS, the parent organization of both the CDC and the FDA), former Utah Governor Mike O. Leavitt, intensifies multibillion Pandemic Bird Flu preparations
Dec. 2005:
• Bush solicits Congress for $7.1 Billion to fund "preparations" --- $3.3 billion is immediately allocated to Leavitt's HHS
January 24, 2006
• Department of Homeland Security awards KBR, a Halliburton subsidiary, a $385 million contract for US detention centers
Jan. 2006:
• Leavitt launches website - - on which he says: "Let me be clear. It is only a matter of time before we discover H5N1 in America. The migration patterns of the wild fowl that carry the virus makes it appearance here almost inevitable!"
• China hosts the "International Pledging Conference on Avian and Human Influenza" in Beijing and is promised massive sums of money from the west --- Leavitt alone commits $334 million in funds to aid China's research into "vaccine development".
• Leavitt has a long history of fostering Chinese trade activities as Utah's Governor
March 2006:
• Breaking new ground, Leavitt's HHS allocates funds to a private television network to produce a "made-for-TV" movie about the "bird flu"
• Leavitt jokes that he wants "the handsomest actor" to play his character
• Leavitt declares on HHS website (exactly as John D. Rockefeller declared in 1916): "The best defense against influenza is VACCINATION."
• Leavitt further declares: "The current U.S. capacity for manufacturing egg-based vaccines is not sufficient to supply our entire population. HHS is supporting research into [human kidney] cell-based vaccine manufacture of producing vaccine domestically
April, 2006:
• HHS announces a $97 million contract for the development of cell-based flu vaccine.
• Leavitt declares: "The FDA can use its Emergency Use Authorization authority to permit the use of unapproved products if there's a reasonable belief the products may be effective."
• 32 states pass laws which make resisting inocculation once ordered by the governor a felony.
• These laws join Patriot Act I, II, BARDA, BIOSHIELD I, II in making drug treatment and innoculation mandatory once a Pandemic is called.
• Unlimited quarantine without review is mandated under these laws for those who resist innoculation under Pandemic conditions.
• Fully staffed, empty detention centers exist all over North America. The largest, in Alasks, is roumored to have a 2.5 million person capacity.
December, 2006
• New York Times reports Gulf War Syndrome positively linked to vaccination of Veterans.
• More than 100,000 vets contracted the syndrome during the 1991 Desert Storm Operation.
• More than 20,000 vets have died to date from this syndrom believed to be triggered by squalene, a vaccine "adjuvant."
• All modern vaccines contain squalene
April 17, 2007:
• The Food and Drug Adminstration (FDA) branch of HHS utilizes its Emergency Use Authorization authority and awards a license to produce H5N1 "Bird Flu" vaccines to Sanofi-Pasteur.
• FDA Bird Flu approval letter states:
"We have approved your Biologics License Application (BLA) for Influenza Virus Vaccine, H5N1, effective this date. You are hereby authorized to introduce or deliver for introduction into interstate commerce, Influenza Virus Vaccine, H5N1, under your existing Department of Health and Human Services U.S. License No. 1725; however, we acknowledge your statement provided in your submission of April 5, 2007, that Sanofi Pasteur Inc. does not intend to license this product for commercial distribution, since it was produced under contract to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services as part of national pandemic preparedness initiatives. Influenza Virus Vaccine, H5N1, is indicated for active immunization of persons 18 through 64 years of age at increased risk of exposure to the H5N1 influenza virus subtype contained in the vaccine."
• Among the required post-market studies on this untested vaccine are;
1. Protocol submission: Study DMID 04-077: "A randomized, double-blinded, phase I/II, study of the safety, reactogenicity, and immunogenicity of intramuscular inactivated influenza A/H5N1 vaccine in healthy children aged 2 years through 9 years."
2. Final study report submission: September 30, 2008.Study DMID 04-076: "A randomized double-blinded, placebo-controlled, phase I/II, dose-ranging study of the safety, reactogenicity, and immunogenicity of intramuscular inactivated influenza A/H5N1 vaccine in healthy elderly adults."
3. Study DMID 05-0043: "Revaccination of healthy subjects with intramuscular inactivated subunit influenza A/Vietnam/1203/2004 (H5N1) vaccine representing a drifted variant.
4. "Study DMID 05-0090: "Evaluation of a booster dose of A/Vietnam/1203/04 (H5N1) vaccine administered at 6 months to healthy adult subjects after a two dose schedule at 0 and 1 month."
5. Study DMID 05-0129: "Open label evaluation of H5N1 vaccine at vaccine manufacturing facilities."
6. Study DMID 05-0130: "A single center, open label, phase I/II study of the safety and immunogenicity of two 90 µg doses of intramuscular inactivated influenza A/H5N1 vaccine in healthy adult subjects."
Nov. 26, 2007:
• Leavitt's HHS orders 100 million H5N1 "vaccines [doses]" from Sanofi-Pasteur. Expected delivery date, August, 2008.
• Sanofi-Pasteur issues a press release announcing their lucrative HHS contract (100 million vaccines @ $15 USD each) and declares that the cell-based vaccine will be mass produced in the company's CHINA facility - then shipped to Stillwater, PA for hypodermic syringe-friendly packaging.
• Approval and contract have all been consumated in the absence of offical human testing.
Jan. 2008:
• Covert 'human trials' of Sanofi-Pasteur H5N1 vaccine is conducted on 350 homeless vagrants in Poland.
• According to London Telegraph ( [link to]
February 14, 2008
• U.S. Air Force Gen. Gene Renuart, commander of North American Aerospace Defense Command and U.S. Northern Command, and Canadian Air Force Lt.-Gen. Marc Dumais, commander of Canada Command, sign a Civil Assistance Plan that allows the military from one nation to support the armed forces of the other nation during a civil emergency.
• "Our commands were created by our respective governments to respond to the defense and security challenges of the twenty-first century, and we both realize that these and other challenges are best met through cooperation between friends....
The plan facilitates the military-to-military support of civil authorities once government authorities have agreed on an appropriate response."
• Avian Flu response is a part of NorthCom's mission, and according to Gen. Stubblebine's analysis, appears to be the primary element in its mission: [link to]
June 17, 2008
• Dr. David Nabarro, UN Influenza Coordinator, welcomes a donation of 60 million doses of H5N1 Avian Flu vaccine by Sanofi-Pasteur.
• This adds to the stockpile of a previous donation of 30 million doses by GlaxoSmithKline Dr. Nabarro said that good progress had been made but Avian Flu could still kill as many of 150 million people.
• Avian Flu still entrenched in Viet Nam, Bangladesh, India, Egypt and India [sic] says Dr. Nabarro.
• Outbreaks recorded in 60 more countries according to US Influenza Coordinator.
But the people who make vaccines are ethical and look out for our best interests don't they? The cold, hard fact is that vaccine makers are neither ethical nor concerned with health and longevity of their recipients.
Remember: vaccination remains an uninurable risk: no parent, physician or pharmaceutical company can buy insurance against vaccine induced harm. The insurance industry refuses to accept the risk. That's why Congress created the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program that is funded by a special tax added to the cost of each vaccine shot: we pay to protect pharmaceutical company profits.
Vaccines can be used for a great deal more than just for what it says on the label. After all, faced with a syringe of fluid, who is to say exactly what is in there and what the intended, or unintended outcomes of being injected will be?
It takes a huge amount of faith to allow a hypodermic under your skin. That faith is, the Natural Solutions Foundation believes, without significant basis.
Shielded by the FDA, vaccine (and drug) manufacturers are immune from prosecution for wrong doing and continue to do wrong with horrifying impunity. That's even BEFORE the Avian Flu weaponization and subsequent vaccine development. A few examples out of many, many will sufficice:
April, 1930
• Eli Lilly, makers of Thimerisol, inject the product into 22 people with meningitis who all die. Lilly publishes the "study", claiming that thimerisol, 50% mercury by weight, is safe.
• World Health Organization (WHO) Bulletin No.47 refers to creation of an immune virus and suggests that a useful way to study the effects would be "to put it into a vaccination program and observe the results."
• It is theorized that WHO used the smallpox vaccination program in Central Africa for this study, since the spread of HIV infection coincides precisely with the most intense and recent smallpox vaccination campaigns.
• Information on the Central African countries most infected with HIV precisely matches WHO figures indicating the number of people vaccinated in these areas.
• The virus requested would selectively destroy the T-cell system. (1972 Federation Proceedings of WHO).
• Henry Kissenger writes a classified "National Security Study Memorandium 2000: Implications of worldwide population growth for U.S. security and overseas interest (NSSM 200)" which identifies India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Nigeria, Mexico, Indonesia, Brazil, the Philippines, thailand, Egypt, Turkey, Ethiopia and Columbia as targets for initial population reduction.
• The Philippine Supreme Court found that 3 million Philippinas between 12 and 45 years of age were given this vaccine.
• Native American Woman and Black women in the US received this vaccine.
• Sterility rates in Native American Women in the US is over 35%.
• Sterility rates in Black Women in the US is over 25%.
December 1976
• No epidemic of Swine flu surfaces despite rapid approval and respone to perceived threat following 1 death of a solder at Ft. Dix, NJ.
• Swine Flu innoculation program shut down after risk of death and polio like syndrome from the vaccination is found to be almost 12 times greater in vaccinated than unvaccinated people. 5% of people afflicted die, 10% are crippled or maimed for life.
[link to]
May 1987:
• The Times of London reported on its front page that smallpox vaccine administered by the World Health organization had triggered HIV/AIDS.
• 100 Million vaccinated Africans are at risk.
• Areas with highest vaccination rate show highest HIV/AIDS rates.
• Robert Gallo, discoverer of the HIV/AIDS virus, defends those figures and says, "AIDS researchers will keep their mouths shut because they are paid to do so."
November 28, 2002
• A rider tacked onto the end of the Homeland Security Bill confers immunity from liability prosecution on Eli Lilly and other manufacturers of vaccines.
June 1990:
• Court case reveals that babies in Los Angeles were used as human gunea pigs with a experimental measles vaccine called Edmonston Zagreb high titer measles vaccine (E-Z ). From 1989-1991, Kaiser Permanente and LA County Dep't of Health and CDC injected 700+ "mostly minority" babies with unlicnesed experimental vaccines with fraudulently-obtained parental consent.
• E-Z is closely associated with increased death rate in infant girls in Sendgal, Guneau Bisseau, and Haiti before their second birthday.
• Most of the families are not aware to date that their child was used as a human guinea pig.
March 19, 1992
• Dr. David Heymann, head of the office of research for the World Health Organization's Global Programme on AIDS, and Harvard pathology professor William Haseltine refuse to discuss the possibility of AIDS transmission via vaccines.
• Dr. Heymann states in a phone interview from Geneva, "The origin of the AIDS virus is of no importance to science today. Any speculation on how it arose is of no importance." Haseltine is even more adamant. "It's distracting, it's nonproductive, it's confusing to the public, and I think it's grossly misleading in terms of getting to the solution of the problem. It's over, it's done with, it's very, very, very unlikely it happened that way, and it's another nonsense article. It's the worst kind of reporting as far as I'm concerned."
World Health Organization (WHO)
Uses Vaccines to Make Women Sterile
• WHO begins its "Special Programme" in human reproduction with programs for both male fertility control through vaccines and female fertility control
• WHO Vaccines for smallpox and tetanus are laced with female reproductive hormones to induce permanent sterility to "eliminate 150 million excess Sub-Saharan Africans" according to WHO documents.
July, 1989
• After years of denial, a scientific paper demonstrates conclusively that WHO tetanus vaccines used in the Philipines contained female reproductive hormones, inducing permanent sterility without consent or knowledge of the women treated.
• Tetanus toxoid is linked to the human reproducitve hormone to overcome immunological tolerance to the hormone and prod the body of the woman into producing antibodies to her own reproductive hormones.
• Women between the ages of 12 and 45 are targeted for a 5 injection series of "tetanus" shots.
• Boys, men, children and older women are not given the shots.
• Tetanus ordinarily requires a single booster every 10 years.
• The 5 shot tetanus protocol is used with vaccines which contained female reproductive hormones to render the women of Tanzania, Nigeria, Nicaragua, Mexico and other countries infertile
• Oxford University Press publishes article titled "Bypass by an alternate carrier of acquired unresponsiveness to hCG upon repeated immuniztions with tetanus-conjugate vaccine' confirming method of inducing sterility requires multiple vaccinations.
• WHO committes more than $356 million on "reproductive health" research.
• Funding for abortificant (abortion producing) vaccine comes from many sources.
1. $90+ million contributed by Sweden
2. $52+ million contributed by Great Britain
3. $41 million contributed by Norway
4. $27 million contributed by Denmark
5. $12 million contributed by Germany
6. $5.7 million contributed by US
7. $61 million contributed by UNFPA
8. $15.5 million contributed by World Bank
9. $2.5 million contributed by Rockefeller Foundation
10. $1+ million contributed by Ford Foundation
11. $716.5 thousand contributed by IDRC (International Research and Development Centre of Canada)
April 2000
• Observer Newspaper rerports Glaxo, Pfizer, Squibb and Genentec experimented on children at Incarnation Children's Center, NY.
• Incarnation Children's Center is run by Columbia University which was paid to experiment on children, mostly wards of the state minority children.
• Babies as young as 6 months were injected with double doses of experimental measles vaccine.
• Children as young as 4 were given multi-drug cocktails.
• More than 100 orphans and babies were used in 36 experiments.
March 2008
• Haruna Kaita, a pharamceutical scientists and head of a Nigerian Universtiy analysed the latest WHO vaccine in Indian labs.
• Sterility agents were among the contaminants found in the samples.
• According to the local population of the Akha, a Thai hill tribe, pregnant women are forced to receive the vaccine in order to get ID cards for their children.
• Violent still births and miscarriages result.
I Told You It Was A Long Story, But One You Needed to Hear. Now What Can You Do To Protect Yourself and Your Loved Ones?
First of all, remember that you have an immune system.
Back at the beginning of this article I told you that viruses (and bacteria, for that matter), do not make you sick if you are equipped with a healthy immune system and you are non toxic.
That means change your eating habits TODAY. The intake of refined sugar, pesticides, flouridated water and toothpastes, etc., artificial colors, flavors and preservatives and genetically modified foods (found in everything that does not explictly say "Certified Organic") all depress your immune system.
Buy "Organic", wild crafted, food that is locally grown by people you know (and don't assume that just because a field is nearby, the food is not sprayed or genetically modified or both). ASK!
So Step One is to alter your diet and make eating for life, not for the moment, your number one food priority. Please, take this seriously.
Step Two is to harvest and cultivate information. When the Pandemic is about to be released (and, God willing, it will never be), there will be increased propaganda rumblings to "prepare" you to submit to the schemes for control and innoculation. Stay in touch with your local community advanced health care advocates (including NSF local organizers, alternative practitioners, health store and food co-ops, etc)... keep your eyes and ears opened and let us know if you come across any information that may help us all.
The Natural Solutions Foundation gets information from all over the world. Our friends are inside of corporations and outside of them, inside of governments and outside of them, inside of news media and outside of them. We hear things early and we WILL let you know what we are hearing as soon as we hear it.
That means that you need to open our emails when you get them and at least skim them. It also means that you should share the fact that there are free Health Freedom eAlerts for which other people need to be watching, as well. They need to be on the list so they can have early warning as well. Send everyone you know this link,
[link to]
and ask them to join the free distribution list. It's very good insurance: it costs nothing but can save lives.
There are two other lists you need to join to stay informed and empowered. The first is our powerful and vibrant No-Forced-Vaccines Yahoo Forum at [link to]
The second list is about GM "foods". Check out Natural Solutions Foundation's Trustee Ralph Fucetola's most recent blog on the topic, [link to]
Organic foods may be expensive: cancer is a lot more expensive. So is forced sterility. So are lethal allergies.
Since Genetically Modified "food" is so omnipresent in the food supply and so very dangerous, find out what you can do about it, and how to avoid it, by joining the Natural Solutions Foundation No GMO Yahoo!Group: [link to]
Step Three is to develop your "exit strategy." Once the Pandemic drums start beating, it is time to get out of the US until the insanity is past. Where to go? That is a matter of personal decision. If you do not have a passport, you cannot go anywhere. Get one.
If you do not have a plan, you will not go anywhere. Make one.
Come visit us in Panama, for example, in the lovely Valley of the Moon. Go to some place sane and stay there with your kids while this insanity swirls around. No one knows what the vaccines will contain or what they will do. If you want to play roulette with the intent of the vaccine makers, that is your choice. I have my passport to hand and I will use it. I hope you will, too.
The Valley of the Moon: [link to]
Step Four: keep up to date with the Advanced Health Care options that could save your life. Research the potential value of natural remedies such as grapefruit seed extract, colloidal or ionic silver, or immune system boosters like Echinacea. Check our and for some good choices. More will be posted as we continue to enhance these member services.
What's Step Five? To keep us empowered to bring you the information and the iveoptions that empower you. That means donating to the Natural Solutions Foundation. Even if you have given before, please give again. Your donations are fully tax deductible. Click here, now, to make your generous recurring donation ( [link to]
If you have not given, now would be a good time to do that. Recurring donations of any amount entitle you to membership in the new Health Freedom Heroes Forum along with our local organizers and key advocates. Wouldn't you like to be part of that group?
Every penny donated to the Foundation goes toward our work. General Bert and I receive not a single cent in payment for the work we do. We do it because we know that it is vitally important and that no one else besides the Natural Solutions Foundation is doing it! We, all of us together, are the single most effective, and largest Health Freedom organization in the world. Thank you for making that possible!
We brought this important Health Freedom Intelligence Report to you so you can be aware of the threats to your health and freedom... and being forewarned is, we trust, being forearmed!
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