The world is quietly being led to the slaughterhouse. Very few give a damn. Especially the corporate media. Time to exterminate the ELITE!
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Deeper down the rabbit hole
In the movie JFK, there's a scene in David Ferrie's apartment that shows cages full of mice and medical equipment.
This is based on a well established fact that Ferrie claimed to be involved in cancer research and in fact did have mice and medical equipment in his apartment.
Astonishingly, in addition to being involved in providing military training for Cuban exiles and hanging around with Lee Harvey Oswald, Ferrie appears to have been a contractor running an "off the books" lab for a secret government-sponsored program run by New Orleans physician Alton Ochsner.
An amazing claim, but very well documented in the book "Dr. Mary's Monkey" by Edward T. Haslam, the son of a prominent former Navy officer and physician on the faculty of Tulane University.
The 1964 murder of a nationally known cancer researcher sets the stage for this gripping exposé of medical professionals enmeshed in covert government operations over the course of three decades. Following a trail of police records, FBI files, cancer statistics, and medical journals, this revealing book presents evidence of a web of medical secret-keeping that began with the handling of evidence in the JFK assassination and continued apace, sweeping doctors into coverups of cancer outbreaks, contaminated polio vaccine, the arrival of the AIDS virus, and biological weapon research using infected monkeys.
This is based on a well established fact that Ferrie claimed to be involved in cancer research and in fact did have mice and medical equipment in his apartment.
Astonishingly, in addition to being involved in providing military training for Cuban exiles and hanging around with Lee Harvey Oswald, Ferrie appears to have been a contractor running an "off the books" lab for a secret government-sponsored program run by New Orleans physician Alton Ochsner.
An amazing claim, but very well documented in the book "Dr. Mary's Monkey" by Edward T. Haslam, the son of a prominent former Navy officer and physician on the faculty of Tulane University.
The 1964 murder of a nationally known cancer researcher sets the stage for this gripping exposé of medical professionals enmeshed in covert government operations over the course of three decades. Following a trail of police records, FBI files, cancer statistics, and medical journals, this revealing book presents evidence of a web of medical secret-keeping that began with the handling of evidence in the JFK assassination and continued apace, sweeping doctors into coverups of cancer outbreaks, contaminated polio vaccine, the arrival of the AIDS virus, and biological weapon research using infected monkeys.
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Vaccination: Federal Health Agencies Continue to Deceive Americans
Congressional Report on a Vaccine Mercury-Autism Link Ignored for Six Years
by Richard Gale and Dr Gary Null
I have no doubt whatever that vaccination is an unscientific abomination and should be made a criminal practice. G. Bernard Shaw
Under normal circumstances, when a public health measure is advocated or mandated, and it is accepted without question by all Federal health agencies, state and local health departments, and promoted by the mainstream media with unquestioning support from the orthodox medical community, then it is assumed that such measures at the very least meet basic scientifically proven criteria. Foremost should be public health safety and that the proven efficacy of a health program be implemented according to rigorous scientific gold standards. When this standard is ignored and denied, as is now being done by our health officials, then the wellbeing of the nation is placed at risk. Consequently, we see the concerns regarding the swine flu vaccine focusing upon supply rather than health. For our government health officials at the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), vaccines have been baptized safe and, therefore, there is no reason for further debate. In fact, so certain are those in charge of the nation’s vaccination programs, even democratic discourse about vaccination controversies has been marginalized and smothered. There is no dissenting opinion published in any major industrial medical journal or magazine, nor found on any of government health websites.
When put to the test, a meticulous review of the scientific literature finds that virtually all of the Federal health agencies assumptions are held in error. Furthermore, we are shocked that the CDC, FDA and HHS, with all of their resources, refuse to take into consideration the large body of clinical evidence that contradicts their biased vaccine policies. Our review of the scientific literature is at two levels. First, there is a direct relationship between vaccination and Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD). This evidence, as we shall see, was taken under oath during a three year Congressional investigation, which clearly shows that Federal health officials were complicit in covering up the associations between vaccines and neurological damage.
The second level shows irrefutable evidence, from peered reviewed journals in immunology, neurology, toxicology, etc., that the very same mercury used at high toxic levels in the flu vaccines, as well as in trace amounts in other vaccines, is toxic in all circumstances. The pronouncements by the CDC and HHS, promulgated by tabloid medical writers at the New York Times, Wall Street Journal and other media outlets, are deceptions based upon medical denialism. We believe it is a crime to inject mercury into the bodies of any pregnant woman and child, while knowing that thimerosal is extremely toxic.
During a televised interview to prepare the American public for a massive campaign to inoculate the population for the H1N1 flu virus, President Obama’s HHS Secretary, Dr. Kathleen Sebelius, told the nation, “study after study, scientist after scientist, has determined that there really is no safety risk with thimerosal.”[1] Glancing at the foot-high stack of published clinical studies on the desk, years of independent research identifying certain neurological impairments, such as Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD), and cellular organ damage resulting from vaccines containing the toxic ethylmercury preservative commonly known as thimerosal, it is incomprehensible to fathom the depth of scientific denial in Sebelius’ statement. Was the Secretary blatantly lying to Americans, especially parents of small children six months and older and pregnant mothers, to convince us to line up for flu shots? If we unpack Sebelius’ misleading propaganda and properly rephrase her pronouncement, we can uncover a semblance of truth in her words. Instead it would have been proper for her to inform the nation that “study after study of spurious and flawed research that would likely never pass a graduate school examination, scientist after scientist affiliated or with financial ties to the vaccine industry now dominating our academies and health agencies, have determined that there really is no safety risk with thimerosal.”
This should have been the Secretary’s response if she were honest in addressing many people’s concerns about vaccine safety. Yet, this is not just our interpretive spin about the lack of scientific integrity within the CDC’s and FDA’s pharmaceutical-friendly stance regarding the vaccine-autism controversy; rather it accurately reflects the conclusions from a three year investigation conducted by the Subcommittee on Human Rights and Wellness in the House’s Committee on Government Reform, spearheaded by Rep. Dan Burton (R-Indiana). Published in May 2003, the Committee’s 80-page report, “Mercury in Medicine: Taking Unnecessary Risks,” is a clear indictment charging the CDC, FDA and HHS with scientific bias, prejudiced financial interests with vaccine makers, and administrative incompetence and indecision that puts Americans’ health at risk.[2]
It is a sorry state of affairs when a Congressional committee is forced to undertake a more thorough, concise review of the scientific literature related to a national health crisis, i.e., thimerosal as a causative factor behind the epidemic scourge of neurological and developmental disorders in America’s children, because our Federal health agencies prefer to not upset their clients (or masters) in the pharmaceutical industrial complex. But what is even more disturbing is that after six years since the Committee’s report, nothing has fundamentally changed. Instead, the CDC, FDA and HHS continue their rogue campaigns to spread unfounded medical propaganda and have done next to nothing, aside from issuing promises and marginalizing opposing medical views, to fund and launch the independent research necessary to determine once and for all vaccine safety in young children, developing fetuses and pregnant mothers. And as we wait for medical sanity to descend upon our government agencies, more and more children are injured from the increasing number of scheduled vaccinations, while the burden of health costs continue to mount on the shoulders of parents with neurologically and physically damaged children.
Therefore reviewing some of the Committee’s major findings is warranted to bring them up to date with recent information showing the thimerosal-autism link and to provide evidence for the CDC’s, FDA’s and HHS’s ongoing medical denialism about vaccine safety and their laxity in preserving and addressing public health.
Committee Finding 1: “Mercury is hazardous to humans. Its use in medicinal products is undesirable, unnecessary and should be minimized or eliminated entirely.”
Mercury, in its two most common forms that threaten human health--methylmercury and ethylmercury (thimerosal used in vaccines)--is the second most toxic substance perhaps after uranium. It is over one hundred times more toxic than lead. Therefore ask yourself the question, would you submit your child, or even yourself, to having lead injected directly into his or her bloodstream, permitting it to pass through your child’s neurological system? If you answer in the negative, then know that the mercury in that flu shot being offered at Costco is far more toxic than the lead you just refused.
Although more research has been conducted showing methylmercury’s severe health risks, the Committee, basing its decision on sound scientific evidence, concluded that thimerosal’s toxicity is the same as methylmercury. Among the more serious adverse effects are multiple organ system disorders over the course of a lifetime, neurological and behavioral defects, renal damage, cardiovascular effects even at very low dosages, increased susceptibility to infectious diseases, autoimmune disorders and injury to the immune system, and adverse effects on the reproductive system. Contrary to Sebelius’denialism, a pregnant mother’s exposure to thimerosal due to vaccination runs the risk of mercury crossing the placenta and affecting the developing fetus. The CDC’s current stance that it makes no difference whether vaccines with thimerosal are given to pregnant mothers flies in the face of biomolecular reason and the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) own warnings. Medical evidence for methylmercury disturbing the neuro-development of an infant in utero has been conclusive for many years.[3] The EPA’s website states that for women in reproductive ages, there is the risk of 300,000 newborns each year incurring learning disabilities due to in utero exposure to mercury. Even the FDA acknowledged mercury’s toxic risks to infants back in 1994. According to a National Institutes of Health document, “For fetuses, infants and children, the primary health effects of mercury are on neurological development. Even low levels of mercury exposure, such as result from a mother’s consumption of methylmercury in dietary sources, can adversely affect the brain and nervous system. Impact on memory, attention, language and other skills have been found in children exposed to moderate levels in the womb.” Do any of these symptoms sound like ASD? And if eating a can of tuna fish poses a potential risk, how much greater are the potential neurological injuries when vaccine mercury is injected intramuscularly?
The EPA, unlike the FDA, has conducted research into mercury’s toxicity and health risks. While the EPA sets a limit exposure of mercury at 0.1 micrograms/kg, the FDA in its favoritism towards mercury’s use in vaccines raises the stakes to 0.4 micrograms. The FDA’s figure has no valid supporting scientific data and is arbitrary in order to continue sanctioning the use of in vaccines. The World Health Organization (WHO) sets the limit higher; this may account for the WHO’s aggressive campaigns to inoculate the world’s poorer populations with heavily laced-mercury and stockpiled vaccines from the drug makers. The Committee, however, found the EPA evaluation to be “scientifically validated.” Consequently, a person receiving a single flu shot, with 25 mcg/kg of thimerosal would need to weigh approximately 550 pounds for it to be considered a safe quantity. Therefore it is no surprise that the series of four thimerosal-laced flu shots, or 100 mcg/kg, can lead to long-term cumulative damage for any age group, including the later onset of dementia conditions such as Alzheimer’s.[4]
Dr. David Baskin, Professor of Neurosurgery at Baylor College of Medicine, told the Committee that brain tissue absorbs mercury five times more than other body tissues. And infants and small children are furthermore five times more sensitive to mercury’s toxicological effects compared to adults. Dr. Baskin reported on his own studies at Baylor:
“We have the opportunity to actually grow human frontal cortex cells in cell culture. So these are cells from the front part of the brain... We incubate these cells with thimerosal at various doses... [then] detect cell death and cell damage... [showing a slide] These are the cells committing the suicide program and breaking themselves into tiny little pieces with a very low dose of mercury... Don’t forget, we did this in adult brain cells. Remember that infant brain cells are much more sensitive, so there’s a real cause for concern.”
Similar studies conducted at Columbia University have confirmed the Baylor findings.
So why can’t the CDC and other government agencies reproduce these clinical studies to confirm whether or not there is a clear thimerosal-autism link? Well, the CDC, and other research agencies such as the National Institute of Allergies and Infectious Disease (NIAID), simply don’t perform gold standard clinical science. Instead, the CDC relies upon statistical analyses and mathematical algorithms to arrive at their conclusions about vaccines’ and thimerosal’s safety. Preferring to cower in the back of Plato’s cave, concise scientific protocol and biomolecular studies in a laboratory is almost anathema to them. In addition, the kind of studies the vaccine orthodoxy hail as proof to deny a correlation between thimerosal and autism rely upon dreadful research design and ridiculously low numbers of participants. For example, a University of Rochester study comparing children injected with mercury-vaccines versus vaccines without mercury only enrolled 40 subjects; yet, this single study remains in the pro-vaccine orthodoxy’s arsenal against vaccine skeptics. If autism at the time of the study affected 1 in 150 children, then enrolling 40 children is baseless for achieving any valid data. For this reason, another finding by the Committee states:
Committee Finding 2: “To date, studies conducted or funded by the CDC that purportedly dispute any correlation between autism and vaccine injury have been of poor design, under-powered, and fatally flawed. The CDC’s rush to support and promote such research is reflective of a philosophical conflict in looking fairly at emerging theories and clinical data related to adverse reactions from vaccinations.”
The Committee also reports, “Upon thorough review of the scientific literature and internal documents from government and industry, the Committee did in fact find evidence that thimerosal posed a risk. The possible risk for harm from either low dose chronic or one time high level (bolus dose) exposure to thimerosal is not ‘theoretical,’ but very real and documented in the medical literature.”
Furthermore, the report continues,
“Of additional concern has been the CDC’s bias against theories regarding vaccine-induced autism. Rather than aggressively working to replicate clinical findings with laboratory data that showed a relationship between vaccines and autism... the CDC funded researchers who also worked for vaccine manufacturers to conduct population-based epidemiological studies to look at the possible correlation between vaccine injury and a subset of the population that might be injured. The CDC to date has relied too heavily on epidemiological findings. While epidemiological studies are important, they are not a substitute for focused, clinical research.”
And independent clinical research exists. There is lots of it from prestigious institutions such as Harvard, Johns Hopkins, the Cleveland Clinic, Massachusetts General Hospital, the University of California at Irvine, Baylor Medical School, Prof. Boyd Haley at the University of Kentucky, and the dozens of studies by Dr. Mark Geier at the Institute of Chronic Illnesses, all providing evidence for thimerosal’s adverse effects in adults and in the developing brain of a child.
Committee Finding 3: “Manufacturers of vaccines and thimerosal have never conducted adequate testing on the safety of thimerosal. The FDA has never required manufacturers to conduct adequate safety testing on thimerosal and ethylmercury compounds.”
For many decades, the FDA has known about the neurotoxic effects of thimersosal. A review of internal documents from Eli Lilly, the original inventor of ethylmercury in the 1920s, reveals that only one study has ever been performed to investigate thimerosal’s safety in humans and it was “woefully inadequate.” During the actual Committee hearings, Rep. Burton remarked, “You mean to tell me since 1929 we’ve been using thimerosal and the only test you know of is the one that was done in 1929, and every one of those people got meningitis and died?”[5]
In the 1940’s, thimerosal was used in teething powders for infants and resulted in fatal outbreaks of Pink’s Disease (severe mercury poisoning) before being removed in the 50’s. Since many children today receive vaccines with trace amounts of thimerosal, in addition to vaccines containing adjuvant aluminum compounds, an important 1972 study published in the British Medical Journal noted that mercury increases aluminum’s oxidation and produces abnormal heat. In recent years, there is growing evidence of mitochondrial oxidation and cellular damage that may be due to this interaction between mercury and aluminum in vaccines. With a child now receiving 31 and more vaccinations during its first 18 months of life, it would seem that this barbaric practice would have been fully investigated by our health officials to account for the epidemic rise in neurological and behavioral disorders, adult diabetes and asthmatic conditions in American children. Instead, our health officials continue to pump out junk science, for example the recent, seriously flawed NIAID study on H1N1 vaccine safety in pregnant women reported over the major media, to deceive Americans and enroll them in their national vaccination campaigns. The protocol in that study listed any pregnant woman who had a history of alcohol or drug abuse during a 6 year period, diabetes, compromised immune systems, asthmatic and allergic conditions, history of cancer-treatment drugs for 3 years, prescription to psychiatric drugs, and many other conditions as unqualified for the study. These conditions alone would disqualify the large majority of the nation’s pregnant women. Furthermore, any pregnant woman who enrolled in the trial, who spiked a temperature of 100 degrees or greater during the first 72 hours following vaccination, were excluded from the trial. Nevertheless, the CDC and its cronies in the media, particularly the pharmaceutical shills at The New York Times, touted this deranged trial as conclusive evidence that the swine flu vaccine was safe for all pregnant women. These are the kinds of medical distortions we have come to expect from the Federal health agencies.
The Committee’s report states,
“It appears that our Federal regulatory framework (the FDA and its predecessor organizations) failed to require manufacturers to prove thimerosal was safe. They failed to require industry to conduct adequate testing to determine how thimerosal is metabolized. The FDA failed to require that industry conduct studies to determine the maximum safe exposure level of thimerosal. These basic issues should have been proven prior to the introduction of thimerosal into the marketplace, but more than 70 years after its introduction, these issues have still not been adequately addressed... It is clear that the guiding principal for FDA policymakers has been to avoid shaking the public’s confidence in the safety of vaccines. For this reason, many FDA officials have stubbornly denied that thimerosal may cause adverse reactions... given the serious concerns about the safety of thimerosal, the FDA should have acted years earlier to remove this preservative from vaccines and other medications.”
Nevertheless, even during this so-called flu season, the Federal agencies continue to remain entranced in a stupor of scientific denial, perhaps acting in a criminally negligent manner, as thimerosal remains at highly toxic levels in the flu vaccines, and remains in trace amounts in the DTaP, some Hib, and Hepatitis B vaccines.
Although the FDA has repeatedly agreed that mercury is unsafe for over-the-counter medications, one would think that the government could arrive at the simple deduction of an elementary school pupil in agreeing that intramuscular injection of thimerosal would be far more dangerous. During the Committee’s proceedings, Dr. Bernard Schwetz, former Director of the FDA’s National Center for Toxicological Research, has stated, “... the fact that we know that ethylmercury is a skin sensitizer when its put on the skin, and now we’re injecting this IM (intramuscularly) at a time when the immune system is just developing, the functionality of the immune system is just being set at this age [infancy]... What is the effect on the functional development of the immune system when you give a chemical of that kind repeatedly IM?”
Committee Finding 4: “At the same time that the incidence of autism was growing, the number of childhood vaccines containing thimerosal was growing, increasing the amount of ethylmercury to which infants were exposed threefold... The FDA and CDC failed in their duty to be vigilant as new vaccines containing thimerosal were approved and added to the immunization schedule.”
The Commission report states, “There was tremendous reluctance on the part of some officials that a mistake had been made in allowing ethylmercury to be used in vaccines.” The FDA damns itself in a 1999 email by a former FDA official, Dr. Peter Patriarca, then Director of the FDA’s Division of Viral Products, who opines that hastening the removal of thimerosal from vaccines would “raise questions about the FDA being ‘asleep at the switch’ for decades by allowing a potentially hazardous compound to remain in many childhood vaccines, and not forcing manufacturers to exclude it from new products.”
While the Federal health agencies and the professional medical organizations serving the vaccine industrial complex, such as the American Pediatric Association, repeatedly tell us there is no causal relationship between ASD and vaccine mercury, there is a growing body of prestigious scientists, researchers and physicians who feel otherwise. Last October 2009, a Harvard survey reported in the journal Pediatrics the US’s ASD rate needs to be upgraded to 1 in 91, a greater than 30% increase from the previous 1 in 150 ratio several years back.[6] Consequently, the thimerasol-autism debate is far from over and should be pursued with aggressive due diligence and urgency. Moreover, the past history of CDC negligence and its reliance upon poorly designed and flawed science indicates there is no reason why any rational citizen should believe any statistical declaration or medical claim about vaccine safety from government health officials. These are people with severe allergic reactions to real science.
The Autism Society of America (ASA), the world’s largest autism organization and heavily funded by private industry and CDC support, continues to rely on archaic treatments not too dissimilar to BF Skinner’s behavioral work with pigeons. The ASA and the National Alliance for Autism, another advocacy organization supporting research to discredit vaccine-autism links, have been accused of conflict of interests and biased studies. In early 2009, Alison Singer, the senior executive of ASA and an advocate of the fanatical vaccine multi-millionaire and former advisor to the CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practice, Dr. Paul Offit—who believes in a fantasy vaccine heaven where children can survive 10,000 vaccinations unscathed—resigned in protest over her organization’s recent leanings to reconsider a vaccination-autism connection. Each organization’s platform fundamentally ignores a possible vaccine-caused autism and instead favors genetic etiology that has yet to be conclusively discovered—instead, blame the parents’ DNA, not the drug makers and their government collaborators. Yet while the search for a mysterious autism gene persists, more and more children are being neurologically and developmentally damaged. Furthermore, even if such a gene is found, it would be many years before anything medically practical could be done with it.
Committee Finding 5: “A growing number of scientists and researchers believe that a relationship between the increase in neurodevelopmental disorders of autism... and the increased use of thimerosal in vaccines is plausible and deserves more scrutiny.”
In fact, the CDC in June 2000 discovered “a statistically significant positive correlation between the cumulative exposure” of thimerosal and ASD symptoms. The CDC’s analysis of approximately 110,000 records of children with adverse reactions to vaccines, flying in the face of federal health officials’ previous claims about vaccine safety, led to a secretive meeting between top government health officials and vaccine industry representatives at the Simpsonwood Retreat Center near Atlanta. The transcripts of that meeting were later obtained by Robert Kennedy Jr through a Freedom of Information Act. During the meeting, the CDC study’s chief scientist, Dr. Thomas Verstraeten, stated, “This analysis suggests that in our study population, the risks of tics, ADD, language and speech delays, and developmental delays in general may be increased by exposures to mercury from thimerosal-containing vaccines during the first six months of life.” The Congressional review of the Simpsonwood conversations concluded that “It appears that many who participated in the thimerosal debates allowed their standards to be dictated by their desire to disprove an unpleasant theory.” Indeed, this is what eventually occurred after the meeting.
The clandestine Simpsonwood gathering decided to withhold its findings from the public and, instead, proceeded with a new investigation to doctor the same data by employing confounders (subjective, unscientific criteria used to bias a study to prove a desired result). Consequently the CDC’s subsequent study released several years later denied any relationship between thimerosal and ASD. At the end of 2009, this remains the policy position and mindset of the CDC, FDA and HHS while a large body of independent research, with no conflict of interests with government or the vaccine industry, continues to mount against our policy makers reliance upon tabloid science and futile efforts to find causes unrelated to vaccines. And Dr. Thomas Verstaeten? Last heard he joined the vaccine maker GlaxoSmithKline and continued to deny the truth of the CDC’s original Simpsonwood findings.
Since then, Dr. Mark Geier at the Institutes of Chronic Illnesses, through a Freedom of Information Act, obtained all the CDC’s vaccine injury data in its database. After conducting an independent epidemiological study, based on tens of millions of vaccine doses administered in the US, he confirmed the Simpsonwood findings and significant other data to show thimerosal and the DTaP vaccine as contributing causes behind the country’s autism epidemic.[7]
Today, our tax dollars are being spent by our health agencies to sidestep the entire question of vaccine safety and efficacy, and are trying to project autism’s causes on genetic factors. This was the case in 2003, as it is now, when the Committee raised concerns over the NIH’s $27 billion budget, investing only $56 million into autism research, and the majority of that towards genetic causes. Compare that with the $2.2 billion spent on HIV/AIDS research that affects only a tiny percent of the population compared to the hundreds of thousands of children across the nation suffering autism spectrum disorder and neurological damage that they will live with for the remainder of their lives.
In 1975, the FDA undertook a five year review of mercury’s dangers in over-the-counter drugs and topical medicines and ointments. The advisory panel’s report to the FDA concluded that not only “mercury compounds as a class are of dubious value for anti-microbial use” but also “thimerosal was 35-times more toxic to the heart tissue it was meant to protect than the bacteria it was meant to kill.” So why is thimerosal still used in vaccines? Rather than manufacturing single dose vials, which would not require mercury, vaccine makers have found it more cost effective to manufacture multi-dose vials and simply add mercury as a preservative for longer shelf-life. A story in the Columbus Dispatch unveiled that Ohio’s decision to purchase larger quantities of thimerosal-laced flu vaccine rather than the alternative thimerosal-free version was purely based on a financial decision.[8]
Committee Finding 6: “The CDC’s failure to state a preference for thimerosal-free vaccines in 2000 and again 2001 was an abdication of their responsibility.”
After reviewing the CDC’s long-standing habit for promoting illness and staging a war on health, there is a case of one vaccine manufacturer offering to remove thimerosal from its vaccine but being denied permission to do so from the CDC. This incident led the Committee to state, “The CDC’s decision not to endorse thimerosal-free vaccines in 2001 is particularly troubling... Just as disappointing, and even more difficult to understand, is the fact that the CDC, on two separate occasions, refused to publicly state a preference for thimerosal-free vaccines.”
Testimony by Federal health officials before the Committee included a litany of excuses based on financial rationales for not concerning itself with the health of American children. The statements by Dr. Roger Bernier from the CDC exemplifies the dangerous level of denial and Federal officials’ refusal to accept preventative health measures, a dire negligence that continues to plague government health agencies in general, and the unproven and potentially unsafe H1N1 vaccine in particular:
“It [removing thimerosal from vaccines] could entail financial losses of inventory if current vaccine inventory is wasted. It could harm one or more manufacturers and may then decrease the number of suppliers”
“The evidence justifying this kind of abrupt policy change [immediate removal of mercury from all vaccines] does not appear to exist, and it could entail financial losses for all existing stocks of vaccines that contain thimerosal.”
The Committee’s interpretation of the CDC’s vaccine policy includes, “The financial health of the industry should never have been a factor in this decision [thimerosal removal]. The financial health of vaccine manufacturers certainly should never have been more important to the Federal health officials than the health and well being of the nation’s children. The CDC has a responsibility to protect the health of the American public. If there were any doubts about the neurological effects of ethylmercury in vaccines on children—and there were substantial doubts—the prevailing consideration should have been how best to protect children from potential harm. However, it appears that protecting the industry’s profits took precedent over protecting children from mercury damage.”
Committee Finding 7: “Thimerosal should be removed from these vaccines. No amount of mercury is appropriate in any childhood vaccine.”
Although thimerosal has been removed from most vaccines, mercury remains in trace amounts in some vaccines, as noted above, and remains at high toxic levels in the flu shots. Studies show that in the presence of aluminum compounds mercury’s toxicity increases dramatically. Vaccines that contain aluminum compounds include the DTaP, Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B, pneumococcal, anthrax, and the HPV vaccine. Unfortunately, no studies have been funded by government agencies nor have the vaccine makers undertaken efforts to determine adverse neurological effects when multiple vaccines are given together, as is so often the case when small children visit their pediatricians.
A comparison of the FDA, CDC and HHS claims on thimerosal and multiple vaccination safety with documents from the Department of Defense (DoD) leaves one with the feeling that our national health service is a madhouse, a leper colony of welfare scientists and indecisive medical bureaucrats torn between their allegiance to pharmaceutical firms and the health of the nation. Medical journalist David Kirby has reported on DoD documents he received showing the military raising legitimate concerns about vaccines (thimerosal and the DTaP vaccine) as causative factors for the critical epidemic of ASD among military children.[9] In her article “Autism in the Military, “ Angela Warren calculates the military autism rate at 1 in 67, substantially higher than the recent Harvard study for the civilian population.[10] In addition to thimerosal’s dangers, the military claims its ongoing studies suggest that “a relationship between adverse events and multiple vaccinations exist.” The Armed Forces Institute of Pathology also acknowledges that “exposure to mercury in utero and children may cause mild to severe mental retardation and mild to severe motor coordination impairment.”[11]
Why would the military health officials take a completely different stand on thimerosal and vaccine safety from that of the CDC and HHS? During a recent conversation with a retired Colonel and former Command Surgeon of the US Army Special Operations Command in Africa, Dr. Frank Anders explained why the military health policies and recognition of scientific facts are more accurate and medically humane than that of our Federal health officials. According to Col. Anders, the “power and money these pharmaceutical companies wield [on the FDA and CDC] is awesome.” When he was asked whether or not there is any conformity or agreement between the Department of Defense’s health divisions and the Federal health agencies, including President Obama’s appointments, he stated there was nothing that could affect preventative and therapeutic health policy. There are far more financial incentives, including funds from Congress at the behest of pharmaceutical lobbyists, for FDA and CDC personnel to forge relationships with the drug and vaccine makers. On the other hand, since military health personnel are solely employees of the DoD removed from the vaccine industry and Big Pharma lobbyists, there is less bias and greater scientific integrity towards medical facts and sound science.[12]
Curiously, David Kirby reports that the military health clinics are adopting alternative treatments for ASD--methyl B12, chelation and glutathione--which are not actively promoted by the FDA in their preference for pharmaceutical and psychiatric drugs and behavioral modality treatment. When we asked Col. Anders why this was the case, he responded that it is simply because these alternative treatments work. For example, independent studies show convincingly that thimerosal depletes glutathione in vaccinated children with autism. Glutathione provides cells with the primary defense against heavy metal oxidation, a condition that has been observed extensively in children with ASD. Without glutathione, heavy metal oxidation inflicts severe neurological damage. Alternative treatment for autism includes glutathione replacement; however, this form of treatment is not recognized by the CDC and the orthodox autism organizations in bed with the pharmaceutical industrial complex.[13]
Committee Recommendations: There were two important recommendations made by Rep. Dan Burton’s Committee that Americans should demand from our government and Federal health agencies. First is the recommendation that “studies be conducted that pool the results of independent research that has been done thus far, and a comprehensive approach should be developed to rid humans, animals and the environment from this dangerous toxin [ethyl- and methylmercury].”
The second urgent recommendation is that Congress “enact legislation that prohibits federal funds from being used to provide products or pharmaceuticals that contain mercury, methylmercury or ethylmercury unless no reasonable alternative is available.”
Today, neither of these recommendations have been acted upon. Instead the Obama administration has continued the previous Bush act to provide sanctuary to vaccine makers from lawsuits due to vaccine injury. Our health officials have sunk themselves deeper into dangerously reductive and determinist views about infectious diseases, such as the swine flu, and have strengthened their denial that their entire vaccination program might be leading America’s health to further ruin.
It is unusual for our government and Congress to get anything correct these days and to make sincere, thoughtful decisions that truly benefit American citizens. However, there are those rare occasions when a spark of wisdom actually flares briefly somewhere in Washington. The Rep. Burton’s Committee report’s final statement is as relevant today as it was in mid 2003. Perhaps even more so as we witness the CDC’s public relations campaign threatening citizens with misleading statistics, distorted science (‘science’ being a term that can barely be applied to the kind of tabloid research that Federal officials rely upon today), and unproven fears to shepherd us towards the H1N1 and seasonal flu lines.
“Thimserosal used as a preservative in vaccines is likely related to the autism epidemic. This epidemic in all probability may have been prevented or curtailed had the FDA not been asleep at the switch regarding the lack of safety data regarding injected thimerosal and the sharp rise of infant exposure to his known neurotoxin. Our public health agencies’ failure to act is indicative of institutional malfeasance for self-protection and misplaced protectionism of the pharmaceutical industry.”
As we have witnessed during the recent CDC’s public relations campaign behind the H1N1 vaccine, and the uproar of dissent that questions the safety and national need for mass inoculation, medical discourse has been shut down. This raises the serious concern whether America’s health sciences and democracy can co-exist any longer in the United States. The words of H.H. the Dalai Lama are apropos for understanding the fish tank Federal officials and their sponsored cohorts settled into, “To deny authority of empirical evidence is to disqualify oneself as someone worthy of critical engagement in a dialogue.” Nothing has changed within the US government’s vaccine policy programs, six years after Congress indicted our health leaders with medical denialism.
Richard Gale is the Executive Producer of the Progressive Radio Network and a former Senior Research Analyst in the genomic industry.
Dr. Gary Null is the host of the nation’s longest running public radio program on nutrition and natural health and a multi-award-winning director of progressive documentary films, including Vaccine Nation (2008) and Autism: Made in the USA (2009)
[1] Kathleen Sebelius interviewed by Katie Couric on CBS, July 30, 2009.
[2] All statements in quotations, unless noted, are from the House of Representatives’ Subcommittee on Human Rights and Wellness report, “Mercury in Medicine: Taking Unnecessary Risks,” published May 2003.
[3] Magos L, Brown AW, Sparrow S, Bailey E, Snowden RT, Skipp WR. “The comparative toxicology of ethyl- and methylmercury.” Archives of Toxicology. (1985) 57: 260-267.
[4] Haley, Boyd (Professor and Chair, Department of Chemistry, University of Kentucky). “The relationship of the toxic effects of mercury to exacerbation of the medical condition classified as Alzheimer’s disease.” Presented at Autism One Conference. May 26-29, 2005.
[5] Kirby, David. Evidence of Harm. St. Martin’s Press, New York, 2005.
[6] Kogan MD, Blumberg J, Schieve LA, Boyle CA, Perrin JM, Ghandour RM, Singh GK, Strickland BB, Trevathan E, van Dyck PC. “Prevalence of Parent-Reported Diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder Among Children in the US, 2007” Pediatrics. Published online October 5, 2009.
[7] Geier M, Geier D. “Neurodevelopmental disorders after thimerosal-containing vaccines: A brief communication.” Experimental Biology and Medicine. (2003) Vol. 228, n 6, 660-664.
[8] McCoy, Roger. “Some See Threat in Ohio’s Flu Shot.” The Columbus Dispatch. February 17, 2004.
[9] Kirby, David. “The Pentagon: A Voice of Reason on Vaccines and Autism?” December 4, 2008.
[10] Warner, Angela. “Autism in the Military” Age of Autism. July 8, 2008.
[11] Kirby. Op cit.
[12] Private conversation with Col. Frank Anders, November 2009.
[13] James SJ, Slikker W, Melnyk S, New E, Jernigan S. “Thimerosal neurotoxicity is associated with glutathione depletion: protection with glutathione precursors.” Neurotoxicity. (2005) Vol. 26, 1-8.
by Richard Gale and Dr Gary Null
I have no doubt whatever that vaccination is an unscientific abomination and should be made a criminal practice. G. Bernard Shaw
Under normal circumstances, when a public health measure is advocated or mandated, and it is accepted without question by all Federal health agencies, state and local health departments, and promoted by the mainstream media with unquestioning support from the orthodox medical community, then it is assumed that such measures at the very least meet basic scientifically proven criteria. Foremost should be public health safety and that the proven efficacy of a health program be implemented according to rigorous scientific gold standards. When this standard is ignored and denied, as is now being done by our health officials, then the wellbeing of the nation is placed at risk. Consequently, we see the concerns regarding the swine flu vaccine focusing upon supply rather than health. For our government health officials at the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), vaccines have been baptized safe and, therefore, there is no reason for further debate. In fact, so certain are those in charge of the nation’s vaccination programs, even democratic discourse about vaccination controversies has been marginalized and smothered. There is no dissenting opinion published in any major industrial medical journal or magazine, nor found on any of government health websites.
When put to the test, a meticulous review of the scientific literature finds that virtually all of the Federal health agencies assumptions are held in error. Furthermore, we are shocked that the CDC, FDA and HHS, with all of their resources, refuse to take into consideration the large body of clinical evidence that contradicts their biased vaccine policies. Our review of the scientific literature is at two levels. First, there is a direct relationship between vaccination and Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD). This evidence, as we shall see, was taken under oath during a three year Congressional investigation, which clearly shows that Federal health officials were complicit in covering up the associations between vaccines and neurological damage.
The second level shows irrefutable evidence, from peered reviewed journals in immunology, neurology, toxicology, etc., that the very same mercury used at high toxic levels in the flu vaccines, as well as in trace amounts in other vaccines, is toxic in all circumstances. The pronouncements by the CDC and HHS, promulgated by tabloid medical writers at the New York Times, Wall Street Journal and other media outlets, are deceptions based upon medical denialism. We believe it is a crime to inject mercury into the bodies of any pregnant woman and child, while knowing that thimerosal is extremely toxic.
During a televised interview to prepare the American public for a massive campaign to inoculate the population for the H1N1 flu virus, President Obama’s HHS Secretary, Dr. Kathleen Sebelius, told the nation, “study after study, scientist after scientist, has determined that there really is no safety risk with thimerosal.”[1] Glancing at the foot-high stack of published clinical studies on the desk, years of independent research identifying certain neurological impairments, such as Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD), and cellular organ damage resulting from vaccines containing the toxic ethylmercury preservative commonly known as thimerosal, it is incomprehensible to fathom the depth of scientific denial in Sebelius’ statement. Was the Secretary blatantly lying to Americans, especially parents of small children six months and older and pregnant mothers, to convince us to line up for flu shots? If we unpack Sebelius’ misleading propaganda and properly rephrase her pronouncement, we can uncover a semblance of truth in her words. Instead it would have been proper for her to inform the nation that “study after study of spurious and flawed research that would likely never pass a graduate school examination, scientist after scientist affiliated or with financial ties to the vaccine industry now dominating our academies and health agencies, have determined that there really is no safety risk with thimerosal.”
This should have been the Secretary’s response if she were honest in addressing many people’s concerns about vaccine safety. Yet, this is not just our interpretive spin about the lack of scientific integrity within the CDC’s and FDA’s pharmaceutical-friendly stance regarding the vaccine-autism controversy; rather it accurately reflects the conclusions from a three year investigation conducted by the Subcommittee on Human Rights and Wellness in the House’s Committee on Government Reform, spearheaded by Rep. Dan Burton (R-Indiana). Published in May 2003, the Committee’s 80-page report, “Mercury in Medicine: Taking Unnecessary Risks,” is a clear indictment charging the CDC, FDA and HHS with scientific bias, prejudiced financial interests with vaccine makers, and administrative incompetence and indecision that puts Americans’ health at risk.[2]
It is a sorry state of affairs when a Congressional committee is forced to undertake a more thorough, concise review of the scientific literature related to a national health crisis, i.e., thimerosal as a causative factor behind the epidemic scourge of neurological and developmental disorders in America’s children, because our Federal health agencies prefer to not upset their clients (or masters) in the pharmaceutical industrial complex. But what is even more disturbing is that after six years since the Committee’s report, nothing has fundamentally changed. Instead, the CDC, FDA and HHS continue their rogue campaigns to spread unfounded medical propaganda and have done next to nothing, aside from issuing promises and marginalizing opposing medical views, to fund and launch the independent research necessary to determine once and for all vaccine safety in young children, developing fetuses and pregnant mothers. And as we wait for medical sanity to descend upon our government agencies, more and more children are injured from the increasing number of scheduled vaccinations, while the burden of health costs continue to mount on the shoulders of parents with neurologically and physically damaged children.
Therefore reviewing some of the Committee’s major findings is warranted to bring them up to date with recent information showing the thimerosal-autism link and to provide evidence for the CDC’s, FDA’s and HHS’s ongoing medical denialism about vaccine safety and their laxity in preserving and addressing public health.
Committee Finding 1: “Mercury is hazardous to humans. Its use in medicinal products is undesirable, unnecessary and should be minimized or eliminated entirely.”
Mercury, in its two most common forms that threaten human health--methylmercury and ethylmercury (thimerosal used in vaccines)--is the second most toxic substance perhaps after uranium. It is over one hundred times more toxic than lead. Therefore ask yourself the question, would you submit your child, or even yourself, to having lead injected directly into his or her bloodstream, permitting it to pass through your child’s neurological system? If you answer in the negative, then know that the mercury in that flu shot being offered at Costco is far more toxic than the lead you just refused.
Although more research has been conducted showing methylmercury’s severe health risks, the Committee, basing its decision on sound scientific evidence, concluded that thimerosal’s toxicity is the same as methylmercury. Among the more serious adverse effects are multiple organ system disorders over the course of a lifetime, neurological and behavioral defects, renal damage, cardiovascular effects even at very low dosages, increased susceptibility to infectious diseases, autoimmune disorders and injury to the immune system, and adverse effects on the reproductive system. Contrary to Sebelius’denialism, a pregnant mother’s exposure to thimerosal due to vaccination runs the risk of mercury crossing the placenta and affecting the developing fetus. The CDC’s current stance that it makes no difference whether vaccines with thimerosal are given to pregnant mothers flies in the face of biomolecular reason and the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) own warnings. Medical evidence for methylmercury disturbing the neuro-development of an infant in utero has been conclusive for many years.[3] The EPA’s website states that for women in reproductive ages, there is the risk of 300,000 newborns each year incurring learning disabilities due to in utero exposure to mercury. Even the FDA acknowledged mercury’s toxic risks to infants back in 1994. According to a National Institutes of Health document, “For fetuses, infants and children, the primary health effects of mercury are on neurological development. Even low levels of mercury exposure, such as result from a mother’s consumption of methylmercury in dietary sources, can adversely affect the brain and nervous system. Impact on memory, attention, language and other skills have been found in children exposed to moderate levels in the womb.” Do any of these symptoms sound like ASD? And if eating a can of tuna fish poses a potential risk, how much greater are the potential neurological injuries when vaccine mercury is injected intramuscularly?
The EPA, unlike the FDA, has conducted research into mercury’s toxicity and health risks. While the EPA sets a limit exposure of mercury at 0.1 micrograms/kg, the FDA in its favoritism towards mercury’s use in vaccines raises the stakes to 0.4 micrograms. The FDA’s figure has no valid supporting scientific data and is arbitrary in order to continue sanctioning the use of in vaccines. The World Health Organization (WHO) sets the limit higher; this may account for the WHO’s aggressive campaigns to inoculate the world’s poorer populations with heavily laced-mercury and stockpiled vaccines from the drug makers. The Committee, however, found the EPA evaluation to be “scientifically validated.” Consequently, a person receiving a single flu shot, with 25 mcg/kg of thimerosal would need to weigh approximately 550 pounds for it to be considered a safe quantity. Therefore it is no surprise that the series of four thimerosal-laced flu shots, or 100 mcg/kg, can lead to long-term cumulative damage for any age group, including the later onset of dementia conditions such as Alzheimer’s.[4]
Dr. David Baskin, Professor of Neurosurgery at Baylor College of Medicine, told the Committee that brain tissue absorbs mercury five times more than other body tissues. And infants and small children are furthermore five times more sensitive to mercury’s toxicological effects compared to adults. Dr. Baskin reported on his own studies at Baylor:
“We have the opportunity to actually grow human frontal cortex cells in cell culture. So these are cells from the front part of the brain... We incubate these cells with thimerosal at various doses... [then] detect cell death and cell damage... [showing a slide] These are the cells committing the suicide program and breaking themselves into tiny little pieces with a very low dose of mercury... Don’t forget, we did this in adult brain cells. Remember that infant brain cells are much more sensitive, so there’s a real cause for concern.”
Similar studies conducted at Columbia University have confirmed the Baylor findings.
So why can’t the CDC and other government agencies reproduce these clinical studies to confirm whether or not there is a clear thimerosal-autism link? Well, the CDC, and other research agencies such as the National Institute of Allergies and Infectious Disease (NIAID), simply don’t perform gold standard clinical science. Instead, the CDC relies upon statistical analyses and mathematical algorithms to arrive at their conclusions about vaccines’ and thimerosal’s safety. Preferring to cower in the back of Plato’s cave, concise scientific protocol and biomolecular studies in a laboratory is almost anathema to them. In addition, the kind of studies the vaccine orthodoxy hail as proof to deny a correlation between thimerosal and autism rely upon dreadful research design and ridiculously low numbers of participants. For example, a University of Rochester study comparing children injected with mercury-vaccines versus vaccines without mercury only enrolled 40 subjects; yet, this single study remains in the pro-vaccine orthodoxy’s arsenal against vaccine skeptics. If autism at the time of the study affected 1 in 150 children, then enrolling 40 children is baseless for achieving any valid data. For this reason, another finding by the Committee states:
Committee Finding 2: “To date, studies conducted or funded by the CDC that purportedly dispute any correlation between autism and vaccine injury have been of poor design, under-powered, and fatally flawed. The CDC’s rush to support and promote such research is reflective of a philosophical conflict in looking fairly at emerging theories and clinical data related to adverse reactions from vaccinations.”
The Committee also reports, “Upon thorough review of the scientific literature and internal documents from government and industry, the Committee did in fact find evidence that thimerosal posed a risk. The possible risk for harm from either low dose chronic or one time high level (bolus dose) exposure to thimerosal is not ‘theoretical,’ but very real and documented in the medical literature.”
Furthermore, the report continues,
“Of additional concern has been the CDC’s bias against theories regarding vaccine-induced autism. Rather than aggressively working to replicate clinical findings with laboratory data that showed a relationship between vaccines and autism... the CDC funded researchers who also worked for vaccine manufacturers to conduct population-based epidemiological studies to look at the possible correlation between vaccine injury and a subset of the population that might be injured. The CDC to date has relied too heavily on epidemiological findings. While epidemiological studies are important, they are not a substitute for focused, clinical research.”
And independent clinical research exists. There is lots of it from prestigious institutions such as Harvard, Johns Hopkins, the Cleveland Clinic, Massachusetts General Hospital, the University of California at Irvine, Baylor Medical School, Prof. Boyd Haley at the University of Kentucky, and the dozens of studies by Dr. Mark Geier at the Institute of Chronic Illnesses, all providing evidence for thimerosal’s adverse effects in adults and in the developing brain of a child.
Committee Finding 3: “Manufacturers of vaccines and thimerosal have never conducted adequate testing on the safety of thimerosal. The FDA has never required manufacturers to conduct adequate safety testing on thimerosal and ethylmercury compounds.”
For many decades, the FDA has known about the neurotoxic effects of thimersosal. A review of internal documents from Eli Lilly, the original inventor of ethylmercury in the 1920s, reveals that only one study has ever been performed to investigate thimerosal’s safety in humans and it was “woefully inadequate.” During the actual Committee hearings, Rep. Burton remarked, “You mean to tell me since 1929 we’ve been using thimerosal and the only test you know of is the one that was done in 1929, and every one of those people got meningitis and died?”[5]
In the 1940’s, thimerosal was used in teething powders for infants and resulted in fatal outbreaks of Pink’s Disease (severe mercury poisoning) before being removed in the 50’s. Since many children today receive vaccines with trace amounts of thimerosal, in addition to vaccines containing adjuvant aluminum compounds, an important 1972 study published in the British Medical Journal noted that mercury increases aluminum’s oxidation and produces abnormal heat. In recent years, there is growing evidence of mitochondrial oxidation and cellular damage that may be due to this interaction between mercury and aluminum in vaccines. With a child now receiving 31 and more vaccinations during its first 18 months of life, it would seem that this barbaric practice would have been fully investigated by our health officials to account for the epidemic rise in neurological and behavioral disorders, adult diabetes and asthmatic conditions in American children. Instead, our health officials continue to pump out junk science, for example the recent, seriously flawed NIAID study on H1N1 vaccine safety in pregnant women reported over the major media, to deceive Americans and enroll them in their national vaccination campaigns. The protocol in that study listed any pregnant woman who had a history of alcohol or drug abuse during a 6 year period, diabetes, compromised immune systems, asthmatic and allergic conditions, history of cancer-treatment drugs for 3 years, prescription to psychiatric drugs, and many other conditions as unqualified for the study. These conditions alone would disqualify the large majority of the nation’s pregnant women. Furthermore, any pregnant woman who enrolled in the trial, who spiked a temperature of 100 degrees or greater during the first 72 hours following vaccination, were excluded from the trial. Nevertheless, the CDC and its cronies in the media, particularly the pharmaceutical shills at The New York Times, touted this deranged trial as conclusive evidence that the swine flu vaccine was safe for all pregnant women. These are the kinds of medical distortions we have come to expect from the Federal health agencies.
The Committee’s report states,
“It appears that our Federal regulatory framework (the FDA and its predecessor organizations) failed to require manufacturers to prove thimerosal was safe. They failed to require industry to conduct adequate testing to determine how thimerosal is metabolized. The FDA failed to require that industry conduct studies to determine the maximum safe exposure level of thimerosal. These basic issues should have been proven prior to the introduction of thimerosal into the marketplace, but more than 70 years after its introduction, these issues have still not been adequately addressed... It is clear that the guiding principal for FDA policymakers has been to avoid shaking the public’s confidence in the safety of vaccines. For this reason, many FDA officials have stubbornly denied that thimerosal may cause adverse reactions... given the serious concerns about the safety of thimerosal, the FDA should have acted years earlier to remove this preservative from vaccines and other medications.”
Nevertheless, even during this so-called flu season, the Federal agencies continue to remain entranced in a stupor of scientific denial, perhaps acting in a criminally negligent manner, as thimerosal remains at highly toxic levels in the flu vaccines, and remains in trace amounts in the DTaP, some Hib, and Hepatitis B vaccines.
Although the FDA has repeatedly agreed that mercury is unsafe for over-the-counter medications, one would think that the government could arrive at the simple deduction of an elementary school pupil in agreeing that intramuscular injection of thimerosal would be far more dangerous. During the Committee’s proceedings, Dr. Bernard Schwetz, former Director of the FDA’s National Center for Toxicological Research, has stated, “... the fact that we know that ethylmercury is a skin sensitizer when its put on the skin, and now we’re injecting this IM (intramuscularly) at a time when the immune system is just developing, the functionality of the immune system is just being set at this age [infancy]... What is the effect on the functional development of the immune system when you give a chemical of that kind repeatedly IM?”
Committee Finding 4: “At the same time that the incidence of autism was growing, the number of childhood vaccines containing thimerosal was growing, increasing the amount of ethylmercury to which infants were exposed threefold... The FDA and CDC failed in their duty to be vigilant as new vaccines containing thimerosal were approved and added to the immunization schedule.”
The Commission report states, “There was tremendous reluctance on the part of some officials that a mistake had been made in allowing ethylmercury to be used in vaccines.” The FDA damns itself in a 1999 email by a former FDA official, Dr. Peter Patriarca, then Director of the FDA’s Division of Viral Products, who opines that hastening the removal of thimerosal from vaccines would “raise questions about the FDA being ‘asleep at the switch’ for decades by allowing a potentially hazardous compound to remain in many childhood vaccines, and not forcing manufacturers to exclude it from new products.”
While the Federal health agencies and the professional medical organizations serving the vaccine industrial complex, such as the American Pediatric Association, repeatedly tell us there is no causal relationship between ASD and vaccine mercury, there is a growing body of prestigious scientists, researchers and physicians who feel otherwise. Last October 2009, a Harvard survey reported in the journal Pediatrics the US’s ASD rate needs to be upgraded to 1 in 91, a greater than 30% increase from the previous 1 in 150 ratio several years back.[6] Consequently, the thimerasol-autism debate is far from over and should be pursued with aggressive due diligence and urgency. Moreover, the past history of CDC negligence and its reliance upon poorly designed and flawed science indicates there is no reason why any rational citizen should believe any statistical declaration or medical claim about vaccine safety from government health officials. These are people with severe allergic reactions to real science.
The Autism Society of America (ASA), the world’s largest autism organization and heavily funded by private industry and CDC support, continues to rely on archaic treatments not too dissimilar to BF Skinner’s behavioral work with pigeons. The ASA and the National Alliance for Autism, another advocacy organization supporting research to discredit vaccine-autism links, have been accused of conflict of interests and biased studies. In early 2009, Alison Singer, the senior executive of ASA and an advocate of the fanatical vaccine multi-millionaire and former advisor to the CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practice, Dr. Paul Offit—who believes in a fantasy vaccine heaven where children can survive 10,000 vaccinations unscathed—resigned in protest over her organization’s recent leanings to reconsider a vaccination-autism connection. Each organization’s platform fundamentally ignores a possible vaccine-caused autism and instead favors genetic etiology that has yet to be conclusively discovered—instead, blame the parents’ DNA, not the drug makers and their government collaborators. Yet while the search for a mysterious autism gene persists, more and more children are being neurologically and developmentally damaged. Furthermore, even if such a gene is found, it would be many years before anything medically practical could be done with it.
Committee Finding 5: “A growing number of scientists and researchers believe that a relationship between the increase in neurodevelopmental disorders of autism... and the increased use of thimerosal in vaccines is plausible and deserves more scrutiny.”
In fact, the CDC in June 2000 discovered “a statistically significant positive correlation between the cumulative exposure” of thimerosal and ASD symptoms. The CDC’s analysis of approximately 110,000 records of children with adverse reactions to vaccines, flying in the face of federal health officials’ previous claims about vaccine safety, led to a secretive meeting between top government health officials and vaccine industry representatives at the Simpsonwood Retreat Center near Atlanta. The transcripts of that meeting were later obtained by Robert Kennedy Jr through a Freedom of Information Act. During the meeting, the CDC study’s chief scientist, Dr. Thomas Verstraeten, stated, “This analysis suggests that in our study population, the risks of tics, ADD, language and speech delays, and developmental delays in general may be increased by exposures to mercury from thimerosal-containing vaccines during the first six months of life.” The Congressional review of the Simpsonwood conversations concluded that “It appears that many who participated in the thimerosal debates allowed their standards to be dictated by their desire to disprove an unpleasant theory.” Indeed, this is what eventually occurred after the meeting.
The clandestine Simpsonwood gathering decided to withhold its findings from the public and, instead, proceeded with a new investigation to doctor the same data by employing confounders (subjective, unscientific criteria used to bias a study to prove a desired result). Consequently the CDC’s subsequent study released several years later denied any relationship between thimerosal and ASD. At the end of 2009, this remains the policy position and mindset of the CDC, FDA and HHS while a large body of independent research, with no conflict of interests with government or the vaccine industry, continues to mount against our policy makers reliance upon tabloid science and futile efforts to find causes unrelated to vaccines. And Dr. Thomas Verstaeten? Last heard he joined the vaccine maker GlaxoSmithKline and continued to deny the truth of the CDC’s original Simpsonwood findings.
Since then, Dr. Mark Geier at the Institutes of Chronic Illnesses, through a Freedom of Information Act, obtained all the CDC’s vaccine injury data in its database. After conducting an independent epidemiological study, based on tens of millions of vaccine doses administered in the US, he confirmed the Simpsonwood findings and significant other data to show thimerosal and the DTaP vaccine as contributing causes behind the country’s autism epidemic.[7]
Today, our tax dollars are being spent by our health agencies to sidestep the entire question of vaccine safety and efficacy, and are trying to project autism’s causes on genetic factors. This was the case in 2003, as it is now, when the Committee raised concerns over the NIH’s $27 billion budget, investing only $56 million into autism research, and the majority of that towards genetic causes. Compare that with the $2.2 billion spent on HIV/AIDS research that affects only a tiny percent of the population compared to the hundreds of thousands of children across the nation suffering autism spectrum disorder and neurological damage that they will live with for the remainder of their lives.
In 1975, the FDA undertook a five year review of mercury’s dangers in over-the-counter drugs and topical medicines and ointments. The advisory panel’s report to the FDA concluded that not only “mercury compounds as a class are of dubious value for anti-microbial use” but also “thimerosal was 35-times more toxic to the heart tissue it was meant to protect than the bacteria it was meant to kill.” So why is thimerosal still used in vaccines? Rather than manufacturing single dose vials, which would not require mercury, vaccine makers have found it more cost effective to manufacture multi-dose vials and simply add mercury as a preservative for longer shelf-life. A story in the Columbus Dispatch unveiled that Ohio’s decision to purchase larger quantities of thimerosal-laced flu vaccine rather than the alternative thimerosal-free version was purely based on a financial decision.[8]
Committee Finding 6: “The CDC’s failure to state a preference for thimerosal-free vaccines in 2000 and again 2001 was an abdication of their responsibility.”
After reviewing the CDC’s long-standing habit for promoting illness and staging a war on health, there is a case of one vaccine manufacturer offering to remove thimerosal from its vaccine but being denied permission to do so from the CDC. This incident led the Committee to state, “The CDC’s decision not to endorse thimerosal-free vaccines in 2001 is particularly troubling... Just as disappointing, and even more difficult to understand, is the fact that the CDC, on two separate occasions, refused to publicly state a preference for thimerosal-free vaccines.”
Testimony by Federal health officials before the Committee included a litany of excuses based on financial rationales for not concerning itself with the health of American children. The statements by Dr. Roger Bernier from the CDC exemplifies the dangerous level of denial and Federal officials’ refusal to accept preventative health measures, a dire negligence that continues to plague government health agencies in general, and the unproven and potentially unsafe H1N1 vaccine in particular:
“It [removing thimerosal from vaccines] could entail financial losses of inventory if current vaccine inventory is wasted. It could harm one or more manufacturers and may then decrease the number of suppliers”
“The evidence justifying this kind of abrupt policy change [immediate removal of mercury from all vaccines] does not appear to exist, and it could entail financial losses for all existing stocks of vaccines that contain thimerosal.”
The Committee’s interpretation of the CDC’s vaccine policy includes, “The financial health of the industry should never have been a factor in this decision [thimerosal removal]. The financial health of vaccine manufacturers certainly should never have been more important to the Federal health officials than the health and well being of the nation’s children. The CDC has a responsibility to protect the health of the American public. If there were any doubts about the neurological effects of ethylmercury in vaccines on children—and there were substantial doubts—the prevailing consideration should have been how best to protect children from potential harm. However, it appears that protecting the industry’s profits took precedent over protecting children from mercury damage.”
Committee Finding 7: “Thimerosal should be removed from these vaccines. No amount of mercury is appropriate in any childhood vaccine.”
Although thimerosal has been removed from most vaccines, mercury remains in trace amounts in some vaccines, as noted above, and remains at high toxic levels in the flu shots. Studies show that in the presence of aluminum compounds mercury’s toxicity increases dramatically. Vaccines that contain aluminum compounds include the DTaP, Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B, pneumococcal, anthrax, and the HPV vaccine. Unfortunately, no studies have been funded by government agencies nor have the vaccine makers undertaken efforts to determine adverse neurological effects when multiple vaccines are given together, as is so often the case when small children visit their pediatricians.
A comparison of the FDA, CDC and HHS claims on thimerosal and multiple vaccination safety with documents from the Department of Defense (DoD) leaves one with the feeling that our national health service is a madhouse, a leper colony of welfare scientists and indecisive medical bureaucrats torn between their allegiance to pharmaceutical firms and the health of the nation. Medical journalist David Kirby has reported on DoD documents he received showing the military raising legitimate concerns about vaccines (thimerosal and the DTaP vaccine) as causative factors for the critical epidemic of ASD among military children.[9] In her article “Autism in the Military, “ Angela Warren calculates the military autism rate at 1 in 67, substantially higher than the recent Harvard study for the civilian population.[10] In addition to thimerosal’s dangers, the military claims its ongoing studies suggest that “a relationship between adverse events and multiple vaccinations exist.” The Armed Forces Institute of Pathology also acknowledges that “exposure to mercury in utero and children may cause mild to severe mental retardation and mild to severe motor coordination impairment.”[11]
Why would the military health officials take a completely different stand on thimerosal and vaccine safety from that of the CDC and HHS? During a recent conversation with a retired Colonel and former Command Surgeon of the US Army Special Operations Command in Africa, Dr. Frank Anders explained why the military health policies and recognition of scientific facts are more accurate and medically humane than that of our Federal health officials. According to Col. Anders, the “power and money these pharmaceutical companies wield [on the FDA and CDC] is awesome.” When he was asked whether or not there is any conformity or agreement between the Department of Defense’s health divisions and the Federal health agencies, including President Obama’s appointments, he stated there was nothing that could affect preventative and therapeutic health policy. There are far more financial incentives, including funds from Congress at the behest of pharmaceutical lobbyists, for FDA and CDC personnel to forge relationships with the drug and vaccine makers. On the other hand, since military health personnel are solely employees of the DoD removed from the vaccine industry and Big Pharma lobbyists, there is less bias and greater scientific integrity towards medical facts and sound science.[12]
Curiously, David Kirby reports that the military health clinics are adopting alternative treatments for ASD--methyl B12, chelation and glutathione--which are not actively promoted by the FDA in their preference for pharmaceutical and psychiatric drugs and behavioral modality treatment. When we asked Col. Anders why this was the case, he responded that it is simply because these alternative treatments work. For example, independent studies show convincingly that thimerosal depletes glutathione in vaccinated children with autism. Glutathione provides cells with the primary defense against heavy metal oxidation, a condition that has been observed extensively in children with ASD. Without glutathione, heavy metal oxidation inflicts severe neurological damage. Alternative treatment for autism includes glutathione replacement; however, this form of treatment is not recognized by the CDC and the orthodox autism organizations in bed with the pharmaceutical industrial complex.[13]
Committee Recommendations: There were two important recommendations made by Rep. Dan Burton’s Committee that Americans should demand from our government and Federal health agencies. First is the recommendation that “studies be conducted that pool the results of independent research that has been done thus far, and a comprehensive approach should be developed to rid humans, animals and the environment from this dangerous toxin [ethyl- and methylmercury].”
The second urgent recommendation is that Congress “enact legislation that prohibits federal funds from being used to provide products or pharmaceuticals that contain mercury, methylmercury or ethylmercury unless no reasonable alternative is available.”
Today, neither of these recommendations have been acted upon. Instead the Obama administration has continued the previous Bush act to provide sanctuary to vaccine makers from lawsuits due to vaccine injury. Our health officials have sunk themselves deeper into dangerously reductive and determinist views about infectious diseases, such as the swine flu, and have strengthened their denial that their entire vaccination program might be leading America’s health to further ruin.
It is unusual for our government and Congress to get anything correct these days and to make sincere, thoughtful decisions that truly benefit American citizens. However, there are those rare occasions when a spark of wisdom actually flares briefly somewhere in Washington. The Rep. Burton’s Committee report’s final statement is as relevant today as it was in mid 2003. Perhaps even more so as we witness the CDC’s public relations campaign threatening citizens with misleading statistics, distorted science (‘science’ being a term that can barely be applied to the kind of tabloid research that Federal officials rely upon today), and unproven fears to shepherd us towards the H1N1 and seasonal flu lines.
“Thimserosal used as a preservative in vaccines is likely related to the autism epidemic. This epidemic in all probability may have been prevented or curtailed had the FDA not been asleep at the switch regarding the lack of safety data regarding injected thimerosal and the sharp rise of infant exposure to his known neurotoxin. Our public health agencies’ failure to act is indicative of institutional malfeasance for self-protection and misplaced protectionism of the pharmaceutical industry.”
As we have witnessed during the recent CDC’s public relations campaign behind the H1N1 vaccine, and the uproar of dissent that questions the safety and national need for mass inoculation, medical discourse has been shut down. This raises the serious concern whether America’s health sciences and democracy can co-exist any longer in the United States. The words of H.H. the Dalai Lama are apropos for understanding the fish tank Federal officials and their sponsored cohorts settled into, “To deny authority of empirical evidence is to disqualify oneself as someone worthy of critical engagement in a dialogue.” Nothing has changed within the US government’s vaccine policy programs, six years after Congress indicted our health leaders with medical denialism.
Richard Gale is the Executive Producer of the Progressive Radio Network and a former Senior Research Analyst in the genomic industry.
Dr. Gary Null is the host of the nation’s longest running public radio program on nutrition and natural health and a multi-award-winning director of progressive documentary films, including Vaccine Nation (2008) and Autism: Made in the USA (2009)
[1] Kathleen Sebelius interviewed by Katie Couric on CBS, July 30, 2009.
[2] All statements in quotations, unless noted, are from the House of Representatives’ Subcommittee on Human Rights and Wellness report, “Mercury in Medicine: Taking Unnecessary Risks,” published May 2003.
[3] Magos L, Brown AW, Sparrow S, Bailey E, Snowden RT, Skipp WR. “The comparative toxicology of ethyl- and methylmercury.” Archives of Toxicology. (1985) 57: 260-267.
[4] Haley, Boyd (Professor and Chair, Department of Chemistry, University of Kentucky). “The relationship of the toxic effects of mercury to exacerbation of the medical condition classified as Alzheimer’s disease.” Presented at Autism One Conference. May 26-29, 2005.
[5] Kirby, David. Evidence of Harm. St. Martin’s Press, New York, 2005.
[6] Kogan MD, Blumberg J, Schieve LA, Boyle CA, Perrin JM, Ghandour RM, Singh GK, Strickland BB, Trevathan E, van Dyck PC. “Prevalence of Parent-Reported Diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder Among Children in the US, 2007” Pediatrics. Published online October 5, 2009.
[7] Geier M, Geier D. “Neurodevelopmental disorders after thimerosal-containing vaccines: A brief communication.” Experimental Biology and Medicine. (2003) Vol. 228, n 6, 660-664.
[8] McCoy, Roger. “Some See Threat in Ohio’s Flu Shot.” The Columbus Dispatch. February 17, 2004.
[9] Kirby, David. “The Pentagon: A Voice of Reason on Vaccines and Autism?” December 4, 2008.
[10] Warner, Angela. “Autism in the Military” Age of Autism. July 8, 2008.
[11] Kirby. Op cit.
[12] Private conversation with Col. Frank Anders, November 2009.
[13] James SJ, Slikker W, Melnyk S, New E, Jernigan S. “Thimerosal neurotoxicity is associated with glutathione depletion: protection with glutathione precursors.” Neurotoxicity. (2005) Vol. 26, 1-8.
Vaccinations are Causing Impaired Blood Flow (Ischemia), Chronic Illness, Disease and Death for us All
By Andrew Moulden MD, PhD
This is a stern, yet humble, warning to all citizens of the globe. It is now proven that we are all being harmed by repeat vaccinations. This evidence must be circulated broadly in light of the imminent Fall, 2009 plan to turn North American schools into MASS vaccine centers to institute triple flu vaccine to us all. Children will be the first to be injected with experimental flu vaccines. The entire vaccine industry, as it turns out, has been experimental. We did not know that we were causing damages – for us all.
In case you are wondering what will happen, the answers are contained in this article. The same thing will happen as has been happening with all vaccines. Clinically silent ischemic brain and body damages will happen. The only difference is that you can now see these damages, with your own eyes, in the here and now, in real time, and in your family photos going back fifty or more years if you have to.
ALL vaccines are causing immediate and delayed, acute and chronic, waxing and waning, impairments to blood flow, throughout the brain and body. This IS causing us all to become chronically ill, sick, and causing brain damages along a continuum of clinically silent to death. This is causing ischemic “strokes”. In some respects, this is also “aging.” Since the damages are microscopic, we cannot see them as they occur. However, we can now see the neurological aftermath of these damages – within hours and days of vaccination – all vaccinations.
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In Revelations 18:4 by the epistle of Saint John we are told: â€Å“And I heard another voice from Heaven saying “Come out of her my people that ye be not partakers of her sins and that ye receive not of her plagues.” All vaccinations, as you can now clearly see, are causing chronic illness and mass disorders on mass scales. The global health consequences clearly amount to plaques.
As a medically trained Doctor, a PhD trained neuroscientist/neuropsychologist, with a Masters degree in Child/language neurodevelopment, I have been trained to follow clinical observations to empirical assessment couched within the scientific model we rely upon to answer questions of: What is normal and what is not? What is cause? What is coincidence? What is factual? What is fancy? What is reproducible? What is random? What is measurable? What is predictable? What is truth? What is consequence? What is “going on”?
Science is only a man made truth-seeking tool. It is fallible. It is a statistical, probabilistic mathematical model. It has limitations. Wielded for profit – truth can become lost.
Scientific methods, design, and analyses can just as soon hide the truth as they can discover truth, or create “truth” de-novo.
Science cannot replace God-given tools of common sense and observation we all have. You do not need statistical probabilistic mathematical models, wielded by experts, to deny what you can see with your very own eyes.
If you place your hand on a hot stove element, you will be burned. If you do not experience pain and you cannot see the burn, then you will not learn that touching hot stove elements is harmful.
All vaccines have been causing “burns” to body and brain. The brain has no pain receptors. You will not feel the pain. You can, however, see the footprints of these “burns” immediate and delayed, from each vaccination. The evidence was before our eyes all along. We simply did not appreciate what these “burns” meant let alone that they were emerging, after each vaccination. The “burns” are largely to internal organ systems. We can ALL now see the damaging effects of these “burns” with our own eyes.
As a physician, it is my sworn duty to cause no harm. As a human being, it is my duty to watch over my fellow beings. As an educator, it is my responsibility to teach awareness and understanding. As a scientist, it is my duty to separate cause from coincidence. As a Christian, it is my value to do unto others, as I would have others do unto myself. As a man, it is my responsibility to stand up to power, with truth and understanding, when those that wield power are in error.
My statements are not the words of a zealot. These are the words of integrity, couched with understanding, that has the potential to reside in every one of you.
Seek, and you shall find. Knock, and the door shall be opened unto you. I have sought. I have knocked. The door has been opened. I have found the truths I was seeking. The answers have not come from my own understandings. The answers are simply self-evident “res ipsa loquitur“ the thing speaks for itself.
All vaccinations cause brain damage, disease, chronic illness, aging, and death “res veritas loquitur“ the truth speaks for itself. If you do not seek, if you do not knock, if you do not look, if you trust your own understandings, then caveat emptor – buyer beware.
We have answers. We have solutions – . We cannot provide solutions or treatments to a medical system and model that denies it is sick.
My training has taught me how to translate anecdotal clinical observations into empirically sound clinical measurements in medicine, neurodevelopment, and human physiology. This is especially so in dealing with functions of the human brain and behavior.
The pictorial evidence attached to this article represents a small sample of the data I have now collected from thousands. The truth about all vaccinations causing harm is now available for your understanding.
The truth is frightening, disheartening, alarming, and now self-evident.
We have made a global medical mistake based on a lack of knowledge and understanding. We have translated forest fires for 1% of the population into chronic brush fires for the entire population. The brush fires are chronic illness and disease, least of which are the neurodevelopmental disorders.
12-IMAM Brain Damage measurement system
The measurement system I have created is based on the 12 cranial nerves and the clinical skills Doctors are supposed to use to assess brain function and integrity. I have called the measurement system the 12 “Eye” M.A.S.S. Anoxia Measures (12-IMAM).
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M.A.S.S. is an acronym for many chronic illnesses and diseases that impair blood flow “Moulden Anoxia Spectrum Syndromes.” One-size-fits-all global vaccination schemes have created M.A.S.S. disorders on MASS scales. MASS disorders, from infectious diseases to vaccinations, have a common sequence of injuries which includes impaired blood flow, oxygenation, blood carrying capacity, and non-specific immune hyper-stimulation.
In essence, we are creating disease and chronic illness by an over-zealous activation of a natural set of healing mechanisms in human physiology – a component phase of the MASS physiological response.
Remarkably, it is not so much the specific “germs and toxins” that are causing death and disease. It is the response of the body and blood to foreign substances entering the blood and tissues that causes pathology. The state of the blood, the nature of the triggers, the state of the immune system relative to repeat antigenic challenges, conspires to effect damages along a continuum of harm – all organ systems can be affected.
The cellular and tissue damages are additive with each exposure. Direct vaccination is no longer necessary to be vaccine injured. Vaccinations are not the only trigger to pathology. Serial (repeat) vaccinations aggravate the core problems. Once the blood vessels are damaged, to a critical point, the pathological process can take on a self-perpetuating life of its own – from infants to teenagers to adults, to companion pets alike.
Four features of the 12-IMAM measurement system that you can now see, include the eye turning in, the eye turning out, the smile becoming asymmetrical, and the eye blinks coming out of sync. These are strokes, from ischemia, throughout the brain and body, for all. Repeat vaccination is the primary culprit, however, vaccination is not the only cause of this MASS problem in human physiology.
If you repetitively dump a million rubber duckies at the mouth of the Mississippi river, where they become lodged downstream will vary from truckload to truckload. Repeat vaccination, by its effects on the non-specific immune system, is like dumping the triggers which call for repetitive “dumping” of millions of rubber duckies (white blood cells) at the head of the Mississippi river. Once the “triggers” are sequestered in various bottleneck end tributary river branches, they continuously attract more “rubber duckies” to these areas. This impairs blood flow and leads to a net loss of tissue by acute or slow strangulation.
It is the act and magnitude of the “rubber duckies” being called to these end vascular areas that causes congestion, impaired blood flow, lack of oxygen, glucose and nutrients to the affected tissue areas. Without oxygen or nutrients, he cells lining the walls of capillaries self-cauterize (clamp shut). This is a healing mechanism that must be instituted in order to prevent leakage of plasma and or blood into tissues.
With MASS impairs blood flow and oxygenation to the tiny blood vessels in the eye, we sometimes see “retinal hemorrhages.” When MASS occurs in the brain, we call it intracerebral bleeding. When MASS occurs to the bones, we call it brittle bones. Collectively, we label this “shaken baby syndrome.”
When the blood sludging MASS process happens to brainstem areas controlling automatic respiration, the central drive for respiration is lost. We call this sudden infant death or sudden death.
When M.A.S.S. happens to the descending motor tracts in the brain, we call this paralysis, Guillain-Barre Syndrome, infantile paralysis, seizures, encephalopathy.
CBS News has found that since 1988, the vaccine court has awarded money judgments, often in the millions of dollars, to thirteen hundred and twenty two families whose children suffered brain damage from vaccines. All of these children will show the same IMAM-12 ischemic brain damages as children who have been rendered autistic, learning disabled or dead after vaccinations. The process that causes brain damages from vaccination is also the same MASS process that causes all damages after vaccination – all vaccinations. It is not the vaccines doing this. It is “M.A.S.S.” ischemia. Vaccines have been inadvertently concocted to induce MASS.
When M.A.S.S. happens to internal organs or connective tissue, we call it colitis, irritable bowel, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, post-concussion syndrome, a psychiatric disorder.
When M.A.S.S. happens in infants, and children, we call it autism-spectrum disorders, specific learning disabilities, attention deficit disorders, Aspergers syndrome, global developmental delay, and some childhood cancers. Sometimes M.A.S.S. causes or compounds cerebral palsy – both conditions result from impaired oxygenation and blood flow to the brain.
Sometimes we call M.A.S.S. “Kawasaki” syndrome, “Moyamoya”, “aseptic meningitis”, “encephalopathy”, “Meningitis”, hypsarrythmia, infantile spasms, West syndrome, or febrile seizures. It is all simply M.A.S.S. ischemia.
Autism and schizophrenia are the same ailment, in physiology, albeit the triggering pathways for schizophrenia (loss of immunological tolerance) has a different trajectory than acquired autism-spectrum disorders. Nonetheless, a similar mechanism is at work for both ailments – MASS ischemia from derailed blood flow.
When MASS happens in teen girls after Gardasil vaccination, it creates death, disease, illness, clouded thinking, and paralysis. Remarkably, the Gardasil shots are simply completing the silent ischemic vascular damages, to body and brain that were caused from each childhood vaccination the girl received. Sudden death is due to loss of central drive for respiration in the same manner that vaccinations are causing many cases of sudden infant death. Sometimes seizures may also occur. The course can be waxing and waning. All vaccines are causing these problems – silently, in an additive manner over each vaccination, for all of us. No one is spared.
When MASS happens in military and armed services personnel, this causes “Gulf war Syndrome.”
When MASS happens to schizophrenia patients being treated with powerful psychotropic drugs that de-rail white blood cell functions, sudden “unexplained” death can occur by the same MASS sudden death sequence that vaccinations sometimes induce in infants and teen girls.
When MASS happens in the elderly, it causes a slow, step-wise deterioration in cognitive functions – we call this dementia. This is slow strangulation of brain tissue from ischemia at the microscopic level.
Febrile seizures are not caused by “fever”. The fever expands the diameter of the tiny blood vessels so that more white blood cell infection fighting “soldiers” can traverse down the “roads.” When the blood vessel roads become jammed, by too many white blood cells, and altered fluid dynamics, there is ischemia. Ischemia causes a lack of oxygen to the brain.
No oxygen to electrically active cells causes depolarization. In the heart, ischemia causes arrhythmia – a seizure to the heart. In the brain, ischemia causes seizures – arrhythmia to the brain. Seizures are a symptom of impaired blood flow and oxygenation just like vaccine induced autism-spectrum is a symptom of the same process.
You can have autism without seizures. You can have seizures without autism. You can have brain damages with or without autism or seizures. This is all ischemia – immediate and delayed, from instability of blood flow dynamics.
I can make these statements of fact, and so can you, since the photographs you can now see, before and after vaccination, show we are all having ischemic microvascular strokes – silently. Some of these damages are called “bulbar palsies” and they are the exact same damages we saw from wild polio exposure as we now see from vaccinations. Remarkably, no one ever told you that wild polio and other infectious diseases, were inducing the body to cause ischemic strokes to the brain. Vaccinations induce the same process – albeit in an attenuated and chronic form.
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The ischemic brain damages, after vaccination, from infants to adults, cut across all symptom based medical diagnostic end points.
Type 1 insulin dependent diabetes mellitus is a MASS disorder, as is Parkinson Disease, Tourette’s syndrome, Multiple Sclerosis, and several other neuropsychiatric disorders.
Aphasia and loss of expressive speech functions with vaccinations is called “isolation of speech syndrome” or “transcortical motor aphasia.” This is caused by ischemia to end blood vessel watershed vascular territories in the brain – period.
Silent MASS ischemic strokes is how the body caused paralysis and respiratory failure from wild polio virus exposure. This is how death occurred from Smallpox. This is how swine flu vaccine caused paralysis and Guillain-Barre syndrome. This is how thalidomide caused infants to be born with no arms and legs. This is how a series of anthrax vaccines causes military veterans to give birth to children with no arms and legs 18 months after receiving the vaccine series. This is how Vioxx caused heart attack and stroke. This is how pre-natal German measles caused autism-spectrum and organ damages. This is how a systemic drop in maternal blood pressure, during gestation, causes Mobius syndrome (and autism-spectrum). This is how repeat vaccination is causing dementia.
M.A.S.S. is how vaccinations are causing a multitude of chronic illnesses and disease. It is not the germs causing this problem. It is the response of the body to de-railed and unbalanced immune challenges.
When microscopic end blood vessels are destroyed (closed off), as blood flow diminishes and starts to “sludge”, this impairs healing, cellular functioning, and promotes build-up of toxins, heavy metals, and pathogens in circumscribed tissue areas. The ischemia causes disease, autoimmunity, and some cancers if the cells are forced to function in a low energy, low oxygen state. It is not so much “Rome” that is being damaged as it is the roads to and from Rome that are being damaged first. The “fall of Rome” follows as the Romans are starved, strangulated, and forced to live in a “City” that can neither bring supplies in to repair damages, nor can it remove waste from within its central territory by efficient means to meet supply and demand. This is an example of too many Roman Centurions (white blood cells) called to Rome to protect the City. The Centurions, by magnitude and response, block the roads to Rome by virtue of a chronic “Call to Arms.”
There is a better way to prevent disease. Vaccination only masks the cause of disease, it does nothing to address the core problem in physiology – the non-specific M.A.S.S. response and colloidal stability of blood flow dynamics. There are alternative solutions to controlling infectious diseases in populations that do not require injecting foreign substances into your body.
Doctors, pathologists, and coroners cannot see what is right before their very eyes. The cause of sudden infant death, and dementia, in life, is impaired microscopic blood flow. In death, there is no blood flow. Medical science cannot find cause of death and disease, in life, from looking at dead tissue, when the dead tissue exhibits the same cause of death during life – no microscopic end vascular blood flow.
A 300 foot Giant Redwood can transport water (nutrients and oxygen) against gravity from the ground to the very top of the tree. The redwood has no moving parts or pump. This transpiration feat is accomplished by the electrodynamics nature of water.
Human blood is 95% water. The human body is 75% water by weight. In physiology, when the electrodynamics quality of water is de-railed by heavy metals, infectious diseases, vaccinations, and other adverse influences, the water which carries oxygen, nutrients, glucose, and healing cells cannot traverse tiny blood vessels to deliver their life sustaining cargoes. This is especially true in end vascular “pipes” that are uniquely oriented against gravity. Blood flow is a function of the colloidal stability of the blood and its products.
The human blood is a colloidal suspension. Proteins. Amino acids, heavy metals etc.. are carried in suspension within the blood as a function of the net negative charge within the system. Drop the net negative charge, flow pressures in tiny end blood vessel “pipes” will start to sludge, agglomerate, and increase viscosity of blood in circumscribed microscopic vascular areas. Medical science has no live imaging tool powerful enough to see this process as it is happening.
By analogy, coffee cream remains in a fluid state when it is moving. If the cream remains stagnant in your coffee cup for several days, it will phase change into a gel. Stagnant blood also turns to sludge and “gel” when it stops moving in a spiral column. Stagnation causes an increase in mass as blood products “come together” to form various degrees of sludge and “gel”.
Agglomerates of sludged blood products cannot traverse microscopic blood vessels designed to carry oxygen transporting red blood cells, in single file. Capillary blood vessels oriented against gravity are uniquely susceptible. Forward blood flow momentum is a function of the negative charge and “spin” in fluid dynamics which keeps particles with mass separated from one another.
Newtonian laws of physics govern how objects with mass move in our universe . The “Big G” is Newton’s Universal Law that Force equals Acceleration x MASS. Increasing MASS (as in sludged blood) with no net increase in Force causes deceleration and no forward flow. No forward flow translates into no oxygen or fuel delivery. For the brain, and body, this causes hypoxia (low oxygen), anoxia (no oxygen) and ischemia (impaired blood flow).
In terms of vaccine damages, impaired forward blood flow in end vascular territories creates brain and organ damages – in us all. These damages have been clinically silent – for millennia. This ischemic process, from germs, toxins, to vaccinations, is the cause of much human disease, pain, and suffering. All vaccines are causing chronic disease, in our attempts to prevent acute disease. We never got rid of the problem, as we did not know what the problem was – until now.
There are some common “end vascular” blood vessels in the human brain, irrespective of age. It is for this reason that we see the exact same measurable signs of brain damage, immediate and delayed, from all vaccinations, for us all in the same manner we saw identical damages from the wild polio virus in the 1950’s. Some of these damages are called bulbar palsies (paralyses) from impaired blood flow through the brain and brainstem. They were present from deadly infectious diseases as much as they are now present from vaccinations. This is slow death, for us all, rather than a fast death, for the few.
When there is impaired blood flow there is impaired oxygen delivery to tissue. Vaccines cause impaired blood flow in an immediate, delayed, waxing and waning pattern. This impairs oxygen delivery throughout the 60,000 miles of microscopic end blood vessel networks in the brain and body. Microscopic brain tissue regions can only survive 4 minutes in an absolute oxygen deprivation state.
Cerebral Vascular Network
Whenever you impair “flow” in any riverbed system, the first areas to “dry up” downstream are the weakest trickling streams furthest from the flow source. These areas are called”end vascular networks.” If an area of tissue is served by a singular blood vessel branch, these areas are called “watershed vascular territories.” These tissue areas are most susceptible to damages when blood flow is partly or completely impaired upstream. For example, the finger-tips, toe-tips, nose-tips, and ear-tips are most susceptible to frost bite as they are end vascular, watershed areas in the human body.
The evidence you can now see, represents the beginning of the end of a flawed medical model and system that has caused the greatest harm, by man-kind to man-kind, in the history of recorded history. Remarkably, we managed to perpetrate these acts under the guise of the greater good, for handsome profit, endorsed by political leaders, corporate merchants, public health officials, and medical professionals alike – they don’t know what they don’t know – a part of the problem.
Debates over the safety, efficacy, and utility of the one-size-fits-all global vaccination programs has reached a fervent pitch. According to the World Health Organization there are 43 million vaccinations administered globally, on any given day. As citizens, we are told “leave the science to scientists.” If you do not have a medical or advanced science degree, your input is “irrelevant.” You are told children can handle ten thousand vaccinations safely as they are all attenuated, killed germs, or weakened.
The problem is that medical science has not known what to measure in order to ensure safety – for all. Now that we have the hard, clinically reproducible, see for yourself measures of neurological damages, we can now see that ALL vaccinations, just like the wild viruses in the pre-vaccine era, are causing tissue, organ, and brain damages. These damages exist along a continuum of harm. The damages are additive with each vaccination received – you can now see this. The clinically silent adverse effects include derailments of all organ systems, to death. We call these adversities by a plethora of clinical labels that are seemingly unrelated to the causal event – repeat vaccinations.
Remarkably, I can now make these bold statements as we can all now see, with our own eyes, the ischemic brain damages, for us all, across ALL vaccinations, from infancy to adulthood, immediately and delayed, irrespective of the end organ damages or clinical diagnostic labels that emerge.
We are selling you vaccines, for profit, which are causing illnesses and death. We then sell you symptom based pharmaceutical products, for profit, to treat the damages and disorders we have caused.
Remarkably, I can now say that the vaccine damages extend to the realm of cancers in addition to varied autoimmune and neurodevelopment disorders.
Determining the cause of a particular disease or disorder, in medical physiology, is the first “Bright Step Forward” towards providing rational, targeted, therapeutic interventions to recover from the damages by which a particular disease and disorder state emerged.
All vaccinations are causing “silent” brain and organ damages in exactly the same way that wild polio virus caused paralysis and respiratory failure and how other infectious “plaques” of days gone by, have crippled, maimed, paralyzed, and killed. This is now proven. The damages are additive and summative with each vaccination given. The organ, tissue, and brain damages have been clinically silent, – until now.
You may now see, with your own eyes and understanding, amongst your own family and loved ones,. Evidence now before the United States federal Circuit Courts on vaccine injuries proves that we have ALL been harmed, and are being harmed, by this universal one-size-fits-all vaccination program. Some of this evidence is compiled in an educational 3 disk, 6 hour DVD series entitled: “Tolerance Lost“ Volumes 1 to 3.
The Tolerance Lost DVD series, a USA vaccine legal exemption guidebook, and a evidence of harm materials are available at, , or by calling 1-877-NOW-I-CAN.
For answers, solutions, assessment, and help – please contact us directly at 1-877-NOW-I-CAN.,
There are ways to address the MASS problem and to enable healing to occur even for those that have been damaged. This does not require placing foreign substances or synthetic drugs in the human body – MASS FLO2 LIFE is where the answers must start.
God heals, and the doctor collects the fee. We have reached a time, in history, that we must return to paying fees to the master physician as the medical sciences, in dogma and discourse, has clearly led us a stray.
“Be the change we must see in the world, one Bright Step Forward at a time.”
The global vaccination program is an evil deed, perpetrated by mankind against mankind, for profit, based on a fallible man made tool (”scientific method”) that can just as soon convince you that the what you see with your own eyes is not true as it can be wielded to “prove” the non-existence of G-D.
These vaccines, as it turns out, are like a maddening wine, which political leaders and “Kings” of the earth have enabled merchants of the planet to grow rich from, at the expense of our collective health and wellness.
The next issue of Spectrum magazine will contain more of the empirical, see for yourself, data and science to explain how this has happened, why it is happening, and what we must now do to help us all.
Matthew 13:41 : The Son of man shall send forth his Angels and they shall gather out of his kingdom all things that offend them which do iniquity.
These autism children are Angels. These vaccines are iniquity. The evidence now before you beckons your spirit, body, mind, and soul to “come out of her my people” as you see God’s desire and character more clearly. Mystery, Babylon the Great.
Without Faith, without hope, we are lost. Faith and hope can be found. 1-877-NOW-I-CAN
Dr Andrew Moulden MD, PhD “12-IMAM” ;
1-877-NOW-I-CAN for assessment and help
This is a stern, yet humble, warning to all citizens of the globe. It is now proven that we are all being harmed by repeat vaccinations. This evidence must be circulated broadly in light of the imminent Fall, 2009 plan to turn North American schools into MASS vaccine centers to institute triple flu vaccine to us all. Children will be the first to be injected with experimental flu vaccines. The entire vaccine industry, as it turns out, has been experimental. We did not know that we were causing damages – for us all.
In case you are wondering what will happen, the answers are contained in this article. The same thing will happen as has been happening with all vaccines. Clinically silent ischemic brain and body damages will happen. The only difference is that you can now see these damages, with your own eyes, in the here and now, in real time, and in your family photos going back fifty or more years if you have to.
ALL vaccines are causing immediate and delayed, acute and chronic, waxing and waning, impairments to blood flow, throughout the brain and body. This IS causing us all to become chronically ill, sick, and causing brain damages along a continuum of clinically silent to death. This is causing ischemic “strokes”. In some respects, this is also “aging.” Since the damages are microscopic, we cannot see them as they occur. However, we can now see the neurological aftermath of these damages – within hours and days of vaccination – all vaccinations.
[View with PicLens]
In Revelations 18:4 by the epistle of Saint John we are told: â€Å“And I heard another voice from Heaven saying “Come out of her my people that ye be not partakers of her sins and that ye receive not of her plagues.” All vaccinations, as you can now clearly see, are causing chronic illness and mass disorders on mass scales. The global health consequences clearly amount to plaques.
As a medically trained Doctor, a PhD trained neuroscientist/neuropsychologist, with a Masters degree in Child/language neurodevelopment, I have been trained to follow clinical observations to empirical assessment couched within the scientific model we rely upon to answer questions of: What is normal and what is not? What is cause? What is coincidence? What is factual? What is fancy? What is reproducible? What is random? What is measurable? What is predictable? What is truth? What is consequence? What is “going on”?
Science is only a man made truth-seeking tool. It is fallible. It is a statistical, probabilistic mathematical model. It has limitations. Wielded for profit – truth can become lost.
Scientific methods, design, and analyses can just as soon hide the truth as they can discover truth, or create “truth” de-novo.
Science cannot replace God-given tools of common sense and observation we all have. You do not need statistical probabilistic mathematical models, wielded by experts, to deny what you can see with your very own eyes.
If you place your hand on a hot stove element, you will be burned. If you do not experience pain and you cannot see the burn, then you will not learn that touching hot stove elements is harmful.
All vaccines have been causing “burns” to body and brain. The brain has no pain receptors. You will not feel the pain. You can, however, see the footprints of these “burns” immediate and delayed, from each vaccination. The evidence was before our eyes all along. We simply did not appreciate what these “burns” meant let alone that they were emerging, after each vaccination. The “burns” are largely to internal organ systems. We can ALL now see the damaging effects of these “burns” with our own eyes.
As a physician, it is my sworn duty to cause no harm. As a human being, it is my duty to watch over my fellow beings. As an educator, it is my responsibility to teach awareness and understanding. As a scientist, it is my duty to separate cause from coincidence. As a Christian, it is my value to do unto others, as I would have others do unto myself. As a man, it is my responsibility to stand up to power, with truth and understanding, when those that wield power are in error.
My statements are not the words of a zealot. These are the words of integrity, couched with understanding, that has the potential to reside in every one of you.
Seek, and you shall find. Knock, and the door shall be opened unto you. I have sought. I have knocked. The door has been opened. I have found the truths I was seeking. The answers have not come from my own understandings. The answers are simply self-evident “res ipsa loquitur“ the thing speaks for itself.
All vaccinations cause brain damage, disease, chronic illness, aging, and death “res veritas loquitur“ the truth speaks for itself. If you do not seek, if you do not knock, if you do not look, if you trust your own understandings, then caveat emptor – buyer beware.
We have answers. We have solutions – . We cannot provide solutions or treatments to a medical system and model that denies it is sick.
My training has taught me how to translate anecdotal clinical observations into empirically sound clinical measurements in medicine, neurodevelopment, and human physiology. This is especially so in dealing with functions of the human brain and behavior.
The pictorial evidence attached to this article represents a small sample of the data I have now collected from thousands. The truth about all vaccinations causing harm is now available for your understanding.
The truth is frightening, disheartening, alarming, and now self-evident.
We have made a global medical mistake based on a lack of knowledge and understanding. We have translated forest fires for 1% of the population into chronic brush fires for the entire population. The brush fires are chronic illness and disease, least of which are the neurodevelopmental disorders.
12-IMAM Brain Damage measurement system
The measurement system I have created is based on the 12 cranial nerves and the clinical skills Doctors are supposed to use to assess brain function and integrity. I have called the measurement system the 12 “Eye” M.A.S.S. Anoxia Measures (12-IMAM).
[View with PicLens]
M.A.S.S. is an acronym for many chronic illnesses and diseases that impair blood flow “Moulden Anoxia Spectrum Syndromes.” One-size-fits-all global vaccination schemes have created M.A.S.S. disorders on MASS scales. MASS disorders, from infectious diseases to vaccinations, have a common sequence of injuries which includes impaired blood flow, oxygenation, blood carrying capacity, and non-specific immune hyper-stimulation.
In essence, we are creating disease and chronic illness by an over-zealous activation of a natural set of healing mechanisms in human physiology – a component phase of the MASS physiological response.
Remarkably, it is not so much the specific “germs and toxins” that are causing death and disease. It is the response of the body and blood to foreign substances entering the blood and tissues that causes pathology. The state of the blood, the nature of the triggers, the state of the immune system relative to repeat antigenic challenges, conspires to effect damages along a continuum of harm – all organ systems can be affected.
The cellular and tissue damages are additive with each exposure. Direct vaccination is no longer necessary to be vaccine injured. Vaccinations are not the only trigger to pathology. Serial (repeat) vaccinations aggravate the core problems. Once the blood vessels are damaged, to a critical point, the pathological process can take on a self-perpetuating life of its own – from infants to teenagers to adults, to companion pets alike.
Four features of the 12-IMAM measurement system that you can now see, include the eye turning in, the eye turning out, the smile becoming asymmetrical, and the eye blinks coming out of sync. These are strokes, from ischemia, throughout the brain and body, for all. Repeat vaccination is the primary culprit, however, vaccination is not the only cause of this MASS problem in human physiology.
If you repetitively dump a million rubber duckies at the mouth of the Mississippi river, where they become lodged downstream will vary from truckload to truckload. Repeat vaccination, by its effects on the non-specific immune system, is like dumping the triggers which call for repetitive “dumping” of millions of rubber duckies (white blood cells) at the head of the Mississippi river. Once the “triggers” are sequestered in various bottleneck end tributary river branches, they continuously attract more “rubber duckies” to these areas. This impairs blood flow and leads to a net loss of tissue by acute or slow strangulation.
It is the act and magnitude of the “rubber duckies” being called to these end vascular areas that causes congestion, impaired blood flow, lack of oxygen, glucose and nutrients to the affected tissue areas. Without oxygen or nutrients, he cells lining the walls of capillaries self-cauterize (clamp shut). This is a healing mechanism that must be instituted in order to prevent leakage of plasma and or blood into tissues.
With MASS impairs blood flow and oxygenation to the tiny blood vessels in the eye, we sometimes see “retinal hemorrhages.” When MASS occurs in the brain, we call it intracerebral bleeding. When MASS occurs to the bones, we call it brittle bones. Collectively, we label this “shaken baby syndrome.”
When the blood sludging MASS process happens to brainstem areas controlling automatic respiration, the central drive for respiration is lost. We call this sudden infant death or sudden death.
When M.A.S.S. happens to the descending motor tracts in the brain, we call this paralysis, Guillain-Barre Syndrome, infantile paralysis, seizures, encephalopathy.
CBS News has found that since 1988, the vaccine court has awarded money judgments, often in the millions of dollars, to thirteen hundred and twenty two families whose children suffered brain damage from vaccines. All of these children will show the same IMAM-12 ischemic brain damages as children who have been rendered autistic, learning disabled or dead after vaccinations. The process that causes brain damages from vaccination is also the same MASS process that causes all damages after vaccination – all vaccinations. It is not the vaccines doing this. It is “M.A.S.S.” ischemia. Vaccines have been inadvertently concocted to induce MASS.
When M.A.S.S. happens to internal organs or connective tissue, we call it colitis, irritable bowel, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, post-concussion syndrome, a psychiatric disorder.
When M.A.S.S. happens in infants, and children, we call it autism-spectrum disorders, specific learning disabilities, attention deficit disorders, Aspergers syndrome, global developmental delay, and some childhood cancers. Sometimes M.A.S.S. causes or compounds cerebral palsy – both conditions result from impaired oxygenation and blood flow to the brain.
Sometimes we call M.A.S.S. “Kawasaki” syndrome, “Moyamoya”, “aseptic meningitis”, “encephalopathy”, “Meningitis”, hypsarrythmia, infantile spasms, West syndrome, or febrile seizures. It is all simply M.A.S.S. ischemia.
Autism and schizophrenia are the same ailment, in physiology, albeit the triggering pathways for schizophrenia (loss of immunological tolerance) has a different trajectory than acquired autism-spectrum disorders. Nonetheless, a similar mechanism is at work for both ailments – MASS ischemia from derailed blood flow.
When MASS happens in teen girls after Gardasil vaccination, it creates death, disease, illness, clouded thinking, and paralysis. Remarkably, the Gardasil shots are simply completing the silent ischemic vascular damages, to body and brain that were caused from each childhood vaccination the girl received. Sudden death is due to loss of central drive for respiration in the same manner that vaccinations are causing many cases of sudden infant death. Sometimes seizures may also occur. The course can be waxing and waning. All vaccines are causing these problems – silently, in an additive manner over each vaccination, for all of us. No one is spared.
When MASS happens in military and armed services personnel, this causes “Gulf war Syndrome.”
When MASS happens to schizophrenia patients being treated with powerful psychotropic drugs that de-rail white blood cell functions, sudden “unexplained” death can occur by the same MASS sudden death sequence that vaccinations sometimes induce in infants and teen girls.
When MASS happens in the elderly, it causes a slow, step-wise deterioration in cognitive functions – we call this dementia. This is slow strangulation of brain tissue from ischemia at the microscopic level.
Febrile seizures are not caused by “fever”. The fever expands the diameter of the tiny blood vessels so that more white blood cell infection fighting “soldiers” can traverse down the “roads.” When the blood vessel roads become jammed, by too many white blood cells, and altered fluid dynamics, there is ischemia. Ischemia causes a lack of oxygen to the brain.
No oxygen to electrically active cells causes depolarization. In the heart, ischemia causes arrhythmia – a seizure to the heart. In the brain, ischemia causes seizures – arrhythmia to the brain. Seizures are a symptom of impaired blood flow and oxygenation just like vaccine induced autism-spectrum is a symptom of the same process.
You can have autism without seizures. You can have seizures without autism. You can have brain damages with or without autism or seizures. This is all ischemia – immediate and delayed, from instability of blood flow dynamics.
I can make these statements of fact, and so can you, since the photographs you can now see, before and after vaccination, show we are all having ischemic microvascular strokes – silently. Some of these damages are called “bulbar palsies” and they are the exact same damages we saw from wild polio exposure as we now see from vaccinations. Remarkably, no one ever told you that wild polio and other infectious diseases, were inducing the body to cause ischemic strokes to the brain. Vaccinations induce the same process – albeit in an attenuated and chronic form.
[View with PicLens]
The ischemic brain damages, after vaccination, from infants to adults, cut across all symptom based medical diagnostic end points.
Type 1 insulin dependent diabetes mellitus is a MASS disorder, as is Parkinson Disease, Tourette’s syndrome, Multiple Sclerosis, and several other neuropsychiatric disorders.
Aphasia and loss of expressive speech functions with vaccinations is called “isolation of speech syndrome” or “transcortical motor aphasia.” This is caused by ischemia to end blood vessel watershed vascular territories in the brain – period.
Silent MASS ischemic strokes is how the body caused paralysis and respiratory failure from wild polio virus exposure. This is how death occurred from Smallpox. This is how swine flu vaccine caused paralysis and Guillain-Barre syndrome. This is how thalidomide caused infants to be born with no arms and legs. This is how a series of anthrax vaccines causes military veterans to give birth to children with no arms and legs 18 months after receiving the vaccine series. This is how Vioxx caused heart attack and stroke. This is how pre-natal German measles caused autism-spectrum and organ damages. This is how a systemic drop in maternal blood pressure, during gestation, causes Mobius syndrome (and autism-spectrum). This is how repeat vaccination is causing dementia.
M.A.S.S. is how vaccinations are causing a multitude of chronic illnesses and disease. It is not the germs causing this problem. It is the response of the body to de-railed and unbalanced immune challenges.
When microscopic end blood vessels are destroyed (closed off), as blood flow diminishes and starts to “sludge”, this impairs healing, cellular functioning, and promotes build-up of toxins, heavy metals, and pathogens in circumscribed tissue areas. The ischemia causes disease, autoimmunity, and some cancers if the cells are forced to function in a low energy, low oxygen state. It is not so much “Rome” that is being damaged as it is the roads to and from Rome that are being damaged first. The “fall of Rome” follows as the Romans are starved, strangulated, and forced to live in a “City” that can neither bring supplies in to repair damages, nor can it remove waste from within its central territory by efficient means to meet supply and demand. This is an example of too many Roman Centurions (white blood cells) called to Rome to protect the City. The Centurions, by magnitude and response, block the roads to Rome by virtue of a chronic “Call to Arms.”
There is a better way to prevent disease. Vaccination only masks the cause of disease, it does nothing to address the core problem in physiology – the non-specific M.A.S.S. response and colloidal stability of blood flow dynamics. There are alternative solutions to controlling infectious diseases in populations that do not require injecting foreign substances into your body.
Doctors, pathologists, and coroners cannot see what is right before their very eyes. The cause of sudden infant death, and dementia, in life, is impaired microscopic blood flow. In death, there is no blood flow. Medical science cannot find cause of death and disease, in life, from looking at dead tissue, when the dead tissue exhibits the same cause of death during life – no microscopic end vascular blood flow.
A 300 foot Giant Redwood can transport water (nutrients and oxygen) against gravity from the ground to the very top of the tree. The redwood has no moving parts or pump. This transpiration feat is accomplished by the electrodynamics nature of water.
Human blood is 95% water. The human body is 75% water by weight. In physiology, when the electrodynamics quality of water is de-railed by heavy metals, infectious diseases, vaccinations, and other adverse influences, the water which carries oxygen, nutrients, glucose, and healing cells cannot traverse tiny blood vessels to deliver their life sustaining cargoes. This is especially true in end vascular “pipes” that are uniquely oriented against gravity. Blood flow is a function of the colloidal stability of the blood and its products.
The human blood is a colloidal suspension. Proteins. Amino acids, heavy metals etc.. are carried in suspension within the blood as a function of the net negative charge within the system. Drop the net negative charge, flow pressures in tiny end blood vessel “pipes” will start to sludge, agglomerate, and increase viscosity of blood in circumscribed microscopic vascular areas. Medical science has no live imaging tool powerful enough to see this process as it is happening.
By analogy, coffee cream remains in a fluid state when it is moving. If the cream remains stagnant in your coffee cup for several days, it will phase change into a gel. Stagnant blood also turns to sludge and “gel” when it stops moving in a spiral column. Stagnation causes an increase in mass as blood products “come together” to form various degrees of sludge and “gel”.
Agglomerates of sludged blood products cannot traverse microscopic blood vessels designed to carry oxygen transporting red blood cells, in single file. Capillary blood vessels oriented against gravity are uniquely susceptible. Forward blood flow momentum is a function of the negative charge and “spin” in fluid dynamics which keeps particles with mass separated from one another.
Newtonian laws of physics govern how objects with mass move in our universe . The “Big G” is Newton’s Universal Law that Force equals Acceleration x MASS. Increasing MASS (as in sludged blood) with no net increase in Force causes deceleration and no forward flow. No forward flow translates into no oxygen or fuel delivery. For the brain, and body, this causes hypoxia (low oxygen), anoxia (no oxygen) and ischemia (impaired blood flow).
In terms of vaccine damages, impaired forward blood flow in end vascular territories creates brain and organ damages – in us all. These damages have been clinically silent – for millennia. This ischemic process, from germs, toxins, to vaccinations, is the cause of much human disease, pain, and suffering. All vaccines are causing chronic disease, in our attempts to prevent acute disease. We never got rid of the problem, as we did not know what the problem was – until now.
There are some common “end vascular” blood vessels in the human brain, irrespective of age. It is for this reason that we see the exact same measurable signs of brain damage, immediate and delayed, from all vaccinations, for us all in the same manner we saw identical damages from the wild polio virus in the 1950’s. Some of these damages are called bulbar palsies (paralyses) from impaired blood flow through the brain and brainstem. They were present from deadly infectious diseases as much as they are now present from vaccinations. This is slow death, for us all, rather than a fast death, for the few.
When there is impaired blood flow there is impaired oxygen delivery to tissue. Vaccines cause impaired blood flow in an immediate, delayed, waxing and waning pattern. This impairs oxygen delivery throughout the 60,000 miles of microscopic end blood vessel networks in the brain and body. Microscopic brain tissue regions can only survive 4 minutes in an absolute oxygen deprivation state.
Cerebral Vascular Network
Whenever you impair “flow” in any riverbed system, the first areas to “dry up” downstream are the weakest trickling streams furthest from the flow source. These areas are called”end vascular networks.” If an area of tissue is served by a singular blood vessel branch, these areas are called “watershed vascular territories.” These tissue areas are most susceptible to damages when blood flow is partly or completely impaired upstream. For example, the finger-tips, toe-tips, nose-tips, and ear-tips are most susceptible to frost bite as they are end vascular, watershed areas in the human body.
The evidence you can now see, represents the beginning of the end of a flawed medical model and system that has caused the greatest harm, by man-kind to man-kind, in the history of recorded history. Remarkably, we managed to perpetrate these acts under the guise of the greater good, for handsome profit, endorsed by political leaders, corporate merchants, public health officials, and medical professionals alike – they don’t know what they don’t know – a part of the problem.
Debates over the safety, efficacy, and utility of the one-size-fits-all global vaccination programs has reached a fervent pitch. According to the World Health Organization there are 43 million vaccinations administered globally, on any given day. As citizens, we are told “leave the science to scientists.” If you do not have a medical or advanced science degree, your input is “irrelevant.” You are told children can handle ten thousand vaccinations safely as they are all attenuated, killed germs, or weakened.
The problem is that medical science has not known what to measure in order to ensure safety – for all. Now that we have the hard, clinically reproducible, see for yourself measures of neurological damages, we can now see that ALL vaccinations, just like the wild viruses in the pre-vaccine era, are causing tissue, organ, and brain damages. These damages exist along a continuum of harm. The damages are additive with each vaccination received – you can now see this. The clinically silent adverse effects include derailments of all organ systems, to death. We call these adversities by a plethora of clinical labels that are seemingly unrelated to the causal event – repeat vaccinations.
Remarkably, I can now make these bold statements as we can all now see, with our own eyes, the ischemic brain damages, for us all, across ALL vaccinations, from infancy to adulthood, immediately and delayed, irrespective of the end organ damages or clinical diagnostic labels that emerge.
We are selling you vaccines, for profit, which are causing illnesses and death. We then sell you symptom based pharmaceutical products, for profit, to treat the damages and disorders we have caused.
Remarkably, I can now say that the vaccine damages extend to the realm of cancers in addition to varied autoimmune and neurodevelopment disorders.
Determining the cause of a particular disease or disorder, in medical physiology, is the first “Bright Step Forward” towards providing rational, targeted, therapeutic interventions to recover from the damages by which a particular disease and disorder state emerged.
All vaccinations are causing “silent” brain and organ damages in exactly the same way that wild polio virus caused paralysis and respiratory failure and how other infectious “plaques” of days gone by, have crippled, maimed, paralyzed, and killed. This is now proven. The damages are additive and summative with each vaccination given. The organ, tissue, and brain damages have been clinically silent, – until now.
You may now see, with your own eyes and understanding, amongst your own family and loved ones,. Evidence now before the United States federal Circuit Courts on vaccine injuries proves that we have ALL been harmed, and are being harmed, by this universal one-size-fits-all vaccination program. Some of this evidence is compiled in an educational 3 disk, 6 hour DVD series entitled: “Tolerance Lost“ Volumes 1 to 3.
The Tolerance Lost DVD series, a USA vaccine legal exemption guidebook, and a evidence of harm materials are available at, , or by calling 1-877-NOW-I-CAN.
For answers, solutions, assessment, and help – please contact us directly at 1-877-NOW-I-CAN.,
There are ways to address the MASS problem and to enable healing to occur even for those that have been damaged. This does not require placing foreign substances or synthetic drugs in the human body – MASS FLO2 LIFE is where the answers must start.
God heals, and the doctor collects the fee. We have reached a time, in history, that we must return to paying fees to the master physician as the medical sciences, in dogma and discourse, has clearly led us a stray.
“Be the change we must see in the world, one Bright Step Forward at a time.”
The global vaccination program is an evil deed, perpetrated by mankind against mankind, for profit, based on a fallible man made tool (”scientific method”) that can just as soon convince you that the what you see with your own eyes is not true as it can be wielded to “prove” the non-existence of G-D.
These vaccines, as it turns out, are like a maddening wine, which political leaders and “Kings” of the earth have enabled merchants of the planet to grow rich from, at the expense of our collective health and wellness.
The next issue of Spectrum magazine will contain more of the empirical, see for yourself, data and science to explain how this has happened, why it is happening, and what we must now do to help us all.
Matthew 13:41 : The Son of man shall send forth his Angels and they shall gather out of his kingdom all things that offend them which do iniquity.
These autism children are Angels. These vaccines are iniquity. The evidence now before you beckons your spirit, body, mind, and soul to “come out of her my people” as you see God’s desire and character more clearly. Mystery, Babylon the Great.
Without Faith, without hope, we are lost. Faith and hope can be found. 1-877-NOW-I-CAN
Dr Andrew Moulden MD, PhD “12-IMAM” ;
1-877-NOW-I-CAN for assessment and help
Unconfirmed Reports of Large Numbers of Deaths from the Vaccine in the Ukraine
Unconfirmed reports are coming in that thousands of people in what appears to be a rural area under quarantine in the western Ukraine have been killed by vaccines.
A Ukrainian woman who crossed into neighbouring Poland told people there that she had driven into the Ukraine to meet a friend but was stopped about 60 km from the border and told that parts of the Western Ukraine were closed at a distance of about 100 kilometers from the border with Poland.
These people allegedly told her that there were thousands of dead people lying on the streets inside those closed off areas.
Also, there are mass graves filled with bodies covered with lime.
The woman said the people had died as a result of vaccinations. The vaccines allegedly came from France.
This report cannot be independently verified. The woman has reported what others have told her leaving room for the story to be distorted if there is any basis in fact at all. The woman did not see these things with her own eyes.
Life in the town of Drohobych in the Western Ukraine appears to be continuing as normal, say eyewitness reports from there.
The Ukrainian government has recently clamped down on the media, shutting down bloggers, and there are no reports so far in the mainstream or alternaitve media that confirm this story.
Rural parts of Western Ukraine are difficult to access.
The Ukrainian government has said that it has put parts of Western Ukraine under quarantine as a result of an outbreak of pandemic.
Also, the government has announced its intention to carry out mass vaccinations under the instructions of WHO to counter the “pandemic”.
Reports have come in of pneunomic plague following unusual aircraft activity.
Doctors are reported to have been told that they cannot write down pneumonic plague as a cause of death and must write down swine flu.
This is an email from a source in Poland:
I reveived a phone call from the friend of my parents, a healer, who had a client from Ukraine - woman, who allegedly ran away from Ukraine yesterday. What she says is very scary. She tried to drive into Ukraine to meet her friend. About 60 km from the border she was stopped by people. They warned her that some parts of Western Ukraine are closed, around 100-10 km from the border.
Those people allegedly were crying that there are thousands of dead victims lying on the streets, and nobody wants to touch them. Also, that there are some mass graves filled with bodies, which were disinfected with lime (calcium). Thousands people died not from the disease but from the vaccines.
I tried to verify this info, my cousin called friends in Drohobycz (also Western Ukraine) - there is nothng abnormal there. So it could be a provocation or to run false stories.
Of course there is a chance that only small part of the region is affected, maybe they tried there untested vaccine and these are the results.
Nevertheless, there is complete media blackout about it except some comments in my blog which for already 2 weeks confirm the fact of “thousands of victims”.
A Ukrainian woman who crossed into neighbouring Poland told people there that she had driven into the Ukraine to meet a friend but was stopped about 60 km from the border and told that parts of the Western Ukraine were closed at a distance of about 100 kilometers from the border with Poland.
These people allegedly told her that there were thousands of dead people lying on the streets inside those closed off areas.
Also, there are mass graves filled with bodies covered with lime.
The woman said the people had died as a result of vaccinations. The vaccines allegedly came from France.
This report cannot be independently verified. The woman has reported what others have told her leaving room for the story to be distorted if there is any basis in fact at all. The woman did not see these things with her own eyes.
Life in the town of Drohobych in the Western Ukraine appears to be continuing as normal, say eyewitness reports from there.
The Ukrainian government has recently clamped down on the media, shutting down bloggers, and there are no reports so far in the mainstream or alternaitve media that confirm this story.
Rural parts of Western Ukraine are difficult to access.
The Ukrainian government has said that it has put parts of Western Ukraine under quarantine as a result of an outbreak of pandemic.
Also, the government has announced its intention to carry out mass vaccinations under the instructions of WHO to counter the “pandemic”.
Reports have come in of pneunomic plague following unusual aircraft activity.
Doctors are reported to have been told that they cannot write down pneumonic plague as a cause of death and must write down swine flu.
This is an email from a source in Poland:
I reveived a phone call from the friend of my parents, a healer, who had a client from Ukraine - woman, who allegedly ran away from Ukraine yesterday. What she says is very scary. She tried to drive into Ukraine to meet her friend. About 60 km from the border she was stopped by people. They warned her that some parts of Western Ukraine are closed, around 100-10 km from the border.
Those people allegedly were crying that there are thousands of dead victims lying on the streets, and nobody wants to touch them. Also, that there are some mass graves filled with bodies, which were disinfected with lime (calcium). Thousands people died not from the disease but from the vaccines.
I tried to verify this info, my cousin called friends in Drohobycz (also Western Ukraine) - there is nothng abnormal there. So it could be a provocation or to run false stories.
Of course there is a chance that only small part of the region is affected, maybe they tried there untested vaccine and these are the results.
Nevertheless, there is complete media blackout about it except some comments in my blog which for already 2 weeks confirm the fact of “thousands of victims”.
RBD Change D225G in Ukraine Lungs Raises Concerns
Mill Hill, a WHO regional center in London has placed sequences from 10 isolates from Ukraine on deposit at GISAID (see list below). They are to be commended for the prompt deposit of these important sequences. The availability of the sequences should put an end to wild speculation on the origins of the Ukraine outbreak.
All H and N sequences are typical for H1N1, as indicated in early WHO announcements. There are no large changes. Additional gene segments have been deposited from a subset of these isolates (but not analyzed below). There are silent changes that are in all or most Ukraine sequences, but the only HA polymorphism was the receptor binding domain change, D225G. This polymorphism was in the three lung, as well as the one throat sample. It was not in the nasopharyngeal washes or the isolate grown in MDCK cells suggesting the D225G may have a tissue tropism component and may allow for high levels of virus in the lung.
D225G was also found in necropsy lung tissue from fatal cases in Sao Paulo, further supporting tissue tropism associated with this polymorphism. The polymorphism has recently appeared on a series of different genetic backgrounds, supporting acquisition by recombination. The genetic backgrounds were geographically diverse. It was appended onto a genetic background specific for China as well as another distinct background found in Singapore and Japan. It has also recently appeared on backgrounds from Spain and Brazil. In addition, it was in isolates from last spring collected in the United States and Mexico.
The appearance of D225G on multiple recent genetic backgrounds raises concerns that the polymorphism is offering a selective advantage in association with multiple genetic backgrounds, and the selective detection of the polymorphism in lung and throat samples may indicate it is more widespread because of its absence from nasopharyngeal washes. Lung and throat sampling may be required for detection and determination of the true geograpohical reach of this change..
More information on outcomes for these patients, as well as results for lung and nasopharyngeal samples from the same patient, would be useful.
The prompt release of these sequences should help guide further analysis of the evolving swine H1N1.
A/Khmelnitsky/1/2009 EPI_ISL_62017
A/Ternopil/19/2009 EPI_ISL_62016
A/Ternopil/11/2009* EPI_ISL_62015
A/Ternopil/6/2009 EPI_ISL_62014
A/Ternopil/5/2009 EPI_ISL_62013
A/Lviv/N6/2009* EPI_ISL_62012
A/Ternopil/N11/2009 EPI_ISL_62011
A/Ternopil/N10/2009 EPI_ISL_62010
A/Lviv/N2/2009* EPI_ISL_62009
A/Kyiv/N1/2009 EPI_ISL_62008
* D225G
‘The availability of the sequences should put an end to wild speculation on the origins of the Ukraine outbreak.’ - Thousands of eye-witness accounts of planes spraying a substance over the major cities where the outbreaks occurred just before people began to become ill could NOT be wrong.
Just because WHO has said that the changes are irrelevant does not change the fact that 1.5 million people have become extremely ill in a VERY short period of time, their lungs are collapsing in a matter of days, and hundreds, if not thousands, have died since the outbreak occurred just weeks ago. WHO have taken an EXTREMELY LONG TIME releasing those test results.
‘More information on outcomes for these patients, as well as results for lung and nasopharyngeal samples from the same patient, would be useful.’
Would be useful? Are you kidding us? WHO are the world governments’ Mafia.
All H and N sequences are typical for H1N1, as indicated in early WHO announcements. There are no large changes. Additional gene segments have been deposited from a subset of these isolates (but not analyzed below). There are silent changes that are in all or most Ukraine sequences, but the only HA polymorphism was the receptor binding domain change, D225G. This polymorphism was in the three lung, as well as the one throat sample. It was not in the nasopharyngeal washes or the isolate grown in MDCK cells suggesting the D225G may have a tissue tropism component and may allow for high levels of virus in the lung.
D225G was also found in necropsy lung tissue from fatal cases in Sao Paulo, further supporting tissue tropism associated with this polymorphism. The polymorphism has recently appeared on a series of different genetic backgrounds, supporting acquisition by recombination. The genetic backgrounds were geographically diverse. It was appended onto a genetic background specific for China as well as another distinct background found in Singapore and Japan. It has also recently appeared on backgrounds from Spain and Brazil. In addition, it was in isolates from last spring collected in the United States and Mexico.
The appearance of D225G on multiple recent genetic backgrounds raises concerns that the polymorphism is offering a selective advantage in association with multiple genetic backgrounds, and the selective detection of the polymorphism in lung and throat samples may indicate it is more widespread because of its absence from nasopharyngeal washes. Lung and throat sampling may be required for detection and determination of the true geograpohical reach of this change..
More information on outcomes for these patients, as well as results for lung and nasopharyngeal samples from the same patient, would be useful.
The prompt release of these sequences should help guide further analysis of the evolving swine H1N1.
A/Khmelnitsky/1/2009 EPI_ISL_62017
A/Ternopil/19/2009 EPI_ISL_62016
A/Ternopil/11/2009* EPI_ISL_62015
A/Ternopil/6/2009 EPI_ISL_62014
A/Ternopil/5/2009 EPI_ISL_62013
A/Lviv/N6/2009* EPI_ISL_62012
A/Ternopil/N11/2009 EPI_ISL_62011
A/Ternopil/N10/2009 EPI_ISL_62010
A/Lviv/N2/2009* EPI_ISL_62009
A/Kyiv/N1/2009 EPI_ISL_62008
* D225G
‘The availability of the sequences should put an end to wild speculation on the origins of the Ukraine outbreak.’ - Thousands of eye-witness accounts of planes spraying a substance over the major cities where the outbreaks occurred just before people began to become ill could NOT be wrong.
Just because WHO has said that the changes are irrelevant does not change the fact that 1.5 million people have become extremely ill in a VERY short period of time, their lungs are collapsing in a matter of days, and hundreds, if not thousands, have died since the outbreak occurred just weeks ago. WHO have taken an EXTREMELY LONG TIME releasing those test results.
‘More information on outcomes for these patients, as well as results for lung and nasopharyngeal samples from the same patient, would be useful.’
Would be useful? Are you kidding us? WHO are the world governments’ Mafia.
NIH Whistleblower Alexander S. Jones: Deadly Flu Spreads Across Ukraine
November 18, 2009 at 12:39 am
Tags: h1n1 bird flu birdflu swine flu swineflu h5n1 pandemic ott deagle eisenstein cassel vaclib nvic dissent resistance vaccine vaccination toxic adjuvants mf-59 squalene genocide who cdc nih globalists ge
[Alexander S. Jones (not to be confused with a fearmongering egomaniacal radio host and filmmaker of the same name) is a former genetic analyst with the National Institute for Health (NIH) and has been a member of Dr. Bill Deagle's research team for many months. -ed]
Deadly flu spreads across Ukraine
by Alexander S. Jones
Deadly flu continues to spread across Ukraine, criminal World Health Organization lies to the public, MSM maintains radio silence.

There are many aspects to this story. It is impossible to know where to begin — let alone cover all the pertinent facts in just one article. Those who have followed my Zerohedge columns in the past may be aware the subject of pandemic influenza has been a regular feature, precisely because there have been multiple signs indicating a global pandemic would be exploited (and perhaps even initiated) by governments and international banks for political purposes.
The signs have been building, including as I previously reported, forced quarantine orders inadvertently published by the CDC. What do these people know which the public does not?

Over the past two weeks, what appears to be a particularly virulent form of the flu has been spreading in Ukraine and adjacent Eastern European countries. This new flu is, in my opinion, a lethal new strain which has mutated (or was released). I speak with a background in virology. This new mutated flu virus appears to have a remarkable affinity for the lungs and is causing deaths to a much higher extent than the previous swine flu. Something in the virus has changed. I have covered this incredibly important story for two weeks now in my weekly column This Week In Mayhem, which is generally published on Monday mornings.
Regardless, there has been almost zero (NOTHING. NADA. SILENCE.) mention of the Ukraine epidemic in the mainstream media, a fact which I find both astonishing and profoundly disturbing. There is apparently collusion at the highest levels of government and media to suppress this information. There are now 1.3 million infected in Ukraine, and over 75,000 hospitalized — IN FOURTEEN DAYS. This is very serious! Based on previous clinical data we can expect over 8,000 to be dead or soon to be dead. Forward projection of the epidemic is difficult because the clinical attack rate is unknown — but myself and my associates remain concerned it may be quite high. Deaths globally may be in the millions. Let’s hope this is not the case.

An example of viral pneumonia. Yeah, fail.
The new flu strain, which I contend is spreading in Ukraine and Belarus, is characterized by a lightning form of viral pneumonia — very similar to what happened in 1918. The new flu virus appears to have profound tissue affinity for sialic acid receptors deep in the lungs, replicating in the alveoli. To put it mildly, the lungs fill with blood. Quotes from Ukrainian officials included quotes such as “total destruction of the lungs.” Ukrainian Doctor Viktor Bachinsky has stated, “The virus causing the deaths is extremely aggressive — it doesn’t first infect the throat (as is common in flu), but strikes the lungs directly.” In Ukraine’s western Chernovetsky region, an epicenter of the outbreak, doctors have said lab tests showed at least some of the fatalties appeared to be caused by a flu dissimilar to both common flu and swine flu. In other words, a mutant flu. This claim of a ‘mutant flu’ has been echoed by Ukrainian public health officials such as Dr. Vasyl Lazoryshynetz. Unfortunately, as noted in the above Russia Today video, pharmacies across the country are sold out of antivirals. To the hard of thinking — yes, this is currently happening in Ukraine.
I have multiple sources confirming spot outbreaks of viral pneumonia in Eastern Europe, including official and non-official entities. In terms of the current situation, there appear to be a high number of pneumonia patients in Ukrainian and Belerusian hospitals. This epidemic has not shut down Ukrainian society yet, but it has caused many people to become concerned, and to buy up essential medicines. Reports from doctors in Belarus indicate they do not expect this deadly new flu epidemic to peak until Christmas or later. This is why it is important to analyze the situation and viral genetics now, and if necessary, contain the spread of the virus while it is still possible — something the criminals at WHO do not appear interested in doing. These idiots at WHO have yet to release the viral gene sequences (even though they have had them for two weeks), and are now outright lying in their press releases, which I detail later. In terms of how dangerous this new flu strain could potentially be, I conducted a rough analysis of the Ukrainian government statistics, yielding a projected case fatality rate (CFR) of 0.61% — over six times as lethal as seasonal flu.
Lastly, there are signs the virus is genetic engineered.

The Ukrainian government has been releasing daily data updates on the numbers of “acute respiratory infections” , the number of related hospitalizations , and the number of deaths since Oct 28, 2009. These reported numbers have increased substantially over the past two weeks, from near zero before Halloween to over a million as of today. It is important to remember that these statistics are not laboratory confirmed H1N1 cases (due to the state of the Ukrainian medical system), but we can cautiously assume at this point the vast majority of ARI (acute respiratory infection) in Ukraine with rapid progression to viral pneumonia are caused by influenza A virus. This is because a large subset of these samples are coming up positive of Influenza A, and a smaller subset tested by rt-rtPCR are coming up positive for influenza A/H1N1, or what is more commonly known as ’swine flu’. This suggests we are dealing with a viral epidemic of influenza.

This is not ’swine flu’ as previously known. Statistically, the only way for this to be ’swine flu’ is if it has mutated (or if the data is wrong). . . We will get to that in a minute.
As I mentioned , this data comes directly from the Ukrainian government. In the past two weeks, ARI have gone from near zero before Halloween to affecting 1.3 million Ukrainians. Over a million people are currently sick with probable H1N1. More importantly, there are over 75,000 total hospitalized at the time of the writing of this article, Monday 11/16. Based on these two figures (75,000 / 1.3 million), approximately 5.6% of those infected with this new ARI end up at the hospital. This is the critical statistic which allows us to estimate how f*cked we actually might be.

Officially, there are 299 deaths, but a realistic estimate shows this is easily one order of magnitude too low. Realistically deaths are between 2,000 – 8,000 people from this probable new strain of the flu — so far. The number of dead is sure to rise dramatically, as we are only two weeks into this new epidemic. Which brings us to our estimation of the case fatality rate (CFR). Again, I would love to be wrong about this. Let’s hope I am.
The current American strain ’swine flu’ has a case fatality rate (CFR) of 0.1% or less. Seasonal flu has a CFR of 0.1%. The 1957 pandemic had a case fatality rate of 0.5%. The deadly 1918 pandemic had a CFR of 2 – 5%. Based on the Ukrainian government statistics, the new mutated Ukrainian flu has a CFR of 0.61% or higher — that is, 6.1x as lethal as seasonal flu , perhaps more. Perhaps less if our assumptions are wrong.
We arrive at the 0.61% CFR statistic based on the number of hospitalizations in Ukraine vs. the number of infections. This estimate is only as good as the underlying data, but I have confidence it is in the ball-park (order of magnitude). I consider the official reported number of deaths (299) to be unreliable for political reasons. No one wants to be the country with the lethal flu. Doctors, especially those in Belarus (which is a dictatorship) feel strong administrative pressure to label influenza viral pneumonia deaths as something else, for example cardiac failure. Thus , ARI hospitalizations are the more reliable indicator for what is happening on the ground. Deaths can be implied from hospitalization statistics, assuming we are dealing with a form of H1N1 influenza.
Last week, the medical journal the Lancet published a meta-analysis of the (old) swine flu confirming a JAMA report that approximately 11% of hospitalized patients who had contracted the (old) swine flu died. We will use this 11% figure as our “middle case”. The official government reported deaths (299) are considered “best case”. For a “worst case” estimate, we can assume that 25% of hospitalized flu patients will eventually die. We can use these 11% and 25% statistics to estimate the case fatality rate of the Ukrainian flu. The method is as follows:

To calculate the “middle case” and infer fatalities, we take 0.11 (11%, the figure from the JAMA) and multiply it by the number of Ukrainian hospitalizations on a particular date, to yield the expected number of ultimate fatalities. This method assumes the vast majority of reported ARI are from H1N1 swine flu. Using the November 15th data, this gives us 8345 expected fatalities. We take the number of expected fatalities and divide this into the total number who are estimated to be infected on the same particular data point (Nov 15). So 8345 deaths / 1.36 million infections , which yields the case fatality rate, which in this case is 0.61%. Obviously this is a rough estimate, but it is probably within an order of magnitude of the real CFR.
Assumptions for this model:
1) The vast majority of reported Ukrainian ARI are some form of H1N1 flu.
2) The data from the Ukrainian government for infections and hospitalizations is reliable and is not ‘massaged’ for political purposes.
Implications of this model:
1) If A1 and A2 are true, then statistically speaking we must be dealing with mutated H1N1 influenza (mutated ’swine flu’).
In any case, this estimated CFR for Ukrainian flu is over six times higher than seasonal flu. Not good. Let’s hope this is wrong. Our “worst case” 25% estimate gives a CFR of 1.39%, enough to eventually shut down commerce and society across the planet — but fortunately it is likely this “worst case” estimate is far off the mark. For our estimates here, including the CFR estimate of 0.61% using the data from the JAMA — supposing this estimate was purely based on Ukrainian government statistics, we could consider such an arbitrarily high Case Fatality Rate unreliable , and the product of bad data. However, in the context of multiple reports from individuals as well as state health authorities of MANY cases of viral pneumonia and thousands of patients in intensive care in Belarus and Ukraine, we consider this CFR estimate to make much more sense. That is, it fits the data on the ground of a worsening flu pandemic with a tendency towards viral pneumonia.
The old swine flu did not cause viral pneumonia, generally speaking. The new apparently mutated swine flu does, to an extent orders of magnitude higher. Thus , there must have been changes to the receptor binding domain , among other genes (perhaps PA, PB2, and NS1).
I am not fond of the World Health Organization. In my opinion, it is a tool of corrupt billionaire international financiers with which to achieve their dark global geopolitical objectives in the area of public health. These objectives are rarely in the public interest. We could spend paragraphs discussing deep corruption at WHO. One important point to remember is their obvious complicity and criminal cover-up regarding MMR vaccine contamination with Avian Leukosis Virus (ALV) , which may induce cancer.
The point here regarding WHO and the potential outbreak Ukraine is several:
-WHO has yet to release the gene sequences of the Ukrainian flu, despite possessing them for almost two weeks. They have also had a “team” on the ground in Lviv for a similar period of time. Where are the flipping gene sequences? The WHO has claimed there are no “big” mutations in the flu strain (apparently ruling out a viral reassortant), but has so far refused to release the Ukrainian flu gene sequences to the Internet community for analysis. This is reprehensible. What are these people doing? The world could know very quickly what we were dealing with if this genetic data was published, but instead it’s being kept secret for whatever ulterior motives the WHO is operating under.
-WHO issued a press release on Friday which contained the following astonishing quote, bordering on deception.
“Because of a sharp rise in pandemic influenza cases one week ago in Ukraine, the Ministry of Health requested assistance from WHO European Regional Office to evaluate and respond. The initial analysis of information indicates that the numbers of severe cases do not appear to be excessive when compared to the experience of other countries and do not represent any change in the transmission or virulence of the virus.”
Okay, let’s see: Ukraine asked WHO to respond. WHO sent a team to Lviv. So far so good, despite the missing gene sequences. Now wait, what? The WHO publishes their all-star analysis… “The number of severe cases do not appear to be excessive”? Are you kidding me? Please explain how 75,000 hospitalizations in two weeks is not ‘excessive’? And how all the pharmacies sold out of antivirals? And how Ukraine is under de-facto martial law? And that Yushenko gave a prime-time speech more or less threatening political dissidents if they don’t follow government orders? Or that school in Ukraine is canceled for three weeks? Half the country under quarantine? Hospitals seeing a surge of viral pneumonia patients? What gives? Are these people at WHO retarded or are they criminals?
Oh and of course the gem of this press release by WHO: That “[ the numbers of severe cases ] do not represent any change in the transmission or virulence of the virus.” Hahahaa! You are going to tell me that Ukraine went from two cases to 1.3 million cases in 14 days , and that doesn’t represent any change in transmission? Is this supposed to be a joke? These pharmaceutical crooks damn well better explain themselves if you are going to make claims so obviously contrary to reality. Does the WHO contend the Ukrainian government just pulling these figures out of the air? What of the case reports of rapidly deteriorating viral pneumonia in Belarus, Ukraine, and Romania? What is causing this? What about the statements from Ukrainian health officials that we have a new flu strain? On what data are WHO basing these preposterous claims, which fly in the face of reality and common sense? Why not release the Ukrainian gene sequences? There is an obvious spike in mortality and pneumonia – why? Does WHO contend this is another pathogen besides influenza? If so, what? Honestly, this statement issued Friday November 13th from WHO is so obviously full of lies I really don’t even have to comment; anyone with a brain can see they are not telling us the truth.
-WHO dodges questions from Bloomberg and Sun Media regarding a mutation in Ukrainian flu during last weeks press conference.
Phil Serafino, Bloomberg: Dr Shindo……..I have a second question also which may not be your area of expertise but have you heard anything about the mutation of the virus or has it changed at all – are we looking at anything different than a few months ago?
Dr Shindo /WHO: Well, I can answer that question first. The virus is quite stable. It hasn’t changed……..
Joseph: This is Joseph from Kuala Lumpur – I am from the Sun Media……I just want to ask whether or not any slight mutation even a drift variant has been noticed so far?
Dr Shindo / WHO: Amazingly this virus is very stable and part of the reason, virologists (are saying) is because of the lack of pre-existing immunity in population so that virus doesn’t have to mutate to escape from people’s immunity. So it’s quite stable.
What a joke! You’d think these fools at WHO were politicians , rather than doctors! Twice, the WHO official dodges questions from reporters (Bloomberg nonetheless!) on whether we are dealing with a critical new mutation in Ukraine sequences responsible for higher lethality and infectivity. Unbelievable. Again, I suggest these actions by WHO, taken in concert, are more akin to the actions of a criminal syndicate than to a global public health service. Lies and evasion. Stonewalling. Is this how we expect public servants to behave, especially on time-crucial issues upon which millions of lives depend? Unfortunately this is par for the course. Perhaps we should re-evaluate our conception of the world in which we live. hint: it is so incredibly corrupt, it defies man’s imagination.
-Someone personally contacted WHO asking point-blanc , “Is there a critical mutation in this flu in Eastern Europe” and was met with silence.
The above speaks for itself. I was made aware of this contact through a phone conversation with a journalist from
I have mentioned the silence in the MSM on this issue. The only significant story I have noted was a story in Bloomberg. The NYT jumped on the bandwagon last Friday with a garbage fluff piece not addressing the critical questions. Furthermore, prior to these two articles, all MSM stories regarding Ukraine and flu were focusing on the internal political rivalry , rather than the rapid increase in infections and hospitalizations. My opinion here is that the MSM has been deliberately ignoring this story, as well as spinning it as “insignificant” by framing it as foreign politics rather than public health.
Instead, we see the usual MSM flu garbage about getting vaccinated (but of course no mention of vaccine contamination), about children getting sick, about pet cats catching the flu, and so on. The hype machine is still running 24/7. So where were the stories on Ukraine? What gives? Judging by all the ridiculous swine flu scare stories we’ve been hearing since past Spring , you’d think the mass media would jump all over the opportunity to scare the hell out of the public with the potential emergence of a new strain? But instead, silence.
I mentioned this before, I will embed the genetics image once again.

The swine flu virus is a triple-triple-reassortant , with the earlier triple-reassortant being approximately one decade old. The new H1N1 (’swine flu’) emerged out of nowhere, out of season in Mexico, and went on to infect many people out of season in Spring 2009. The virus was fit and transmissible from the start – there was no detection of sporadic community outbreaks prior to the replication coefficient exceeding 1.0, resulting in sustained transmission. So this virus emerged ready to go – whether from genetic engineering, or from natural selection. However, no farm or wild swine herd has been identified which served as the reservoir for original Mexico City outbreak. The “patient zero” so-hyped by CNN – a 5-year old boy from La Gloria, Mexico – supposedly contracted the infection from a swine factory farm 80km away. This, we are supposed to believe, even though the virus was not identified in any pigs at the factory farm. So no source has yet been identified. The origins remain mysterious.
While a triple-reassortant flu is not uncommon, in the context of other information , geopolitical , economic , and scientific, the emergence of the original swine flu is extraordinarily suspect. The potential virulent reemergence is Ukraine after aerosol spraying is even more suspect. The H1N1 virus contains genes from multiple flu viruses – three to be precise. These three flu viruses which comprise ’swine flu’ are from multiple continents. Furthermore, a total off 4-8% of the RNA (genetic material) is entirely new, with no known match in the public gene databases. The RNA polymerase in this flu is extra-ordinarily error prone according to the University of Edinburgh, multiple times the error rate of seasonal flus. Furthermore, the RNA polymerase is comprised of a bird-human-pig hybrid protein trimer from an earlier H3N2 triple-reassortant. This may be partly responsible for its ability to easily bridge across species. According to Dr. Adrian Gibbs, co-creator of Tamiflu, for this virus to emerge naturally, swine would have had to pass through quarantine twice in order to acquire the necessary genetics. Once from America to Asia , with a wait time in quarantine, and then back again from Asia to America, once again with a wait time through quarantine to America. Of course, this does not even include the pig getting the necessary flu triple coinfection after making ,its journey around the world. Even after this may have hypothetically occurred, the emergent virus was suddenly evolutionarily fit to spread in pigs, yet also genetically fit to spread in humans, yet also acquiring the necessary host-to-host contact between man and pig. If this was so, why was this not detected in any swine in Mexico prior to humans spreading the virus back to their herds? This suggests the virus emerged in humans first, prior to swine, which would indicate potential genetic engineering.
Lastly , comments from Dr. Adrian Gibbs, co-creator of Tamiflu, suggest a laboratory origin for this virus. Dr. Gibbs was very courageous to state this opinion despite the mass media brainwashing to the contrary. Gibbs suggested the emergence was unintentional, but I do not believe that to be the case. Many powerful players stand to benefit from the emergence of a pandemic , especially one with the ‘genetic history’ necessary to establish plausible deniability on the occasion the virus ’spontaneously’ becomes more virulent. A short list of of such entities and their potential objectives is provided in the second-to-last section of this article. For further research regarding the emergence of swine flu ,its genetic structure, and potential players involved, I suggest reviewing the work of Bill Sardi, who has his papers published on Lew
Where Did the H1N1 Late-2009 Flu Season Virus Come From?
Why Isn’t the H1N1 Pandemic Flu Being Investigated as a Designed Bioweapon?
Bill Sardi Archives
Co-creator of Tamiflu says ’swine flu’ was created in a lab§ionid=3510210
Some may not be aware, but our government has spent immense amounts of money resurrecting the deadly 1918 flu virus which killed millions of people. This terrible plague was lost to history – prior to the work of Dr. Jeffrey Taubenberger at the US Army Institute of Molecular Pathology. Approximately one decade ago, teams affiliated with the US government began digging up deceased individuals who were preserved in the Alaskan permafrost – individuals who died from the previously-extinct lethal flu from 1918. The fragments of viral RNA were combined from various dead bodies, in order to get the full spectrum of genetic material necessary to rebuild the deadly 1918 virus. These mad scientists used OUR TAX MONEY to sequence the RNA from a constellation of genes belonging to this extraordinary lethal flu, in order to reconstruct it. Once the entire deadly 1918 virus was sequenced, it was reconstructed from scratch using the process of reverse-genetics, and then active reconstructed 1918 viral particles were inoculated into animals – including primates –in order to study their incredibly ‘lethal’ effects and destruction of lung tissue. The government has spent a huge amount of money on programs closely related to weaponization of influenza.
Multiple studies were published by the US Army / Ft. Dietrick team, with most articles with abstracts freely accessible in NIH Pubmed, and many co-authored by Dr. Jeffrey Taubenberger at the US Army BSL3/BSL4 (Biosafety Level 3/4) laboratories. One of these studies involved comparing the X-ray crystal structure of the 1918 virus hemaglutinin to H5N1 (bird flu) hemaglutinin, which is a curious topic to study, unless you are attempting to create lethal pandemic flu. This is stepping so close to biological weapons research I am astonished this much was published. If you think this Army program was somehow not involved in weaponization of influenza, then I have a bridge to sell you in Brooklyn. They were obviously involved with weapons research. If and how the current ‘pandemic’ is related is up for debate.
Of course, the latest 2009 gems from these various scientific psychopaths include a study published this fall titled “Resurrected Pandemic Influenza Viruses.” In this study, the mad-scientist brain-trust affiliated with Taubenberger uses big research money funneled out from Uncle Sugar’s loving tentacles, and constructs recombinant pandemic viruses in order to determine the amino acid changes responsible for virulence (lethality). In other words, these individuals are being paid to study how to make influenza more deadly. Why?
The whole point of this idiocy is that it’s somewhat like Jurassic Park. If you do not resurrect the Velociraptor, you do not have to worry about it killing you. So why resurrect the Velociraptor? Is this not foolish? Or perhaps money talks, and Uncle Sugar likes his weapons, regardless of form or function.
For further information, see:
Resurrected pandemic influenza viruses.
Tumpey TM, Belser JA.
Influenza Division, National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, Georgia 30333, USA.
as well as the work of Dr. Jeffrey Taubenberger, searchable at NIH Pubmed:
If one examines the charts posted at the beginning of this article, it becomes apparent the Ukraine outbreak begins approximately Oct 28 – 30, 2009 if we are to believe the official statistics. Additionally , we know the Ukrainian government’s daily statistical updates began on October 28th 2009, when the rate of infections began to increase from a previously established baseline. What is curious is that this time frame coincides with reports of low-altitude aerial spraying in areas where the virus spread the most rapidly, particularly the Lviv region. In fact, reports to the Ukrainian government regarding low-altitude aerial spraying around Halloween reached such a high incidence, the government was forced to issue an official denial that were any aerial ‘flu reduction operations’ in progress.
So the question becomes, what exactly was going on here? What were eyewitnesses observing? Was something being sprayed? Could the spraying have the objective of modulating flu infectivity? Clearly something interesting was going on if the government was forced to issue an official denial and with hundreds of eyewitness reports.
Ukraine Reports of Overhead Aerosol Spraying
On October 31, Kiev newspaper editors got dozens of calls about light planes doing aerosol spraying during the day. In refuting the claims, the district’s Emergency Response office said “no permission had been granted for small aviation aircraft to fly within the city limits.” Yet eye-witness accounts from Lviv, Ternopil, and other Ukraine cities said the same thing.
Authorities in Kiev, Ukraine, deny spraying of “aerosolized medication” by aircraft over city.
The Office for Emergency Situations Desniansko district of Kyiv denies reports that in the metro “Forest” with the help of aviation dissipated funds against influenza.
Earlier today, the city rumors that over the market near the metro station “Forest” flying the plane, spraying some way from the “swine” influenza. The caller to the editors of newspapers in Kiev “forest residents reported that they or their friends or relatives of people here have seen circling over the aircraft market. It was also reported that retailers were encouraged to stay in tents.
The administration of the market “Forest” strongly refuted this information.
In Gosaviadministratsii correspondent “Newspapers in Kiev was told that any permission to fly to the city limits of small aviation aircraft today are not issued.
For information on spraying means against influenza is also refuted in the Directorate of Health of the city.
However, such rumors are being discussed in Internet forums Lviv, Ternopil and other cities.
Interesting, huh? So on Oct 31, local Ukrainian government authorities advise people to stay indoors because of anti-flu spraying, which is then followed by eyewitness reports and complaints to Kyiv and Lviv authorities of light aircraft spraying aerosols, which is then followed by repeated strong denials from government higher-ups… Indeed, the plot thickens. The question is rather, are these facts relevant to the situation? Related? Just rumors? I simply do not know. Your guess is as good as mine. Just another piece to the puzzle. Our job is to determine if it fits.

Last year, Chicago-based Baxter Pharmaceutical sent deadly contaminated flu vaccine to multiple sub-contractor laboratories in multiple countries – to include , at minimum Czech Republic, Slovania, Austria, and Germany. Baxter’s vaccine product was represented as H3N2 “seasonal flu” vaccine material – but this product that was somehow “accidentally” contaminated with the 30-80% deadly H5N1 ‘bird flu’. Theoretically, this could have caused a terrible global plague had this egregious mistake not been caught by a sub-sub-contractor called Biotest in the Czech Republic , who by a miracle decided to inject their animals, and noticed all their laboratory ferrets contracted lethal illness after testing Baxter’s deadly vaccine material.
Here is the relevant Bloomberg article from Feb 24, 2009:
Baxter Sent Bird Flu Virus to European Labs by Error
Feb. 24 (Bloomberg) — Baxter International Inc. in Austria unintentionally contaminated samples with the bird flu virus that were used in laboratories in three neighboring countries, raising concern about the potential spread of the deadly disease.
Again: Last year, Baxter sent out seasonal flu vaccine material to labs around the world , vaccine material which was somehow ‘accidentally’ mixed with deadly H5N1 bird flu! If humans had been inadvertently exposed to this vaccine material, they could have easily contracted fatal bird flu and potentially spread it to others, resulting in a lethal global pandemic. This should never have happened, but Baxter has offered no explanation for their actions, nor the sequence of events which resulted in this deadly incident – where restricted H5N1 bird flu virus somehow left their secure facilities ,and ended up in seasonal flu vaccine material. Insanity!
Here is a diagram of what actually happened:

Now again, this should NEVER happen, because these pathogens are normally handled under BSL3 (Biosafety Level 3) procedures. Thirty-seven people at Biotest in the Czech Republic spent the month in quarantine because of Baxter’s criminal idiocy. At the very least, Baxter’s vaccine bird flu contamination was criminally negligent. No individuals at Baxter have been brought to justice for this potentially deadly incident.
And this is not the last time you will find Baxter connected with deadly flu…
Given that I run in the Internet underworld, I do have the scoop on this interesting story. In August 2009, a patriot radio host (Dr. A True Ott) on Republic Broadcast Network (RBN) received a phone call from an unidentified man with a thick Middle-Eastern accent. The man claimed to have knowledge of a large Baxter production facility in Ukraine, which he claimed was involved in producing biological weapons – particularly in the form vaccines contaminated with biologically active RNA from the H5N1 virus (sound familiar?). See above. The man claimed Baxter would eventually provoke a lethal global flu pandemic.
Now, as a radio host, Dr. Ott gets a fair amount of random phone calls, so he took what was mentioned by this mysterious caller with a grain of salt. Now the man , who turned out to be Israeli virus scientist Dr. Joseph Moshe, asked Dr. Ott where he could turn in evidence – including documents – regarding Baxter’s involvement in influenza weaponization programs, particularly through their Ukrainian production facility. Dr. Ott asked the man his location – to which the caller replied ‘Southern California’ – so Ott told the mysterious caller (Joseph Moshe) that he would be best off taking the documents to a US Attorney’s office in downtown Los Angeles.
The VERY NEXT DAY the following televised standoff occurs in the parking lot outside the LA Federal Building. Microwave weapons. Tear gas robots. Swat Teams. The works. You have to watch the video to believe it. The media and Feds claimed Joseph Moshe made threats against the White House. Are you kidding me? I don’t buy it. This guy was a threat to someone’s agenda. Watch this video of the incredible level of force used against this unassuming Israeli plant scientist, and judge for yourself what you believe.
Incidentally, here is Joseph Moshe’s biography.
Moshe Bar Joseph, Prof. (Retiree)
Plant Protection, Plant Pathology and Weed Research
Research Interests / Job description
Telephone Tel: +97289350823
Cellphone Cell: +972509350823
Fax Fax: + 97289352826
Office location: Bet Dagan
Dept of Plant Pathology and Weed Research
ARO, The Volcani Center
Bet Dagan 50250
Research Interests / Job description:
-Management and control of virus and virus like disease agents of subtropical fruit trees, with special emphasis on citrus.
-Certification programs, nursery propagation methods and modern cultivation practices of citrus & subtropical fruit trees.
-Eradication policies and practices of potentially epidemic disease agents of fruit trees.
-Phytoplasma, Spiroplasma and insect vectored disease agents of citrus and subtropical fruit trees
-Molecular characterization and evolution of Closteroviridae and of viroid disease agents.
-Methods of pathogen detection and elimination.
-Transgenic plants (citrus) and rapid propagation technologies.
1972 Ph.D. Hebrew University, Jerusalem
1984 Researcher, Grade A+ (equivalent to Professor, Dept of Virology, ARO, The Volcani Research Center, Bet Dagan
1983-1984 Head of Department of Plant Pathology, Volcani Cente
1995-1986 Head of Department of Plant Virology, Volcani Center
1994 -2004 Professor (Adjunct) Department of Life Sciences, Ben-Gurion University, Beer Sheva.
1996-1997 Scientific Director, The Gilat Experiment Station, Northern Negev.
1986-2004 Founder and Head of the S. Tolkowsky Laboratory for Citrus Disease Research. ARO, Volcani Research Center, Bet Dagan
2004, 1st of September, Retired Officially after 39.5 years of service.
Supervision of Graduate Students
Since 1982, I served as an independent supervisor of PhD students from the Faculty of Agriculture Rehovot, The Hebrew University , Jerusalem. In total 11 M.Sc. and 9 PhD.D. Students, have completed their degrees under my supervision.
1980 The Lee Hutchins award, The American Physiopathology Society
1996 Elected, Scientist of the Year, Agricultural Research Organization, Israel
Moshe hasn’t been heard from him since this incident – we assume he is dead. The connections between Moshe, Baxter, Ukraine, biological weapons research, and influenza, and the overwhelming use of force (microwave weapons, etc) certainly gives me pause as to what is going on here. Moshe fingered Ukraine as the source of a potential outbreak in August 2009 – months before we see what appears to be the spread of a stronger more deadly flu strain in the country he named. I suppose we are lucky that this time it does not involve Baxter’s H5N1.
Anyone who carefully studies the world we live in , with an appetite for the truth and a discerning eye, will quickly realize we have been sold a false bill of goods. A pack of lies, if you will. The truth is, Governments are incredibly corrupt, and they are getting worse. Large Banks are criminal enterprises. Politicians are for show, and are generally bribed or blackmailed. There are only a handful of individuals who are not morally compromised.
When sufficient excavation of the facade of modern civilization is conducted, it becomes clear we are dealing with international money power – a global criminal syndicate consisting of corrupt multi-billionaires and their associates acting in their own criminal interests. Their objective is nothing less than to impose a form of neo-feudalism of the countries upon the world.
Sound hard to believe? Take a look at the actions of Bernanke, Paulson, or the SEC. These are the actions of individuals and institutions representing a corrupt purpose and objective, not simply academics who are incompetent. This same pattern of corruption we see in global finance is repeated across the board, from defense contractors to pharmaceutical companies.
Take a look at the resemblance of the current trend towards privatized profits and socialized losses. This is a business model that would fit quite well in Italy in 1933. We move closer and closer towards the model of global corporatism as international financiers consolidate their power and ownership through public-private monopolies. All that is missing is a new war. The plague is obviously on its way , whether sooner or later.
Ultimately , as we mentioned, the objective is global neo-feudalism and the destruction nation-states through various methods (war, poverty, famine, plague, etc). This is all crystal clear in Henry Kissinger’s National Security Study Memo 200, which advocates forced depopulation of the third world in order to maintain the narrow political objectives of a corrupt elite.
While their objectives are complex, their methods are much simpler.
Part of this policy is depopulation. Which is why we can expect war, disease, and famine in the coming years. This will not be blind chance. This will be political policy.
In this article, I attempted to review all aspects of a potential flu epidemic in Ukraine. There are various puzzle pieces which have accumulated, and I have attempted to paint a picture of a rather dark reality which many will not be familiar with. My objective is not to frighten anyone, but simply to force the hand of the global authorities towards a more sensible outcome through deliberate media exposure.
We appear to have a new strain of influenza in Ukraine– but this is not the only possibility. A new strain of H1N1 influenza is simply the best explanation at this point in time. We may also be dealing with false statistics from the Ukrainian government coupled with rumors. There are other explanations as well. As we go forward, information will slowly become more available – outside the channels of criminal authorities, who know their time is short.
We must remember never to tolerate corruption and evil, lest it consume the beauty mankind has worked so hard to construct
Tags: h1n1 bird flu birdflu swine flu swineflu h5n1 pandemic ott deagle eisenstein cassel vaclib nvic dissent resistance vaccine vaccination toxic adjuvants mf-59 squalene genocide who cdc nih globalists ge
[Alexander S. Jones (not to be confused with a fearmongering egomaniacal radio host and filmmaker of the same name) is a former genetic analyst with the National Institute for Health (NIH) and has been a member of Dr. Bill Deagle's research team for many months. -ed]
Deadly flu spreads across Ukraine
by Alexander S. Jones
Deadly flu continues to spread across Ukraine, criminal World Health Organization lies to the public, MSM maintains radio silence.
There are many aspects to this story. It is impossible to know where to begin — let alone cover all the pertinent facts in just one article. Those who have followed my Zerohedge columns in the past may be aware the subject of pandemic influenza has been a regular feature, precisely because there have been multiple signs indicating a global pandemic would be exploited (and perhaps even initiated) by governments and international banks for political purposes.
The signs have been building, including as I previously reported, forced quarantine orders inadvertently published by the CDC. What do these people know which the public does not?
Over the past two weeks, what appears to be a particularly virulent form of the flu has been spreading in Ukraine and adjacent Eastern European countries. This new flu is, in my opinion, a lethal new strain which has mutated (or was released). I speak with a background in virology. This new mutated flu virus appears to have a remarkable affinity for the lungs and is causing deaths to a much higher extent than the previous swine flu. Something in the virus has changed. I have covered this incredibly important story for two weeks now in my weekly column This Week In Mayhem, which is generally published on Monday mornings.
Regardless, there has been almost zero (NOTHING. NADA. SILENCE.) mention of the Ukraine epidemic in the mainstream media, a fact which I find both astonishing and profoundly disturbing. There is apparently collusion at the highest levels of government and media to suppress this information. There are now 1.3 million infected in Ukraine, and over 75,000 hospitalized — IN FOURTEEN DAYS. This is very serious! Based on previous clinical data we can expect over 8,000 to be dead or soon to be dead. Forward projection of the epidemic is difficult because the clinical attack rate is unknown — but myself and my associates remain concerned it may be quite high. Deaths globally may be in the millions. Let’s hope this is not the case.
An example of viral pneumonia. Yeah, fail.
The new flu strain, which I contend is spreading in Ukraine and Belarus, is characterized by a lightning form of viral pneumonia — very similar to what happened in 1918. The new flu virus appears to have profound tissue affinity for sialic acid receptors deep in the lungs, replicating in the alveoli. To put it mildly, the lungs fill with blood. Quotes from Ukrainian officials included quotes such as “total destruction of the lungs.” Ukrainian Doctor Viktor Bachinsky has stated, “The virus causing the deaths is extremely aggressive — it doesn’t first infect the throat (as is common in flu), but strikes the lungs directly.” In Ukraine’s western Chernovetsky region, an epicenter of the outbreak, doctors have said lab tests showed at least some of the fatalties appeared to be caused by a flu dissimilar to both common flu and swine flu. In other words, a mutant flu. This claim of a ‘mutant flu’ has been echoed by Ukrainian public health officials such as Dr. Vasyl Lazoryshynetz. Unfortunately, as noted in the above Russia Today video, pharmacies across the country are sold out of antivirals. To the hard of thinking — yes, this is currently happening in Ukraine.
I have multiple sources confirming spot outbreaks of viral pneumonia in Eastern Europe, including official and non-official entities. In terms of the current situation, there appear to be a high number of pneumonia patients in Ukrainian and Belerusian hospitals. This epidemic has not shut down Ukrainian society yet, but it has caused many people to become concerned, and to buy up essential medicines. Reports from doctors in Belarus indicate they do not expect this deadly new flu epidemic to peak until Christmas or later. This is why it is important to analyze the situation and viral genetics now, and if necessary, contain the spread of the virus while it is still possible — something the criminals at WHO do not appear interested in doing. These idiots at WHO have yet to release the viral gene sequences (even though they have had them for two weeks), and are now outright lying in their press releases, which I detail later. In terms of how dangerous this new flu strain could potentially be, I conducted a rough analysis of the Ukrainian government statistics, yielding a projected case fatality rate (CFR) of 0.61% — over six times as lethal as seasonal flu.
Lastly, there are signs the virus is genetic engineered.
The Ukrainian government has been releasing daily data updates on the numbers of “acute respiratory infections” , the number of related hospitalizations , and the number of deaths since Oct 28, 2009. These reported numbers have increased substantially over the past two weeks, from near zero before Halloween to over a million as of today. It is important to remember that these statistics are not laboratory confirmed H1N1 cases (due to the state of the Ukrainian medical system), but we can cautiously assume at this point the vast majority of ARI (acute respiratory infection) in Ukraine with rapid progression to viral pneumonia are caused by influenza A virus. This is because a large subset of these samples are coming up positive of Influenza A, and a smaller subset tested by rt-rtPCR are coming up positive for influenza A/H1N1, or what is more commonly known as ’swine flu’. This suggests we are dealing with a viral epidemic of influenza.
This is not ’swine flu’ as previously known. Statistically, the only way for this to be ’swine flu’ is if it has mutated (or if the data is wrong). . . We will get to that in a minute.
As I mentioned , this data comes directly from the Ukrainian government. In the past two weeks, ARI have gone from near zero before Halloween to affecting 1.3 million Ukrainians. Over a million people are currently sick with probable H1N1. More importantly, there are over 75,000 total hospitalized at the time of the writing of this article, Monday 11/16. Based on these two figures (75,000 / 1.3 million), approximately 5.6% of those infected with this new ARI end up at the hospital. This is the critical statistic which allows us to estimate how f*cked we actually might be.
Officially, there are 299 deaths, but a realistic estimate shows this is easily one order of magnitude too low. Realistically deaths are between 2,000 – 8,000 people from this probable new strain of the flu — so far. The number of dead is sure to rise dramatically, as we are only two weeks into this new epidemic. Which brings us to our estimation of the case fatality rate (CFR). Again, I would love to be wrong about this. Let’s hope I am.
The current American strain ’swine flu’ has a case fatality rate (CFR) of 0.1% or less. Seasonal flu has a CFR of 0.1%. The 1957 pandemic had a case fatality rate of 0.5%. The deadly 1918 pandemic had a CFR of 2 – 5%. Based on the Ukrainian government statistics, the new mutated Ukrainian flu has a CFR of 0.61% or higher — that is, 6.1x as lethal as seasonal flu , perhaps more. Perhaps less if our assumptions are wrong.
We arrive at the 0.61% CFR statistic based on the number of hospitalizations in Ukraine vs. the number of infections. This estimate is only as good as the underlying data, but I have confidence it is in the ball-park (order of magnitude). I consider the official reported number of deaths (299) to be unreliable for political reasons. No one wants to be the country with the lethal flu. Doctors, especially those in Belarus (which is a dictatorship) feel strong administrative pressure to label influenza viral pneumonia deaths as something else, for example cardiac failure. Thus , ARI hospitalizations are the more reliable indicator for what is happening on the ground. Deaths can be implied from hospitalization statistics, assuming we are dealing with a form of H1N1 influenza.
Last week, the medical journal the Lancet published a meta-analysis of the (old) swine flu confirming a JAMA report that approximately 11% of hospitalized patients who had contracted the (old) swine flu died. We will use this 11% figure as our “middle case”. The official government reported deaths (299) are considered “best case”. For a “worst case” estimate, we can assume that 25% of hospitalized flu patients will eventually die. We can use these 11% and 25% statistics to estimate the case fatality rate of the Ukrainian flu. The method is as follows:
To calculate the “middle case” and infer fatalities, we take 0.11 (11%, the figure from the JAMA) and multiply it by the number of Ukrainian hospitalizations on a particular date, to yield the expected number of ultimate fatalities. This method assumes the vast majority of reported ARI are from H1N1 swine flu. Using the November 15th data, this gives us 8345 expected fatalities. We take the number of expected fatalities and divide this into the total number who are estimated to be infected on the same particular data point (Nov 15). So 8345 deaths / 1.36 million infections , which yields the case fatality rate, which in this case is 0.61%. Obviously this is a rough estimate, but it is probably within an order of magnitude of the real CFR.
Assumptions for this model:
1) The vast majority of reported Ukrainian ARI are some form of H1N1 flu.
2) The data from the Ukrainian government for infections and hospitalizations is reliable and is not ‘massaged’ for political purposes.
Implications of this model:
1) If A1 and A2 are true, then statistically speaking we must be dealing with mutated H1N1 influenza (mutated ’swine flu’).
In any case, this estimated CFR for Ukrainian flu is over six times higher than seasonal flu. Not good. Let’s hope this is wrong. Our “worst case” 25% estimate gives a CFR of 1.39%, enough to eventually shut down commerce and society across the planet — but fortunately it is likely this “worst case” estimate is far off the mark. For our estimates here, including the CFR estimate of 0.61% using the data from the JAMA — supposing this estimate was purely based on Ukrainian government statistics, we could consider such an arbitrarily high Case Fatality Rate unreliable , and the product of bad data. However, in the context of multiple reports from individuals as well as state health authorities of MANY cases of viral pneumonia and thousands of patients in intensive care in Belarus and Ukraine, we consider this CFR estimate to make much more sense. That is, it fits the data on the ground of a worsening flu pandemic with a tendency towards viral pneumonia.
The old swine flu did not cause viral pneumonia, generally speaking. The new apparently mutated swine flu does, to an extent orders of magnitude higher. Thus , there must have been changes to the receptor binding domain , among other genes (perhaps PA, PB2, and NS1).
I am not fond of the World Health Organization. In my opinion, it is a tool of corrupt billionaire international financiers with which to achieve their dark global geopolitical objectives in the area of public health. These objectives are rarely in the public interest. We could spend paragraphs discussing deep corruption at WHO. One important point to remember is their obvious complicity and criminal cover-up regarding MMR vaccine contamination with Avian Leukosis Virus (ALV) , which may induce cancer.
The point here regarding WHO and the potential outbreak Ukraine is several:
-WHO has yet to release the gene sequences of the Ukrainian flu, despite possessing them for almost two weeks. They have also had a “team” on the ground in Lviv for a similar period of time. Where are the flipping gene sequences? The WHO has claimed there are no “big” mutations in the flu strain (apparently ruling out a viral reassortant), but has so far refused to release the Ukrainian flu gene sequences to the Internet community for analysis. This is reprehensible. What are these people doing? The world could know very quickly what we were dealing with if this genetic data was published, but instead it’s being kept secret for whatever ulterior motives the WHO is operating under.
-WHO issued a press release on Friday which contained the following astonishing quote, bordering on deception.
“Because of a sharp rise in pandemic influenza cases one week ago in Ukraine, the Ministry of Health requested assistance from WHO European Regional Office to evaluate and respond. The initial analysis of information indicates that the numbers of severe cases do not appear to be excessive when compared to the experience of other countries and do not represent any change in the transmission or virulence of the virus.”
Okay, let’s see: Ukraine asked WHO to respond. WHO sent a team to Lviv. So far so good, despite the missing gene sequences. Now wait, what? The WHO publishes their all-star analysis… “The number of severe cases do not appear to be excessive”? Are you kidding me? Please explain how 75,000 hospitalizations in two weeks is not ‘excessive’? And how all the pharmacies sold out of antivirals? And how Ukraine is under de-facto martial law? And that Yushenko gave a prime-time speech more or less threatening political dissidents if they don’t follow government orders? Or that school in Ukraine is canceled for three weeks? Half the country under quarantine? Hospitals seeing a surge of viral pneumonia patients? What gives? Are these people at WHO retarded or are they criminals?
Oh and of course the gem of this press release by WHO: That “[ the numbers of severe cases ] do not represent any change in the transmission or virulence of the virus.” Hahahaa! You are going to tell me that Ukraine went from two cases to 1.3 million cases in 14 days , and that doesn’t represent any change in transmission? Is this supposed to be a joke? These pharmaceutical crooks damn well better explain themselves if you are going to make claims so obviously contrary to reality. Does the WHO contend the Ukrainian government just pulling these figures out of the air? What of the case reports of rapidly deteriorating viral pneumonia in Belarus, Ukraine, and Romania? What is causing this? What about the statements from Ukrainian health officials that we have a new flu strain? On what data are WHO basing these preposterous claims, which fly in the face of reality and common sense? Why not release the Ukrainian gene sequences? There is an obvious spike in mortality and pneumonia – why? Does WHO contend this is another pathogen besides influenza? If so, what? Honestly, this statement issued Friday November 13th from WHO is so obviously full of lies I really don’t even have to comment; anyone with a brain can see they are not telling us the truth.
-WHO dodges questions from Bloomberg and Sun Media regarding a mutation in Ukrainian flu during last weeks press conference.
Phil Serafino, Bloomberg: Dr Shindo……..I have a second question also which may not be your area of expertise but have you heard anything about the mutation of the virus or has it changed at all – are we looking at anything different than a few months ago?
Dr Shindo /WHO: Well, I can answer that question first. The virus is quite stable. It hasn’t changed……..
Joseph: This is Joseph from Kuala Lumpur – I am from the Sun Media……I just want to ask whether or not any slight mutation even a drift variant has been noticed so far?
Dr Shindo / WHO: Amazingly this virus is very stable and part of the reason, virologists (are saying) is because of the lack of pre-existing immunity in population so that virus doesn’t have to mutate to escape from people’s immunity. So it’s quite stable.
What a joke! You’d think these fools at WHO were politicians , rather than doctors! Twice, the WHO official dodges questions from reporters (Bloomberg nonetheless!) on whether we are dealing with a critical new mutation in Ukraine sequences responsible for higher lethality and infectivity. Unbelievable. Again, I suggest these actions by WHO, taken in concert, are more akin to the actions of a criminal syndicate than to a global public health service. Lies and evasion. Stonewalling. Is this how we expect public servants to behave, especially on time-crucial issues upon which millions of lives depend? Unfortunately this is par for the course. Perhaps we should re-evaluate our conception of the world in which we live. hint: it is so incredibly corrupt, it defies man’s imagination.
-Someone personally contacted WHO asking point-blanc , “Is there a critical mutation in this flu in Eastern Europe” and was met with silence.
The above speaks for itself. I was made aware of this contact through a phone conversation with a journalist from
I have mentioned the silence in the MSM on this issue. The only significant story I have noted was a story in Bloomberg. The NYT jumped on the bandwagon last Friday with a garbage fluff piece not addressing the critical questions. Furthermore, prior to these two articles, all MSM stories regarding Ukraine and flu were focusing on the internal political rivalry , rather than the rapid increase in infections and hospitalizations. My opinion here is that the MSM has been deliberately ignoring this story, as well as spinning it as “insignificant” by framing it as foreign politics rather than public health.
Instead, we see the usual MSM flu garbage about getting vaccinated (but of course no mention of vaccine contamination), about children getting sick, about pet cats catching the flu, and so on. The hype machine is still running 24/7. So where were the stories on Ukraine? What gives? Judging by all the ridiculous swine flu scare stories we’ve been hearing since past Spring , you’d think the mass media would jump all over the opportunity to scare the hell out of the public with the potential emergence of a new strain? But instead, silence.
I mentioned this before, I will embed the genetics image once again.
The swine flu virus is a triple-triple-reassortant , with the earlier triple-reassortant being approximately one decade old. The new H1N1 (’swine flu’) emerged out of nowhere, out of season in Mexico, and went on to infect many people out of season in Spring 2009. The virus was fit and transmissible from the start – there was no detection of sporadic community outbreaks prior to the replication coefficient exceeding 1.0, resulting in sustained transmission. So this virus emerged ready to go – whether from genetic engineering, or from natural selection. However, no farm or wild swine herd has been identified which served as the reservoir for original Mexico City outbreak. The “patient zero” so-hyped by CNN – a 5-year old boy from La Gloria, Mexico – supposedly contracted the infection from a swine factory farm 80km away. This, we are supposed to believe, even though the virus was not identified in any pigs at the factory farm. So no source has yet been identified. The origins remain mysterious.
While a triple-reassortant flu is not uncommon, in the context of other information , geopolitical , economic , and scientific, the emergence of the original swine flu is extraordinarily suspect. The potential virulent reemergence is Ukraine after aerosol spraying is even more suspect. The H1N1 virus contains genes from multiple flu viruses – three to be precise. These three flu viruses which comprise ’swine flu’ are from multiple continents. Furthermore, a total off 4-8% of the RNA (genetic material) is entirely new, with no known match in the public gene databases. The RNA polymerase in this flu is extra-ordinarily error prone according to the University of Edinburgh, multiple times the error rate of seasonal flus. Furthermore, the RNA polymerase is comprised of a bird-human-pig hybrid protein trimer from an earlier H3N2 triple-reassortant. This may be partly responsible for its ability to easily bridge across species. According to Dr. Adrian Gibbs, co-creator of Tamiflu, for this virus to emerge naturally, swine would have had to pass through quarantine twice in order to acquire the necessary genetics. Once from America to Asia , with a wait time in quarantine, and then back again from Asia to America, once again with a wait time through quarantine to America. Of course, this does not even include the pig getting the necessary flu triple coinfection after making ,its journey around the world. Even after this may have hypothetically occurred, the emergent virus was suddenly evolutionarily fit to spread in pigs, yet also genetically fit to spread in humans, yet also acquiring the necessary host-to-host contact between man and pig. If this was so, why was this not detected in any swine in Mexico prior to humans spreading the virus back to their herds? This suggests the virus emerged in humans first, prior to swine, which would indicate potential genetic engineering.
Lastly , comments from Dr. Adrian Gibbs, co-creator of Tamiflu, suggest a laboratory origin for this virus. Dr. Gibbs was very courageous to state this opinion despite the mass media brainwashing to the contrary. Gibbs suggested the emergence was unintentional, but I do not believe that to be the case. Many powerful players stand to benefit from the emergence of a pandemic , especially one with the ‘genetic history’ necessary to establish plausible deniability on the occasion the virus ’spontaneously’ becomes more virulent. A short list of of such entities and their potential objectives is provided in the second-to-last section of this article. For further research regarding the emergence of swine flu ,its genetic structure, and potential players involved, I suggest reviewing the work of Bill Sardi, who has his papers published on Lew
Where Did the H1N1 Late-2009 Flu Season Virus Come From?
Why Isn’t the H1N1 Pandemic Flu Being Investigated as a Designed Bioweapon?
Bill Sardi Archives
Co-creator of Tamiflu says ’swine flu’ was created in a lab§ionid=3510210
Some may not be aware, but our government has spent immense amounts of money resurrecting the deadly 1918 flu virus which killed millions of people. This terrible plague was lost to history – prior to the work of Dr. Jeffrey Taubenberger at the US Army Institute of Molecular Pathology. Approximately one decade ago, teams affiliated with the US government began digging up deceased individuals who were preserved in the Alaskan permafrost – individuals who died from the previously-extinct lethal flu from 1918. The fragments of viral RNA were combined from various dead bodies, in order to get the full spectrum of genetic material necessary to rebuild the deadly 1918 virus. These mad scientists used OUR TAX MONEY to sequence the RNA from a constellation of genes belonging to this extraordinary lethal flu, in order to reconstruct it. Once the entire deadly 1918 virus was sequenced, it was reconstructed from scratch using the process of reverse-genetics, and then active reconstructed 1918 viral particles were inoculated into animals – including primates –in order to study their incredibly ‘lethal’ effects and destruction of lung tissue. The government has spent a huge amount of money on programs closely related to weaponization of influenza.
Multiple studies were published by the US Army / Ft. Dietrick team, with most articles with abstracts freely accessible in NIH Pubmed, and many co-authored by Dr. Jeffrey Taubenberger at the US Army BSL3/BSL4 (Biosafety Level 3/4) laboratories. One of these studies involved comparing the X-ray crystal structure of the 1918 virus hemaglutinin to H5N1 (bird flu) hemaglutinin, which is a curious topic to study, unless you are attempting to create lethal pandemic flu. This is stepping so close to biological weapons research I am astonished this much was published. If you think this Army program was somehow not involved in weaponization of influenza, then I have a bridge to sell you in Brooklyn. They were obviously involved with weapons research. If and how the current ‘pandemic’ is related is up for debate.
Of course, the latest 2009 gems from these various scientific psychopaths include a study published this fall titled “Resurrected Pandemic Influenza Viruses.” In this study, the mad-scientist brain-trust affiliated with Taubenberger uses big research money funneled out from Uncle Sugar’s loving tentacles, and constructs recombinant pandemic viruses in order to determine the amino acid changes responsible for virulence (lethality). In other words, these individuals are being paid to study how to make influenza more deadly. Why?
The whole point of this idiocy is that it’s somewhat like Jurassic Park. If you do not resurrect the Velociraptor, you do not have to worry about it killing you. So why resurrect the Velociraptor? Is this not foolish? Or perhaps money talks, and Uncle Sugar likes his weapons, regardless of form or function.
For further information, see:
Resurrected pandemic influenza viruses.
Tumpey TM, Belser JA.
Influenza Division, National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, Georgia 30333, USA.
as well as the work of Dr. Jeffrey Taubenberger, searchable at NIH Pubmed:
If one examines the charts posted at the beginning of this article, it becomes apparent the Ukraine outbreak begins approximately Oct 28 – 30, 2009 if we are to believe the official statistics. Additionally , we know the Ukrainian government’s daily statistical updates began on October 28th 2009, when the rate of infections began to increase from a previously established baseline. What is curious is that this time frame coincides with reports of low-altitude aerial spraying in areas where the virus spread the most rapidly, particularly the Lviv region. In fact, reports to the Ukrainian government regarding low-altitude aerial spraying around Halloween reached such a high incidence, the government was forced to issue an official denial that were any aerial ‘flu reduction operations’ in progress.
So the question becomes, what exactly was going on here? What were eyewitnesses observing? Was something being sprayed? Could the spraying have the objective of modulating flu infectivity? Clearly something interesting was going on if the government was forced to issue an official denial and with hundreds of eyewitness reports.
Ukraine Reports of Overhead Aerosol Spraying
On October 31, Kiev newspaper editors got dozens of calls about light planes doing aerosol spraying during the day. In refuting the claims, the district’s Emergency Response office said “no permission had been granted for small aviation aircraft to fly within the city limits.” Yet eye-witness accounts from Lviv, Ternopil, and other Ukraine cities said the same thing.
Authorities in Kiev, Ukraine, deny spraying of “aerosolized medication” by aircraft over city.
The Office for Emergency Situations Desniansko district of Kyiv denies reports that in the metro “Forest” with the help of aviation dissipated funds against influenza.
Earlier today, the city rumors that over the market near the metro station “Forest” flying the plane, spraying some way from the “swine” influenza. The caller to the editors of newspapers in Kiev “forest residents reported that they or their friends or relatives of people here have seen circling over the aircraft market. It was also reported that retailers were encouraged to stay in tents.
The administration of the market “Forest” strongly refuted this information.
In Gosaviadministratsii correspondent “Newspapers in Kiev was told that any permission to fly to the city limits of small aviation aircraft today are not issued.
For information on spraying means against influenza is also refuted in the Directorate of Health of the city.
However, such rumors are being discussed in Internet forums Lviv, Ternopil and other cities.
Interesting, huh? So on Oct 31, local Ukrainian government authorities advise people to stay indoors because of anti-flu spraying, which is then followed by eyewitness reports and complaints to Kyiv and Lviv authorities of light aircraft spraying aerosols, which is then followed by repeated strong denials from government higher-ups… Indeed, the plot thickens. The question is rather, are these facts relevant to the situation? Related? Just rumors? I simply do not know. Your guess is as good as mine. Just another piece to the puzzle. Our job is to determine if it fits.
Last year, Chicago-based Baxter Pharmaceutical sent deadly contaminated flu vaccine to multiple sub-contractor laboratories in multiple countries – to include , at minimum Czech Republic, Slovania, Austria, and Germany. Baxter’s vaccine product was represented as H3N2 “seasonal flu” vaccine material – but this product that was somehow “accidentally” contaminated with the 30-80% deadly H5N1 ‘bird flu’. Theoretically, this could have caused a terrible global plague had this egregious mistake not been caught by a sub-sub-contractor called Biotest in the Czech Republic , who by a miracle decided to inject their animals, and noticed all their laboratory ferrets contracted lethal illness after testing Baxter’s deadly vaccine material.
Here is the relevant Bloomberg article from Feb 24, 2009:
Baxter Sent Bird Flu Virus to European Labs by Error
Feb. 24 (Bloomberg) — Baxter International Inc. in Austria unintentionally contaminated samples with the bird flu virus that were used in laboratories in three neighboring countries, raising concern about the potential spread of the deadly disease.
Again: Last year, Baxter sent out seasonal flu vaccine material to labs around the world , vaccine material which was somehow ‘accidentally’ mixed with deadly H5N1 bird flu! If humans had been inadvertently exposed to this vaccine material, they could have easily contracted fatal bird flu and potentially spread it to others, resulting in a lethal global pandemic. This should never have happened, but Baxter has offered no explanation for their actions, nor the sequence of events which resulted in this deadly incident – where restricted H5N1 bird flu virus somehow left their secure facilities ,and ended up in seasonal flu vaccine material. Insanity!
Here is a diagram of what actually happened:
Now again, this should NEVER happen, because these pathogens are normally handled under BSL3 (Biosafety Level 3) procedures. Thirty-seven people at Biotest in the Czech Republic spent the month in quarantine because of Baxter’s criminal idiocy. At the very least, Baxter’s vaccine bird flu contamination was criminally negligent. No individuals at Baxter have been brought to justice for this potentially deadly incident.
And this is not the last time you will find Baxter connected with deadly flu…
Given that I run in the Internet underworld, I do have the scoop on this interesting story. In August 2009, a patriot radio host (Dr. A True Ott) on Republic Broadcast Network (RBN) received a phone call from an unidentified man with a thick Middle-Eastern accent. The man claimed to have knowledge of a large Baxter production facility in Ukraine, which he claimed was involved in producing biological weapons – particularly in the form vaccines contaminated with biologically active RNA from the H5N1 virus (sound familiar?). See above. The man claimed Baxter would eventually provoke a lethal global flu pandemic.
Now, as a radio host, Dr. Ott gets a fair amount of random phone calls, so he took what was mentioned by this mysterious caller with a grain of salt. Now the man , who turned out to be Israeli virus scientist Dr. Joseph Moshe, asked Dr. Ott where he could turn in evidence – including documents – regarding Baxter’s involvement in influenza weaponization programs, particularly through their Ukrainian production facility. Dr. Ott asked the man his location – to which the caller replied ‘Southern California’ – so Ott told the mysterious caller (Joseph Moshe) that he would be best off taking the documents to a US Attorney’s office in downtown Los Angeles.
The VERY NEXT DAY the following televised standoff occurs in the parking lot outside the LA Federal Building. Microwave weapons. Tear gas robots. Swat Teams. The works. You have to watch the video to believe it. The media and Feds claimed Joseph Moshe made threats against the White House. Are you kidding me? I don’t buy it. This guy was a threat to someone’s agenda. Watch this video of the incredible level of force used against this unassuming Israeli plant scientist, and judge for yourself what you believe.
Incidentally, here is Joseph Moshe’s biography.
Moshe Bar Joseph, Prof. (Retiree)
Plant Protection, Plant Pathology and Weed Research
Research Interests / Job description
Telephone Tel: +97289350823
Cellphone Cell: +972509350823
Fax Fax: + 97289352826
Office location: Bet Dagan
Dept of Plant Pathology and Weed Research
ARO, The Volcani Center
Bet Dagan 50250
Research Interests / Job description:
-Management and control of virus and virus like disease agents of subtropical fruit trees, with special emphasis on citrus.
-Certification programs, nursery propagation methods and modern cultivation practices of citrus & subtropical fruit trees.
-Eradication policies and practices of potentially epidemic disease agents of fruit trees.
-Phytoplasma, Spiroplasma and insect vectored disease agents of citrus and subtropical fruit trees
-Molecular characterization and evolution of Closteroviridae and of viroid disease agents.
-Methods of pathogen detection and elimination.
-Transgenic plants (citrus) and rapid propagation technologies.
1972 Ph.D. Hebrew University, Jerusalem
1984 Researcher, Grade A+ (equivalent to Professor, Dept of Virology, ARO, The Volcani Research Center, Bet Dagan
1983-1984 Head of Department of Plant Pathology, Volcani Cente
1995-1986 Head of Department of Plant Virology, Volcani Center
1994 -2004 Professor (Adjunct) Department of Life Sciences, Ben-Gurion University, Beer Sheva.
1996-1997 Scientific Director, The Gilat Experiment Station, Northern Negev.
1986-2004 Founder and Head of the S. Tolkowsky Laboratory for Citrus Disease Research. ARO, Volcani Research Center, Bet Dagan
2004, 1st of September, Retired Officially after 39.5 years of service.
Supervision of Graduate Students
Since 1982, I served as an independent supervisor of PhD students from the Faculty of Agriculture Rehovot, The Hebrew University , Jerusalem. In total 11 M.Sc. and 9 PhD.D. Students, have completed their degrees under my supervision.
1980 The Lee Hutchins award, The American Physiopathology Society
1996 Elected, Scientist of the Year, Agricultural Research Organization, Israel
Moshe hasn’t been heard from him since this incident – we assume he is dead. The connections between Moshe, Baxter, Ukraine, biological weapons research, and influenza, and the overwhelming use of force (microwave weapons, etc) certainly gives me pause as to what is going on here. Moshe fingered Ukraine as the source of a potential outbreak in August 2009 – months before we see what appears to be the spread of a stronger more deadly flu strain in the country he named. I suppose we are lucky that this time it does not involve Baxter’s H5N1.
Anyone who carefully studies the world we live in , with an appetite for the truth and a discerning eye, will quickly realize we have been sold a false bill of goods. A pack of lies, if you will. The truth is, Governments are incredibly corrupt, and they are getting worse. Large Banks are criminal enterprises. Politicians are for show, and are generally bribed or blackmailed. There are only a handful of individuals who are not morally compromised.
When sufficient excavation of the facade of modern civilization is conducted, it becomes clear we are dealing with international money power – a global criminal syndicate consisting of corrupt multi-billionaires and their associates acting in their own criminal interests. Their objective is nothing less than to impose a form of neo-feudalism of the countries upon the world.
Sound hard to believe? Take a look at the actions of Bernanke, Paulson, or the SEC. These are the actions of individuals and institutions representing a corrupt purpose and objective, not simply academics who are incompetent. This same pattern of corruption we see in global finance is repeated across the board, from defense contractors to pharmaceutical companies.
Take a look at the resemblance of the current trend towards privatized profits and socialized losses. This is a business model that would fit quite well in Italy in 1933. We move closer and closer towards the model of global corporatism as international financiers consolidate their power and ownership through public-private monopolies. All that is missing is a new war. The plague is obviously on its way , whether sooner or later.
Ultimately , as we mentioned, the objective is global neo-feudalism and the destruction nation-states through various methods (war, poverty, famine, plague, etc). This is all crystal clear in Henry Kissinger’s National Security Study Memo 200, which advocates forced depopulation of the third world in order to maintain the narrow political objectives of a corrupt elite.
While their objectives are complex, their methods are much simpler.
Part of this policy is depopulation. Which is why we can expect war, disease, and famine in the coming years. This will not be blind chance. This will be political policy.
In this article, I attempted to review all aspects of a potential flu epidemic in Ukraine. There are various puzzle pieces which have accumulated, and I have attempted to paint a picture of a rather dark reality which many will not be familiar with. My objective is not to frighten anyone, but simply to force the hand of the global authorities towards a more sensible outcome through deliberate media exposure.
We appear to have a new strain of influenza in Ukraine– but this is not the only possibility. A new strain of H1N1 influenza is simply the best explanation at this point in time. We may also be dealing with false statistics from the Ukrainian government coupled with rumors. There are other explanations as well. As we go forward, information will slowly become more available – outside the channels of criminal authorities, who know their time is short.
We must remember never to tolerate corruption and evil, lest it consume the beauty mankind has worked so hard to construct
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